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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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About Jason and his potential romances, taking only this past month into account, Steve Burton easily had the most chemistry with Rebecca Herbst. I'm not a couple person and am not at all advocating them to reunite, just calling it like I see it, so far.

Portia was the best part of today. She wasn't taking any of these whack white people's crap and she made it known. Brook Kerr really is great in the role. That excited/concerned gasp she let out when Curtis first walked in front of her ... just such strong choices. She made me care. She brings a lot of heart to the role.

The Heather stuff is solid material for me. When she told Kevin what she dreamed of doing if she was a free woman almost made me tear up.

Sofia Mattson truly does give off horse girl vibes in every way. Still, I think Sasha is the character I'd miss the least if she left, but the show is engaging enough for me that I'm willing to let things simmer and stir without sharpening my axe just yet.

And Tracy being a full rounded character in 2024 is a wonderful thing to behold.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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They are clearly mopping up old stories carefully and somewhat slowly - Curtis and Marshall, Sasha at Deception, etc. The Jason saga (and the major family fallout) and the changes to Heather are obviously new, and stuff like Drew and Nina. The tone, content and execution for me are very different from a couple months ago, and it's a consistently well-written show worth watching now IMO. But yes, I agree it's time for unemployment to start hitting the cast. Multiple UI claims! I'm ready to see the big waves.

Edited by Vee
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@Vee ain't gonna be happy 'til he sees the banner "BLOODBATH AT GH!" splashed across SON, lol.

I loved this scene, too, but I pray this doesn't mean Stella will become Tracy's Magical Negro.

Really?  I mean, he's alright, but...he's no Philip Brown. 

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Seriously, some of us are hoping Chase and Brook Lynn's nuptials will turn into GH's answer to Red Wedding, lol.

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I agree with much that has been said. I also don't think that what Patrick got from Douglas was those "rules" & of course, Marland didn't live by them, not at all. 

To me PM/EK are knocking down C&D as fast as anyone could. It's just going to take some time. I pray to the soap gods that they are given that much time!! 

Also BetterForgotten's list of things we don't care about, absolutely. I care about Jason's story & about Kraze. Also I care about showing Sonny for the creature he has always been but normally not called on it by anyone. Love that PM/EK are finally doing that! 

We all know that chem is subjective. I see every kind of chem there is betw LW & SBu. I can see them doing a long slow burn to Jarly, but I can also see that they might not. If they don't then Jarly will still be each other's special friend. 

I know that some people here do not respect info I get from my sources. For that reason I do not mention them much, here, anymore. However, I am going to say a few things. Again I'm putting them under spoiler space, to be considerate of anyone who does not want to know. 


Jason is to continue to be shown with his kids, family, Jason's human side.

There's not going to be a purge, no bloodbath, and why? The network likes GH at this size & scope. On the one hand that's great to know about the network LIKING GH! But, all of the rest of us think this cast is bloated so that part is not so good!!! Too many is the new enough. 

Another thing that I think is good is that, by & large, most fans online at least do think that the day to day show is so much better! And, I am reminded that online fans are thought to only make up about 12% but we also know that we are LOUD. 

Only one more thing. Looking at ABC Daytime, GH does quite well, I believe, in ratings. As far as I know, GH & The View are ABCD's best shows & that is something that counts. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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It didn't start that way. Blaze was just a potential spoiler between Chase and BLQ during their horrible Linc storyline. And I saw potential there honestly. And I like she gave Adrienne Leon as BLQ vibes...right down to her clothes. But to be fair I do like black, leather, and Goths so...not surprised by anything Hot Topic-ish. 


That said...I felt they built onto her personality at the start of the Blaze/Kristina storyline. And it wasn't because she was both Latinx or LGBTQI+. She was just...a singer. I didn't get a token vibe from her pre-writing change.


That said...it has occurred to me that usually...in recent years...when another culture does appear that usually the black characters on shows do get sidelined. And I definitely don't want another case of the Rosales from Y&R because I feel there can be potential for all characters regardless of race...but I can't help but wonder has the uptick in Blaze/Blaze's mom persence come at the expense of the black characters on GH. I still think it is too soon to tell for me, though. 


But you give me something to think about with Blaze's scenes now to consider.

I won't mind seeing foine Phillip Brown or Robert Tyler again myself. Woof. 

I feel like they are personally. Things are slowly, but surely being re-aligned. Can't hate on that.





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