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Y&R April 2023 Discussion Thread

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So Christine is now DA. How does that work? Didn't she have that role a few years back and decide it was too much and resign?

Can she just step into that role? If the current DA resigned/retired wouldn't there be a process, instead of cricket just deciding she was going to do it again?

Looks like government departments work the same way as private companies in GC. Over coffee at Society, you decide to take over/purchase a company and within days it's done and dusted.

Is making Chris DA is setting up a Phyllis on trial story...

And from a SOD spoiler pic, it looks like Christine gets an......OFFICE!!!!

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Edited by Paul Raven
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In that section of SOD, they sometimes use old pics.

In this photo, Jack is wearing a blue workshirt like he the one he was issued at the jail when he was jailed in late March / early April 2018 for assaulting Victor. (JT threw Victor down the stairs but Jack was arrested)

Not sure if this pic is from then, from another time in the past, or if it's a brandnew pic.

I didn't pay much attention to sets back then so I don't know if this is an old or new set.

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Yes you're probably right. Thanks for pointing that out. I should have realized from Jack's shirt. He is always dressed now in suit and tie. I guess it was wishful thinking that a character might have an actual workplace. Will be interesting to see where the actual scene plays out-either Abbott house, CL or Society I guess.

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I liked the Sharon and Billy/Kyle scenes. I like this new version of Sharon as the town sage at Crimson Lights. It reminds me of Gina in the late 80’s/90’s. She was in the mix of everything, and maintained a bite. 

This nuanced version of Kyle is so welcome: being torn between helping Summer, while protecting Diane. I wish we could have more of these subtle acting moments from him. He doesn’t always have to be screaming. 

The Daniel/ Summer sibling relationship is very good. These portrayers have great chemistry. Daniel really feels like her brother, a chemistry I think all the Summers lacked with either the Daniel/ Noah(s). I also like the Daniel is the one spiralling, while Summer takes action. Girls truly rule the world. 

Trevor St. John is hotter than ever. His pecs thorough that button up shirt… he is the leading Chancellor man that we all deserve. 

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I wish that site would STOP posting their speculations as "News." I know they are the biggest click-baiter among all soap sites, but at least make it very clear that particular articles posted in the "news" section are opinion/speculation and not actual news.

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Soccer may disrupt Y&R and B&B 
Tues. April 11, Wed. April 12,
Tues. April 18, and Wed. April 19.
This affects the CBS broadcast only in western timezones.
You might need to watch on different time/channel, overnight, or online.
Does not impact the Canadian broadcast.

If you watch CBS soaps in Arizona or Hawaii, the disruption will be different than it was in Feb & March., because the live match in Europe is on "summer time" (Daylight Savings).

Details here:


Edited by janea4old
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Chris said about two weeks ago that she was considering being DA again.  Now, she is. 

Of course, two weeks ago was “yesterday” on Y&R, so… girl had a vision board with “DA” on it AND MADE IT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. 


We all know that on soaps anyone can get any job at any time with no skills whatsoever, so Chris being DA purely for this storyline works for me, because she actually is skilled. 

Now Nikki as a business exec. Hell, Kay as a business exec!  Two drunks (one a stripper) took quite a leap from the barroom to the boardroom. 

My all-time fave was talk-show host Reva on GL with ex-con, former hooker, bartender and waitress Selena as her producer. 

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@antmunoz Nikki as a business exec at Newman is plausible considering the decades she's been around Victor, who probably talks about NE 24/7! Both her children have been involved in the company for years. Despite it being this major corporation, I view it as more of a family business. Adding Nikki to the NE executive team was a good move. OC, she and Nick get overruled by Victor/Victoria 99% of the time anyway.

This is a big contrast to Kay, who kind of became de facto business woman because the writers thought it'd be a good idea. I never bought Kay being business savvy at all. Was she ever shown at the office? At least Jill clawed her way through the ranks at Jabot.

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I admit it, I have a hardon for Tucker. I loved his scenes with Devon today. I like their uneasy relationship. I like Tucker’s subtle but disappointed reaction to Devon passing on McCall. He said so much with his face and body language. I can’t wait to see this role evolve. 

Does anyone else feel like there is a Tucker/ Victoria pairing coming? I would not hate it. I would also love to see this version of Ashley and Victoria head-to-head, ala the 90’s portrayers battle over Cold Howard.

I definitely feel the chemistry between Summer and Chance. I know their real ages are further apart, but these portrayers look good together. Maybe this case pulls them closer together? And Kyle reticence to turn on his mum leads to Summer pushing him away, before she finds herself in Chance’s arms? 


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