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The Young and the Restless: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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Thank You! Also A Lovely Tribute by the former Channel Owner Y&Rfan94, Remember his wonderful Channels and Videos and through José Elias He sent me some great clips! He sent me this to share by decided to share Himself, I Am Glad He Did!!! It's a great tribute he got talent!

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Amazing how hiring a good actress for what had become a dead weight role can completely turn around the character in a positive and more sophisticated direction. AL is always good to watch and she definitely does best when she’s on the warpath. It’s too bad she’s stuck in the supporting role for now but I would say AL is my third favorite actress on the show right after SW and CH.

And yes, Phyllis’ most recent descent has actually been a long time coming. We first saw the cracks last summer, now she is completely shattered and unhinged. This is the most interesting Stafford/Phyllis has been in a very, very long time, even if we had those OTT drunk scenes. Like @DRW50 was saying it’s a throwback to her frenetic mess time period as opposed to the goofy comic relief extra Stafford has played since coming back in 2019.

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Can you imagine Hunter King playing any of that? HK isn’t even a bad actress, but she has a limited range and though she’s only three years younger than Alison Lanier, she reads as just out of high school. 

She always looked out of her depth in scenes with Courtney Hope. And you could see why they wrote Phyllis as infantilizing her, even though she was a 30-year-old woman running a major corporation.

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@dragonflies thanks for that re: Y&R actors as upcoming guests on The Talk.
The press release says that also on Monday 3/20, in addition to the four Abbott siblings, "host Jerry O’Connell goes on location at Y&R to share exclusive behind-the-scenes content with current and former cast members"
The full press release with that same list of guests for the week is here:

Edited by janea4old
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Not at all, and I agree with you about HK  having a limited range. She was okay, nothing too special in her first run. During her second run especially HK always came off as a cold and wet perpetual teenager. Lanier is far more confident,  dynamic and multifaceted as she brings a lot of warmth in her romantic and family scenes, but brings out the sharp razor edge when crossed. Both attributes HK never had.

In other words it’s nice to see Y&R  finally have a younger heroine again with an edge and isn’t like watching paint dry like so many others. 

Edited by soapfan770
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OMG Yes. I know there is someone else who has done that lately as well, but the person's name is escaping me at the moment. I always felt AL had some potential when she first appeared as Summer. And it appeared she has slowly made Summer her own over time. And then it was as if the writers noticed that potential and just as slowly started to write for it. AL just seems to have a thing when she carefully, but purposely builds her energy up and then finds the right moment to just explode. And it's been great to watch IMHO. The first time she did it was when Summer finally called Phyllis out and she's been off and running over hills and valleys since. Which has been great. I've been waiting for the moment there would be a rift between Summer and Kyle because it was inevitable. But I'm happy that took time and allowed for AL to make the role her own. Because NOW I feel there are stakes due to how masterful she has control over her character. And yes, AL does great all the time...even with very little...but her best for me so far has been when Summer is on the warpath. 


Oh for sure it has been a long time coming. And I know I called it last summer...especially once she lost Jack when she marked her territory loud in the hotel lobby that day. So it was just a matter of time before Jack (who can never do without a woman) was back with Diane. And I liked that took time, too, but never did I imagine that Phyllis would so shatter as much as she has now. This (outside of her destroying Sharon's room and framing her indirectly stopping another Shick reunion) is probably the closest we have gotten to THE Phyllis...and by THE I mean the truly dangerous one that ran down Cricket and Paul...just in time for the anniversary, too...uh oh? And while I hate Giggly Heffa, Phyllis HAS become interesting now that even Daniel and Summer have avoided her. 

Okay, you said it so much better than I did.


And I just realized who I was thinking of in my earlier post...AVERY POHL's Esme over on GH with her currently amnesiac vixen. And how she is handling her character with no memory is very much how you said above...a younger heroine with an edge. Though I love to hate her in her original form of psycho vixen. While you could tell she was faking being innocent when confronted by other characters originally...NOW she actually is innocent in her dealings, but still have hints of the edge she had when she had her memory...I like the dichotomy in her acting. 


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