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General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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The jab is at a number of people, including the actor revolt against his work as I mentioned above. It's never been confirmed that I know of but I suspect FV is another target since I know Frank was not willing to lose his job over Ron, and Ron's fan club (Daytime Confidential) turned on Frank around the same time as his firing.

I agree with all of what you said. Frank and Ron saved GH, that's undeniable, and broke the back of the mob for some time. But with a lot of good things also came a lot of bad stuff, and then their collective ego took over. Today the show is still very flawed but has a lot more equilibrium.

Edited by Vee
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I completely forgot that the main reason PC feels like PC again has been the reduction of the Mob related stories and influence. They still happen, but it’s not the only thing going. Sonny and Jason are not the lead in every story. 

I admit I loved the early mob days. I just have a visceral reaction to the Steve Burton and his version of Jason. Is it wrong to say he is my least missed actor? The show is always better balanced with him off canvas. Heck, I even liked Billy Miller’s version of jason more!

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Here are some new photos of Sprina from photographer Brad Everett Young. These are very good photos. I have liked a lot of Brad's work in the past when he's photographed soap stars.


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Oh, lord...Lucy!!! LOL!!! That said...with the addition of Drew to this Victor vs Anna/Laura plot, I hope that this means the end is coming. That's how we got Felicia killing Peter when everyone started to band together. Even though I wanted to shake her, I've been enjoying the increased presence.


Something I did not enjoy? Joss FINALLY finds out about Dex working for Michael. I just expected a bigger reaction. I also didn't like her and Dex cowarding from Michael like he's some big boss. And then she JOINED them. smh. The writers totally fumbled that shipment storyline.


I never thought I would say this but...THANK YOU, WILLOW!!!  Like everyone else, I want the Linc storyline done and I'm tired of Chase and BLQ's mixed signals so FINALLY Chase said how he was feeling. I actually teared up. 



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Regarding Ron

He stayed as HW at OLTL cause ABC wanted it canned so they didnt care who was writing at that point

At GH most of his 2015 was not good. When story goes crap the look at EP and HW. Frank as EP was keeping GH under budget so he was safe. Ron got canned


Im shocked that Ron is still HW at Days. Ken likes to fire writers a lot . Maybe the move to Peacock bought Ron time but Ken will get firing happy soon.


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Ron does a lot of things right as a writer: he mines a shows history, he brings back vets as much as possible, he infuses comedy/camp…

Where he breaks down is in execution of his story ideas. The pacing of his stories are always off. He tells more than he shows. He does not balance the A/B/C stories well, it sometimes feels like there is only a “A.”

I think with the right co-HW or breakdown writer he would be golden. It’s the day-to-day where his concepts fall apart. 

For example on GH, Maxie coming home with a mystery guy is interesting. Him going after Felicia and the Aztec jewels is interesting. Only, we barley saw Felicia and the jewels before the story met its climax. We didn’t have enough hints to the backstory of Felicia and Levi’s father. It was all told to us over the span of two weeks, and the story is over. 

Contrast that to Felicia’s latest return. Her tension with Anna over Maxie getting invoked with Peter. Revisiting Felicia’s own traumas with Faison. She ultimately ending Peter’s reign of terror. I think RC could have had a similar idea with with Levi, but his execution of the story was awful. 

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It was a recast of a very minor villain role from the '80s almost no one remembered but Ron. And also, the entire nauseating Levi/Maxie/Nathan saga had already gone on for months and months up to that point. It was a deeply unpopular story which dragged on forever, so I don't think it ever really worked. Also, I think Maxie and Wooden Nathan made out while literally standing over the bad guy's corpse.

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His biggest success at GH as far as ratings was the Robin storyline.  And it was only told slowly because he had no other choice- KMc was not available. So the payoff worked to build anticipation because they used Anna and Robert to get us there, and he had to wait due to outside forces.

I think he uses history in the hackiest way possible.  Bringing back AJ, Frank Smith, Duke, only to just kill them off again.  Or Julian Jerome in name only. He takes things too far because his personal tolerance does not match the audience. He writes characters into corners and then just hopes we forget about it (Ava, Julian, even Sonny).  Hell-even renaming Jakes to the Floating Rib just because he liked the name was stupid.  If Mac was going to rename it wouldn’t he go with The Outback?  He writes from a facts spreadsheet, devoid of character.

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I have said this before, but I think Ron would have lasted longer if the Kate/Connie story was a bit more successful.  That story took up so much time and was so unpopular I think that was the opening needed to can him on top of the other issues.   I have yet to find a person that has a single positive thing to say about it.  I know MB hated it too, but ironically, it actually made Sonny look pretty good (until he killed AJ obvs lol)

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And then followed it up with Luke has DID.  I hated the Kate/Connie story, her kid, Sonny shooting AJ, all of it.  And then to follow it up with Fluke being revealed as DID.  Awful.

The whole show wasn’t working and it felt like he was doubling down on messy.  As much as I loathed Guza, at least it was well written depressing deconstruction.  RC’s last year or so just felt both generic and amateurish.

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