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GH: Rumors regarding the vaccine mandate

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That's what pisses me off about the religious exemption.
A religious exemption is intended to protect followers of a religion against laws and mandates that go against a tenet of their religion.
So this applies to, say, not paying for an abortion when your religion preaches that it is murder.
HOWEVER it doesn't apply to "I'll claim that whatever I don't want to do is due to my religion".

Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure the only major US religion for which rejection of vacccines (and traditional medicine) is an actualy tenet that is taught, preached and believed is Christian scientism.

In NO other religion has there ever been a dogmatic issue with vaccines one way or another - which is why, vocal and meddling as Churches have been in our politics, it was never an issue until now. If it was a dogmatic issue, you can well imagine they'd have said something.
So: no. There is no religious exemption to be had because one's rejection of the covid vaccine is not in any way, shape or form based on a religious belief or a religious teaching. Claiming "Religion!" is not a get-out-of-jail free card for any law you don't like.
Some people who have decided they didn't want this vaccine for whatever reasons are after the fact trying to find rationales for their decision but that's not a religion.
Unless you count the current GOP as a cult which, you know...


This. So much this.
Just like Trump is simply in-your-face and crude about things most Republicans have believed and done under a facade of false rationales and propriety for decades. It is not a difference of degree, it is a difference of style. And it is morally bankrupt both ways

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Admittedly not delicious.  As previously noted I am not a fan of the actor nor the character, and I am firm believer in science and social responsibilty.  However, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had the perfect "told you so" gif cued up for the moment Jason crawled out of that cave.

Alas, some people would rather throw away a thirty year career over a rigid adherence to personal beliefs rather than participate in a collective effort of healing.  Just as this, selfish, uneducated, melodramatic, poorly aging, fool now expects people to support him financially through patreon when he wouldn't wear a mask or get a shot to protect the health of even one of his fans.

Edited by j swift
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The sad thing is, I bet many of his fans will do support him financially in any way he puts out there. I still can’t believe he was kissing multiple costars, while Delta was raging and he wasn’t vaccinated. 

I think his accommodation requests were BS, but the legal standard for a religious exemption is that it has to be a sincerely held religious belief. The religion itself is less important than the persons prior conduct in similar situations (i.e., even if the Pope said Catholics can get the vaccine, a court may find that a Catholic has a sincerely held religious belief that must be accommodated). We don’t know if in Steve’s case GH found he didn’t have such a belief or if accommodating him would be an undue burden (especially since he has to routinely swap spit with his coworkers!). I’m a lawyer and helping my HR dept wade through our RA requests and some are…interesting. 

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I can't believe that SB would expect any financial aid from 'fans' through Patreon.

The guy has had steady well paid employment for years as well as 'side hustles'.

If he is not financially secure by this point then that's on him.

Anyway the whole Patreon thing bugs me full stop.

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Well if He had made GH believe he was vaccinated and then couldnt back it up. Then with him getting COVID and realizing he was unvaccinated & kissing co-stars, which put them at risk

The Nava scenes seemed empty without the kissing but until MC was vaxxed I appauld Maura for saying no kissing

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What's with this freedom s hit? I'm so sick of hearing this garbage!!

Chad Brannon (ex-Zander): So sorry Steve. Way to stand for personal freedom. And great word of gratitude.

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Great perspective.

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