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Y&R: Tony Morina accused of sexual harassment. Sony being sued.

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Nah, GH is a lost cause.  Frank produces that show quickly and on budget.  Until something occurs that forces him out of that EP chair, ABC's gonna see to it that he goes nowhere.

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I just wish I knew how he has kept GH looking as good as it does. They seem to have an endless supply of sets, even Curtis' dad (which is like a D story) got a bedroom set! And these are big sets! GH to me is the most modern looking soap and because it has so many different sets it allows for more movement. The other three soaps, even B&B now, keep shrinking what little sets they have down. For this reason alone I'd be curious to see what he'd do on the Bell soaps.

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I was surprised by that too. There are a hundred bars on GH: The Tan O, Kellys, The Haunted Star, The Floating Rib, the Metro Court bar, The Savoy, and so many apartment sets. Meanwhile Y&R just has that hotel lobby and I question if they still have the GC athletic club. Add to that a bloated cast.

Edited by ironlion
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Thank you. By default the man is the villain and the female accuser is the hero.

I was sexually attacked in a class once by two female classmates when I was 17 and there were witnesses including a teacher.

One chick held me down while the other twisted acts turned my genitals. I ran crying to the counselor and they could only give them in-school-suspension for 1 week.

I'll NEVER forget my assistant Principe telling me that had I done it to a female student I'd be expelled. 13 years later I've talked to men who had worse stuff happen and NOTHING happens.


I really "love it" when men are sent to prison for child molestation or rape because the person lied and it's still in their record.

People need to get their head of the sand and accept the fact that, yes, women can be twisted and LIE about sex abuse. Considering the #MeToo movement made it vogue for women to make a statement, yeah, it is even more possible than ever for a woman to LIE about this FOR MONEY.

Frankly, not feeling that is possible is sexist towards woman as it insinuates that all women are, essentially, saints incapable of deceit.

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This seems odd.

Other people seem to be fired for an inappropriate  tweet but Morina is hanging around. In light of the Les Moonves events, you would think that Morina would at least be suspended until this is resolved.

And it seems to be getting no publicity in the mainstream press who are usually all over stuff like this.

So maybe the general feeling is that there is no merit to her case?

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