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Y&R to air classic episodes

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They could easily use the Crazy Edward climax episode on a psychos week or something. It's a very Nikki centered episode, and it's already been remastered. Easy peasy. There's even the 1984 episode episode where Traci dumps the banana split over Lauren's head. So much great stuff.

Edited by alphanguy74
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My guide said 1993 so I was confused.  

I would love to see the David episode where the plastic surgeon carves up his face "killer" or something like that.  Or an episode with Brad and his crazy former wife or girlfriend (don't remember which) - the one with the super long hair - Lisa Mansfield???

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Lisa with the long hair was Brad's first wife. I remember the Brad in a cage story. That was the type of story one would expect to see on Days or Passions, not Y&R.

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re: the Dec 27, 2019 episode, I just rewatched it and I noticed that it opens with Ashley commenting that it's great that the kids are throwing the holiday parties now. It's just a single line that would easily be missed.


I guess they're saying that Abby owns Society and closed it for the family party and they made a point to show that Abby set the table and ordered the flowers. Lola being Society's chef cooked dinner. And they implied the Kyle helped both Abby and Lola.


I suppose the idea is that Abby and Kyle hosting Christmas is supposed to reference passing the baton to the next generation of Abbotts. But I didn't even think of that the first time I watched it, probably because it's at a restaurant. And I caught this time only because I was trying to find a rationale for them choosing this episode.


Passing the baton to a new generation is usually done in on TV or film by showing a big family crowded into a young couple's small home, with everyone commenting on this is the first time the young hosts have cooked the traditional holiday meal.


It was sad that Dina wasn't at the restaurant, but it was believable that an Alzheimer's patient would be overwhelmed by the noise.


I'm glad that they said that Theo had been invited but declined. I didn't want to see him there.


I did like Jack's speech at dinner about the joys and sorrows of the past year.


Probably the most significant part of the episode was when Jack has Dina brought home for the evening after dinner and they sit in the Abbott living room for a family Christmas Eve. It may have been Dina's last Christmas. It was nice to see her start singing along with the Christmas carol.


Why am I posting this? I guess I'm trying to rationalize why they picked this episode. Not really succeeding.

Edited by janea4old
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When we are talking about new era y&r. I actually did like this episode but it's definitely not a classic it was shown just 5 months ago and i swear they showed it again lol but of course they will release this and call it iconic lol.


I liked the episode because they showed dina near the end which was special and really put more history towards the rabbits with there mother, on a another note i hope when the show comes back on they figure out what direction dina is truly gonna be in because i would hate to loose her. She is like our Katherine chancellor these days on the show every era needs a grand dame.


Also i liked when fen came back and was talking with his parents and then joined the party, what happened to fen because this was in December and he last appeared in January? Why Did they bring him back and drop him soo quick like that. Would have been nice if fen got to meet theo they both love bugging kyle.

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Michael Scott was a photographer that was attracted to Julia, who was working as a model. Victor thought Julia was cheating on him with Michael. Victor kidnapped Michael and locked him in the dungeon. 

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This is another storyline i would love to see from start to end, didn't micheal Scott interact with Lorie first then moved on to Julia? Why would they nit wanna show one the show's best storylines from the great victor Newman.


If they showed some parts of this time it will piece together other storylines that we probably heard about from that era but didn't get to see.

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Fifteen years later and that yacht explosion still looks like someone lighting toothpicks on fire with crappy CGI. 

Brad & Sharon were hot. JT and Kinsey’s Mac were not. Probably one of the few times the Graz ever looked so clean cut too.

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Actually it was SFT, but Edge of Night did have a yacht explosion in 1974 and so did in Passions in 2001. In both Edge and Passions' cases it happened to couples on their honeymoons by their nefarious rivals just like Michael & Lauren. 

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