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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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It would be great to have @I Am A Swede's insight, because I suspect the Swedish strategy is a bit more complex than just striving for herd immunity.


I was listening to this podcast this morning discussing the Swedish experience, it was pretty interesting, thought I would link it here:



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That podcast was actually very good, and brought up a lot of good points about how we have handled the pandemic here so far, and why. So if you do have the time then do listen to it.


I think that the key word in the our strategy has always been sustainability. The measures that were introduced here, were such that they can be maintained for months, maybe even years. That was the main objective with avoiding a complete lock-down. "It's a marathon, not a sprint" has been the mantra from the authorities here.

And like they brought up in the podcast, the public here followed the regulations extremely well. I have a job which doesn't allow me to work from home, so I travel to and from work every day and the streets were almost empty even during the day. People listened to the advice and stayed home unless it was absolutely necessary to go out.


Could we have done things differently? Absolutely. Our death toll is way too high, mostly due to the fact that the disease found its way into the care-homes for the elderly.

But I hope, and believe, that we have learned valuable lessons from this, and when the next pandemic comes, which I'm sure will happen, we will be better prepared. And I hope, and think, that we will use the same strategy when that day comes.


Edited by I Am A Swede
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A friend of mine was diagnosed with COVID about a month ago. She's still recuperating and still on various meds including the Steroid Trump is on.  I asked her if I could share some of her recent message to me. This is not the entire message. She's been communicating with people via email. She is up at night and she messages folks when she cannot rest.



Hey Kit,
Sitting down for a break with the pupper. I have to remind myself, sometimes aloud, that I need to slow down. This has been what has been a new normal day for me. But you asked me about the steroid. Yes it is the same one President Moron is on.
The first few days I was on dexamethasone, I had more energy than I knew what to do with. I cleaned the kitchen, cleared out cupboards, cooked food. I was highly productive and felt almost normal. I was euphoric! You remember I talked about this with you last week.  It was glorious.
It's a thing, apparently. And now you are seeing it play out via Twitter and the press sprays. But, I see a breathless old man who has no business removing a mask or entering a workplace where he will undoubtedly place countless families and staffers at risk with his hubris and lack of regard for norms like isolation.
After 24 days on this steroid, I am still lucky if I can get 4 hours of restful sleep a night and 12 hours a day without a complete meltdown.  Heaven help you if your lungs are so inflamed and/or your oxygen saturation levels are so low that you require this medication. I have never felt more insane and run down by a drug, regardless of how much it may be helping to restore my lungs, and yes it is supposed to. I won't bore you with specifics unless you're interested. This isn't an aspirin you pop and call the doctor in the morning and, frankly, I resent seeing it framed by so many as such with the rosy pictures being painted by this fool  and so many being sucked into it.
Trust me when I tell you they continue to deceive the public. This drug is for people who are in the high risk category like me with my asthma and is not for people with just the sniffles. And if a doctor just gave him this because they are throwing every drug at him, it's a disgrace, it's DANGEROUS, and the euphoria does not maintain. They are treating the public like we are stupid. Tell anyone you know this is not a game and can impact many the same way its impacting me and MUCH worse."
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