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Days: January 2020 Discussion Thread

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Those idiots have forgotten (or have never realized) the value in developing a "work life" for each character.  Remember all those amazing storylines Bill Bell and Kay Alden developed for Y&R that revolved assorted characters' involvement in Jabot, Newman Enterprises, etc.?  Even the P&G soaps, when they were at their peak, knew how much dramatic mileage they could get simply from showing characters AT work.


Meanwhile, FS is so awful these days as Sonny that he has drained all life from Brock Kelly (and Evan).  Now, I don't care who ends up with whom.  I just wish all three -- Sonny, Evan and Will -- would leave Salem and never come back.



You know, the fact that Ciara clearly has no life outside of her obsession with Ben doesn't bother me as much as DAYS itself trying DESPERATELY to sell those two as "star-crossed lovers" in the same mold as Doug and Julie and Bo and Hope.  But, they're forgetting that neither Doug nor Bo was a serial killer before they met their true loves; and even if they WERE bad boys (after all, Doug was in prison once upon a time), well, at least Doug could sing and Bo could ride a motorcycle.  WTF can Ben do besides make men question their sexuality?

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Oh, but that's so honorable! Gladys and Eleanor of the heartland will surely warm up to the dirty homosexuals if their stories show them as decent, honorable men who aren't a threat to the clean heterosexuals and their healthy lifestyles. 


P.S. If it weren't for the fact that DAYS' budget is so cheap, I would soon expect Gabi to become a dominatrix. She seems the type. Unfortunately, the leather straps would actually be velcro purchased out of the clearance bins at JoAnn Fabrics. 


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This is exactly it. They obviously can't have them act like gay men with actual libidos in fear of offending the Gladys and Eleanors out there. Which is fine really, but why even have them in triangles if they're not going to go *there*? Just have them be heavily supporting players in other people's storylines if they're just going to be your average homely soap gay. If Will and Sonny actually had a developed work life they could mine storylines from there too. As I said, I could've seen Will ending up being something like a social worker (shades of Matt from Melrose Place) because he wants to help people due to his mother being an ungodly mess while growing up (motivation!). Like Matt he could've even worked at the hospital and could've even crossed paths with people at the police station.

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