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Days: December 2019 Discussion Thread 🎄

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Don't get me wrong, @edgeofnik.  I'm not judging you or your standards.  And I, too, am glad that DAYS is still around.  However, I just feel sad that it has come to this point -- specifically, that we have to lower our standards, or accept the shows' lowered standards, because they don't want to try harder anymore and the only alternative is no more DAYS (or B&B, or GH, or Y&R) at all.


We, as viewers, shouldn't be asked to "go with it."  These shows should be made to do better by us, precisely because, we're the only viewers they still have.  If they can't or won't do that, then maybe -- and I truly say this as someone who doesn't wish for any series to be cancelled, if only b/c that would mean people being unemployed -- maybe they should either cut these shows loose, or at least step aside and give people who still gaf a chance.



That's the problem when 1) you saddle a supercouple (in this case, Jack and Jennifer) with another child (after Abigail) rather than dig deeper to find meaningful story for them (or admit you don't know where else to go with them and LET THEM GO); you SORAS that child entirely too early; and 3) you never develop an actual, interior life for that child (now, man).


Frankly, DAYS stopped knowing how to write for characters and not (super-)couples around the end of the Ford administration.  They've tried to move beyond the formula, but they don't really know how, nor are they equipped to.  So, either just give JJ a new love interest to battle the DiMeras with already, or have him die from a drug overdose, so we can move on.

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Well, I know John would love it, lol! 

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I think it'd be interesting for J.J. to go to rehab and, while there, hook up with another patient, who turns out to be Frankie's daughter.  But, the twist is that she really isn't an addict, but an investigative journalist, working undercover on a story that she hopes to sell to (you guessed it) The Spectator.

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I haven't seen today's episode yet, (the impeachment hearings are on instead) But people on Twitter are saying it aired on Cozi today. They are also saying that on today's show Gabi told Julie that she made Lani beg on her knees for Julie's heart and Julie has asked "That's it". And then talked about how she didn't feel sorry for Lani because she dumped Eli at the altar.


I think this is a bad look for Julie. I can understand she's upset with Lani because she dumped Eli at the altar. And that she's grateful to Gabi for donating Stefan's heart. But I don't think she should have such a flippant attitude about Lani begging on her knees for her. She could have discussed the situation in a way where she expressed gratitude towards both Lani/Gabi for helping her instead of coming across as a bit self serving. It seems like she doesn't care that Lani was humiliated as long as she got the donated heart. 


At the time Lani was begging on her knees/being threatened by Gabi for helping Julie, I had thought that Lani shouldn't have been jumping through these types of hoops for Julie. (And felt that Lani shouldn't have been begging on her knees at all). Julie has people in her family that she's closer to, who should have tried to figure out a way to help her. Lani shouldn't have taken on that burden by herself. Even more so now, given that Julie doesn't seem to really care that Lani begged for her to get a heart. Julie shouldn't have been written to respond to this news the way that she has.

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Speaking of Kate slinging hash, I remember around 2000 or 2001 she was down and out after Victor kicked her out and she was a waitress with Hattie and Fay, but I don't remember how she got out? Did John hire her to form Basic Black or something? Also, didn't she have "cancer" for a hot minute when she had blood streaming down her leg while serving? Oy... 

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It had something to do with John hiring her at Basic Black.  The health scare, her "will-they-or-won't-they" romance, and friendship with Fay were all dropped.  I think she stayed in the background meddling in Austin and Philip's lives until Lucas came back in early '02 and then Brash & Cwikly FINALLY put her and Roman together for real after years of teasing.  I hope if the show ever has to end, Roman & Kate wind up back together by/for the finale.

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Lani is a wimp of a character. She is a bore to watch and all she does is cry

 Eli is just as boring as she is. Over a year and Lani still hasn't told Eli the truth is just ridiculous. 


And then we have JJ holding a gun on Kristen because she killed his wimp of a gf who no one cared about for a whole hour and did nothing. 


We have the two robots of Hope and Steve pretending to be two dead characters.


Lord...any wonder this soap hit a new low of 1.3 rating. And this soap got renewed with those numbers?


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