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Days: Time Jump Previews

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I don't think Eric is boring as much he is hypocritical, sanctimonious, and has those qualities dashed with drippy woobiness. As he is, I even prefer Xander over him and understand why Sarah went for Xander after Eric, too.

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I had some complaints when I first heard about the TimeJump, but now when I've watched it my problem isn't the jump itself. It's that I find the stories... boring. I actually enjoyed most of the stories that were playing out through the summer and fall so the TimeJump was unnecessary at this time for me.

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I'd rather see what happened in the time jump play out than what we have now.


The jump itself obviously isn't "the problem". But there was no point, IMO. It's the same focus and stories, now we just play fill in the blanks. 


Are some episodes greatly entertaining? Yes. But meh overall.


To each their own 

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 He's never phoned it in though. I don't like the whispery thing either, but bad he is not.

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I agree that the time jump really hasn't been that interesting. When we first heard rumors about story lines that could be happening after the time jump it did sound a lot more interesting. And I was thinking if some of them are true than Ron would be doing too much, lol. But now that we have the time jump the story lines really aren't that interesting. And it actually doesn't seem like a lot has happened/story lines feel stagnant. It does seem like the show would have been better off just letting these story lines play out on screen.


And it feels like they are dragging out secrets that they shouldn't be. For example how Haley died. IMO, Haley isn't an important enough character to be dragging out how she died. We know her death had an impact on JJ and that's why he's struggling right now, but it's not something that should be kept secret. I think they need to go ahead and reveal what happened there. (It sounds like Kristen became hysterical after she lost her baby and did something to Haley in her hysteria/grief. I could see a situation where Haley being a nurse trying to comfort Kristen after the loss of the baby and Kristen maybe pushing her away/Haley falling and hitting her head/dying.) I also think they could pick up the pace on telling us what happened to Adrienne. Even though, I think that Adrienne is more important than Kristen, I don't think they should drag out what happened to her for much longer either. Especially since as of right now (unless they change things ) we know who actually killed her. And because it sounds like what may have happened to her was an accident. 


It does feel like some story lines were just slapped together. It feels like Ron just decided to slap Will in a jail cell with Ben/Clyde. And I don't think their story interesting. I don't think it's interesting watching Ben/Will take turns defending each other (and themselves from Clyde). Will shouldn't be forced to share a jail cell with those two. They should have revealed that Will made a new friend and/or enemy since he's been in prison. And that person/people may could have ended up mixing it up with other people in Salem.


I also think that it should have been revealed that Sarah/Xander should have gotten even closer after the time jump. When the time jump opened up they were still just friends and there was still a some hesitancy on her part towards him. Even though it sounds like he supported her during her pregnancy and has been there for her and baby Mickey. They could have gotten closer during the past year. 


As for other story lines I don't like seeing Eli be Gabi's lackey, but I can understand why he moved on. And I like Lani/Kristen's friendship and Evan. I don't dislike Justin/Kayla but I don't think their relationship really has a big impact on people and has shaken things up. Kate being a waiter and the story behind it feels like it was just thrown there. And I don't think that the Prince Gina stuff/Stevano stuff is that interesting. It doesn't seem like much has happened since the time jump and most of the story lines aren't that interesting. The show/story lines were considerably more exciting before the time jump.



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It occurred to me that one of the flaws of the TJ is that we are so used to retcons or characters who returned when they were off-screen to have had secret lovers, babies, etc. that doing the jump is simply a variation of that. 


I'll use Kristen as an example.
1. April - Sept: She was 'dead,' came back and had the Nicole, Vivian and Tony resurrections tied into the story that happened off-screen but then was revealed later.

2. Nov-Dec (TJ/Off-screen): Kristen was happy with Brady, lost her baby tragically, killed Haley, went to convent. 


Is the TJ that much different? Maybe that's why we're not impressed.

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I think that's part of it yes and in all honesty, they could as well have jumped a month instead of a year.


I said in the November thread that it would've been better to just tie everything up pre time jump and have a "series finale" to all the current storylines of sorts, then done a "X years later in Salem" and started with new storylines and a huge cast shake up. Corday wouldn't have allowed that though.

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Not only that, but also, we're just so used to DAYS being so silly and OTT that it's like, "Meh, whatever."


To me, it'd have been more shocking to find out (for example) Dr. Rolf's serum was just sugar water and that "Hope" and "Steve" weren't really under anyone's control.

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Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


Clyde will ream Ben out for betraying him and Eve will be cleared when some new evidence surfaces. Marlena will give John an ultimatum about Hope, Marlena will confide in a guilty Kate, Gina will be upset about John's decision, Kate will get under Kayla's skin and Victor will become suspicious of Ciara. Also, Gabi will be stunned when she receives a call from Kristen, Abigail questions Eli's feelings for Gabi and Stefano will receive a surprise visitor. Rafe will be suspicious of Hope, Will asks Sonny for a divorce, Justin will have a warning for Kate, Xander will surprise Sarah, Eve will make a decision about the future. And JJ will come clean to Jack/Jennifer.

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