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Days: November 2019 Discussion Thread🦃

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The time jump feels like an alternate timeline. Most of the episodes have been dull.  Peppered with outrageous  shock value reveals. Like Will being Ben's cellmate. Or bland Lani & DiMera demon queen Kristen being nuns.   Maybe hanging out with Kristen. Lani will finally get a much needed personality. Princess Gina sucked 20 yrs ago. She sucks 20 yrs later. KA will her emaciated Princess Gina resting bitch face. Is a real turn off. 

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The main aspect of the TJ that appeals to me: mixing up the actor pairings. It’s much needed. Nuns: plain stupid, but Kristen/Lani intriguing; Sonny/Will separated is a blessing to both actors; JJ with anyone except Haley has already produced his best work in months. 

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I like both

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 Dead at the first part. THAT would be far more interesting.


I'm not quite loving the time jump. Don't hate it, just ... none of this really felt necessary and we're still stuck with a lot of the same plots. I cringe when I see on Twitter folks calling these episodes "fire". Are they? The show still feels lethargic.


I just keep going back and forth on this whole thing, but it sure has gotten the discussion going here! lol. I'm pages and pages behind ...


EDIT: It's cute seeing the fans on Twitter think Ron saying it's not a dream is gospel (and he told the cast the same; not like they haven't been lied to before) .... they're just lucky social media fans have taken so quickly to all of this, eating it all up with a spoon. If it went badly you know damn well Jennifer'd be waking up again. It does give him an out ... but I'd rather they just stick with it, though I can see why folks think it's a really bad dream. It kinda is, lol. Hope is Gina, Adrienne and Haley are dead, JJ's a druggie, Steve is Stefano, etc. Will and Ben in jail ... Eve in jail ... all people Jennifer (and Hope) regularly interact with/and/or/family ... even Eric/Nicole/Sarah/Xander and Lani/Eli/Abe, etc. ... so there's an out. I do lol that Lani and Kristen are nuns. That could possibly be fun and I wasn't expecting that.


But I didn't want to still be talking about Sarah and Nicole's baby secret. A lot of it feels plot for plot sakes, like Marlena leaving town. She'd never [!@#$%^&*] leave town.


I'm not dismissing the need for a minority presence on DAYS, it lacks immensely (an understatement) but Haley was a waste of a character. If she was another white girl everyone would cheer. She was Paige all over again. BYE. JJ is far more interesting as a druggie, too. 


I'm so tired of Brady/Maggie. It was much better when Maggie was in scenes with JJ. This love between them makes me nauseous. HE HAS PARENTS! Why was John talking to Roman about his and Marlena's struggle. That's SO odd. These guys should be cordial but they aren't buds. Why couldn't John talk to Abe? Brady? I'm being unbelievably picky but it's like they just don't think some things out.


As much as I like how Sonny, Paul and Will were all mostly nice and boring, I'd prefer Evan to be a little messier. Why are they and fans afraid of a gay villain? Though apparently the Leo stuff was "too gay". Yes, we still live in that world. Sigh. And if Evan is indeed Marlena and John's 1986/87 baby, that COULD be some good drama to have Marlena torn between her newfound son and her beloved grandson Will. Chandler can't pull off Will being a Sami Jr. so I hope it's Evan who becomes the villain. Though if Evan and Will are related, it does limit options. We all know Will and Sonny like to share guys, at least they have good taste when they're not with each other.


I'm not really sure I care though because I was much more invested in Paul and I know Christopher Sean left on his own (I think ...) but there was a lot of potential there for a real triangle. Now we're back again with another guy. We'll see.


I like that the time jump leaves things open for interpretation, I like that there are holes to fill in, I like that things feel "open" ... but at the same time, I don't love seeing things I'd rather see play out happen in flashbacks. I also feel like the show still lacks in momentum and energy. It's like it goes well for a while and then it feels blah. I think this is where episode guarantees and jumping all over the place hurts the show.


Last thought ... I see a slight improvement in Nicole. But lord how much fun was Nicole/Kristen earlier this year? Arianne was SO checked in and THAT was the Nicole I want. I don't mind the layers, a few tears, but I HATED how beaten down Nicole was. I also don't think she'd just go along with all of this. Nicole should spin her own story and make herself come off looking good. IDK. I still think they can do better with her. But it's a good start. The hair and wardrobe are 1000% an improvement! And it still boggles my mind that they shoved Sarah in where Chloe belonged. 


And it's nice seeing Kristian Alfonso checked in again and clearly enjoying the ridiculousness that is Gina. I forgot Kristian actually could, you know ... act.


And can I just say ... lmao at Sarah naming her daughter Mickey. I LOVE it and I love how much it bothers Victor. Those scenes were actually fun and enjoyable. I still detest Maggie as Mrs. Kiriakis and always will. Which is a shame because when Victor and Maggie first started showing interest in each other I was there for it, but marrying them and having Maggie just constantly brush off everything Victor does (or she leaves him for five minutes) just kinda ruins the character.

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lol! true! I actually never even gave it that much thought but yep! The ages are all screwed up on this show. Brady and Abby should be contemporaries, Will and Philip should be the same age ... Belle should be Abby's contemporary ... the funny thing though is Evan is the age he actually should be (as is Shawn-Douglas, give or take a few years now that Claire is an adult) lol this show (and all soaps ... look at Y&R now, after Grandpa Billy we now have AARP Chance)

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Gotta tell ya @KMan101 I love your posts. You hit the nail on the head every time.


Overall, I am enjoying the time jump. Am I gonna shout from the rooftops, “OMG, this is the best thing ever!”? No. But I think it’s been really good so far. It’s almost like a mystery that little by little we have to piece together until we find out. 


Sister Kristen and Sister Lani, I agree is stupid but it was a surprise, which we don’t often get with all these spoilers. Plus, the time jump’s finally giving characters something to do. Will and Sonny and JJ and Haley were boring. It seems (except for Haley obviously) that they won’t be anymore. 


I also don’t really like Princess Gina being back, but Kristian Alfonso clearly does. I haven’t seen her this into a story in years. And even so, since we all know Ron’s style, if I had to pick between Princess Gina and Nighttime Hope, I’d pick Princess Gina every time. 


Looking forward to next week. I hope this momentum keeps going. 

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LOL, thank you, I appreciate that. I often feel like it's just aimless rambling! 


I'd take Princess Gina anyday. I also prefer her far away from Rafe, but I imagine he's inserted and 'saves' her? Lord. Such a po' man's Bo Brady. It's sad. He should have been Carrie's Roman, but still ... I also think it's clear Ron doesn't have much interest in Rafe at all. Someone's determined to keep Galen employed I guess.


I agree about the mystery. I think I just wasn't that enthused about the stories and we're still stuck with them, just a 'year' later ... so I guess 'torn' is more accurate. It's different and I appreciate the move. I don't see it as lazy like some. Or desperate. It gave the show a shot in the arm, but I wish there was more 'energy' if that makes sense. I guess not every episode can have people pushed off 1 story balconies. 


I think Stacy's Kristen needed more human layers added to her. I buy Kristen just 'snapped' a few years ago but to be a contract, long-term character, she needs some depth again. So I hope this is it. Sounds like it. But then she has Haley's murder hanging over her I suppose. It's interesting.


Will definitely needed something and this gives Wilson some good drama, I suppose.


I imagine a lot will continue to unfold, like everyone's speculation that Sarah and Xander are raising Brady and Kristen's spawn. That definitely will shake things up down the road. 


So I'm here for it and at least feel like I want to watch daily and not have months sitting on the DVR ... 


I also notice the show is a tad more balanced. No one's really dominating too much. I guess Sarah/Eric/Nicole/Xander are, technically. But everyone sort of has something to do, to some extent. The canvas (minus Rafe) also feels pretty connected, as much as they can be (due to low guarantees), if that makes sense, I like that stories also seem to find a way to intersect. I like a tightly woven canvas where everyone mixes it up but still has their own thing going on. That to me is a soap opera. At least DAYS, as bad as it is to some, knows what it is. A soap opera.


Though I do think Ron tends to be a bit all over the place in the middle of a story, he gets distracted, and he sometimes skips the followup, so it's not flawless but it's entertaining and somewhat interesting, at least to me. I also think he sometimes tends to be a bit plotty and then 'fill in the blanks' later, as well as it sometimes borders on parody, but that kinda works for DAYS. I like they poke fun at themselves and have a good time with it. 

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Lani and Kristen as nuns in ridiculous, but as someone else mentioned it was a surprise, and this time jump is helping mix up the canvas and who is sharing scenes with whom. That was BADLY needed. Plus, I'm trying to stay away from spoilers, so the show is now unexpected and with some mystery. I haven't felt that way in YEARS about it. Is it perfect? No. But it's soooo much better than it's been for a long time now.


At first I hated the Princess Gina plot, but KA is really trying to sell it. She looks like she's having fun again.


Is it bad to say that messed up JJ looks kinda hot? Maybe we need a new bad boy (not serial killer Ben).


Kayla and Justin...I'll wait and see.


I do want to know what happened to Hayley. It's a shame her dying is the most interesting thing that's happened to her. It would make sense if her mom/sister came back for revenge at this point.


Looks like Wilson finally has some good conflict.


Plus, another new set today! So happy they didn't put Julie's Place in "the blue room."


I do think it's time for Theo to come back and give Ben a real run for his money for Ciara. For me, Ciara and Theo are always going to be the real end game.

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Apparently, DAYS never learned from the "Shayla" debacle that you can't weld together new couples from parts of old.  Justin/Adrienne and Patch/Kayla both have their legions of followers.  Pairing Justin with Kayla, however, won't guarantee that those same followers will come together to support it.



They might as well have.  I've never seen anything so cheap-looking in my soap viewing life.  A definitive comedown from the days of the original Doug's Place AND Wings.


And that sign!  I've seen fancier [!@#$%^&*] at Target!

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