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GH JULY 2019 Discussion Thread

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I'm playing catchup tonight for this past week, but just chiming in that I would rather watch Dev trying to fit in to a new country and family any day over watching Garren Stitt attempt to act.  He was painful to watch. Ashton Arbab was a find when the horrible Turkey trip was on, and they were smart to bring him back on.

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It’s sad, because she was a natural soap type actress.  Capable of deep scenes of humanity and grace and then also ramping it up for a cat fight when needed.  I have always felt she was a soapy actress but really served her character and her scene partners well.  And even when her appearance started to be distracting (that major facelift that changed the shape of her jawline when Sarah Brown was still there, coupled with darkening her hair again and sexing up her wardrobe all at the same time) she still was capable of playing Bobbie.  Even when JFP sidelined her.  But her returns since Ron have been rough for me.


It is especially jarring when you look at Lynn Herring, who still brings all the colors of Lucy to life even if the story is threadbare.  Same with Kristina Wagner.  They are both playing their same characters.  Jackie is not.

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There is more Bobbie next week

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I feel her face has settled and im enjoying having JZ and Bobbie on screen



GH's Problem imho is that they do not take the time to flesh out characters anymore.

I actually find Dev annoying. Not the actor, the character because GH has decided to rush him with Joss. If the show had actual story for its teens outside of hookups then the fans may not care Joss was still mourning Oscar but they gotta bungle that too.

And Shiloh, needs to go tomorrow. The actor is wonderful but the role has over run its course. Back in the day soaps would end the story even if the actor was liked, because it made sense story wise


Wish GH would subscribe to that idea again

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I think I'm about to start watching GH again for the first time in years, I'm glad even if it's a disaster I'll still get to see Bobbie. As for JZ and her appearance, I think she is looking great these days. Obviously there is residual damage or whatever. But think back to this scene with Alexis a few years ago as compared to now. I really think being sidelined and dismissed fucked with JZ's psyche. It's very sad. I'm glad they are utilizing her again in any capacity.

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I think she seems more at ease in the Alexis scene.  Her hair was crazy dark but she seemed like Bobbie.


Less so the last few times I saw her.  But then again, it’s diminished returns for everyone under this writing and production.


It had to be very difficult to go from the B level lead for almost 30 years to shown the door by JFP.  The whole show never revolved around her like Anna, Luke, or Robert or Sonny/Carly/Jason, but she was always in a story of her own and interacting with other stories during her entire contract run on the show.  Labine and Guza didn’t seem to know what to do with Felicia and shoehorned her into a couple of ill fitting stories, but when Riche was still there Bobbie was still a vital lead.  Until JFP. There was a way to keep Bobbie involved while easing her into the matriarch role, but the Guza and Phelps chose to get rid of her instead.


At least she wasn’t killed off like Alan.

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I mean, Jackie's appearance certainly must have made it easier for them to discard her. Actually, they kept her on contract until 2007, which is surprising to me as she had been largely forgotten years before then. 


What bugs me most about her these days is her speech - it's very off. It's almost like she can barely say her lines anymore. I hope it's not something more serious. 

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