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B&B July 2019 Discussion Thread

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B&B and Y&R aired on Wednesday - at least in enough areas that it didn't qualify as national preemption. Perhaps there was another preemption during last 2 months? Interestingly, Mondays are usually far higher rated than Fridays, so it could've been intentional. Who knows with Bell!

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That episode was preempted, but CBS chose to air that day's episode late at night in some markets (there was a list on their Facebook page) or you had to watch it on their website.  They kept with the regularly scheduled episode the next day.  Apparently CBS has decided within the past year or so to stop postponing episodes of their soaps when there are news interruptions, even when it's an hours long event that impacts the entire daytime lineup, and presumably both the east and west coasts, like the Mueller testimony.

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Exactly. It's a smart move to get people there. I remember when Y&R  was on POP.  If there was a partial pre-emptions, the same-day ratings on POP episode spike significantly. I'm betting the same thing happens online.  


It's the only way I watch now. And, since, I've gone cordless (no DVR), it's easy to binge a few episodes at a time. 

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I tuned in today - happened to be home - and decided to watch Dope finding out truth. The thing that struck me was JMW's midriff - just a little pressed. I love her, but I just wanted to tell her that she doesn't need to prove to anyone she's still smokin'! 


Watching Dope and Dumb-As very creepy scenes, why on earth would Dope marry him? There's nothing wrong with the 'betrayed by a lover holding a big secret' plot point, but it seems like it would've been far more effective if Dope had actually fallen for him. It would've been plausible - familiar guy who helped her through her grief so she could be happy again.


Instead, I'm watching this supposedly intelligent, kind woman who decided to marry someone voluntarily, but is cringing at him touching her. What is this 1940? If I didn't know that she'd learn truth at end of the episode, I would've turned it off after that first scene. It was that repulsive to me. But, hey, maybe I'm missing something here.

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Yeah. Except for the handing over of Beth, I mean what else is there to really extend. The fallout coverup characters are all disposable. Dumb-As reform has really little to do with the secret because he came unto it so late. Because he's a recent recast, I don't believe the audience is invested in him.


Does B&B have any secondary stories going? I can't for the life of me think of anything else based on the recaps from the past few weeks.  

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I may tune in today since it looks like something actually happened other than the same discussions day after day of having to tell Hope, can never tell Hope, we have to tell the truth, we can never tell the truth, etc. etc. that went on for several months.  I just read recaps from the last 2 weeks...

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That fight scene today between Thomas & Liam was something....lol. And it looked like Thomas kneed Liam in the groin area during the fight. He was winning at first but then Liam came back and finally knocked him out. Also, I did like the scenes of seeing how happy Hope was when she found out the truth about Beth being her daughter. 

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Please don't be a drawn out custody battle.  The show needs to give these characters a rest.  But as already pointed out, there isn't any other story to to take over.  Such a mess.


I have to say, B&B has a way of making a pile of s*** "look good" in the end.  The "soap critics" are going to eat it up, forget how the show basically repeated the same 2 or 3 poorly written scripts for months and months, and then name this "story" "Best Story of the Year."

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