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Y&R July 2019 Discussion Thread

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God the Lola propping is gag worthy. Make it stop!!! Sasha Calle would do so much better, IMO, if Lola were a bitch. But nope. Of course not. Thanks Anjelica. It's time for McDaniel to hit bricks. What has she really even done? 


Meanwhile, Eva La Rue looks [!@#$%^&*] amazing! I was LOLing as the four women were trying to traipse around the clearly small set.


The Lola propping is so obvious too. "No I can't I'm such a modest woman" the tokens then encourage her. She stumbles but then of course becomes a star. Spare me.


I love seeing Jess Walton and Jill and I'm happy she's semi-retired and enjoying her life but I'm getting tired of the pop ups. It's better than nothing but at the same time, she should be on the canvas regularly mixing it up. If Braeden and Bergman can lead stories and have romances than so can Walton and Jill. But I know the situation with Jess. It's just slightly annoying in a very selfish way

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Why is Lola still here?


Stafford feels very off right now. One minute she's whispering, and the next she's screaming. Was Sandra Nelson not available? 


I'm surprised Jill didn't go over to Victor, after her scene with Billy. 



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Jill's just a prop at this point.


Stafford does feel off and a bit lost at times but I'm so thankful she's no longer on GH. Cynthia Watros is so much more likeable and watchable, even if Nina remains one of THE MOST POINTLESS CHARACTERS EVER.


Griffith REALLY sucks with the young adults on the show. It's just so typical boring writing. I loathed Mal but I thought he did a better job with the younger crew (dodges bullets and darts and the pitch forks). I mean, look at Kyle and Summer. Went from actually being interesting to snoozeville city. They finally have a Kyle who works in the role and they waste him in this ridiculous pairing. Such a shame. And it's sad that fans pretty much embraced Tinker as Fen and the show has no interest. Yet here comes hunky Theo. Noah's off when he should be getting most of Nick's stories. 


The show is a mess. Too many BTS agendas, too, like most soaps.


What happened to Lauren/Jack? Was that dropped? I don't hate this chick he's talking to, but what's the point? (I've missed numerous episodes ...)


Why not bring back Janice Lynde and Leslie if she's willing and put her with Jack? Why is Lorie not stirring [!@#$%^&*] up? Oh, that's right. They're older women.


And it still irks me they shipped off Dina. FIX IT!!! Instead it's now 'The Adam Show' again and they care more about bringing back Chelsea, Kevin, Avery, etc. .... I love all three actors but those characters shouldn't be a priority to bring back.


I was really surprised they gave Christine and Paul scenes together and they had a POV for a change. More of that, please. That has been SEVERELY lacking for years now.

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Yep. Flat is a great word for it. Reminds me of all the other soaps that were slowly reaching their deaths. Just basically surviving at this point. There's no momentum, no energy ... and I could say that about all the soaps, truthfully. Sigh.

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I haven't watched at all this week and saw only a few minutes of last week.  And when I turned it on, it was Adam.  Back to Wimbledon.  I have no desire to see a re-do of Adam, Chelsea, Chloe, Kevin, whoever.  No desire at all.  Victor and whatever new disease he had that will be gone in 1 week or he's received a miracle cure.  I really don't care about any story involving Victor at this point because nothing will ever happen to him and for whatever he does, no real punishment.  Even when he was in jail he was on screen more than when he was walking around town. 


But the consensus seems to be that everyone loves Adam and he's the best actor ever, Everyone hates Cane, Everyone hates Tessa, Everyone hates Lola. 


And bringing back "familiar faces" is going to make the show and give us a hot summer.  Cough.  I've actually never understood all the Cane hate.  Tessa and Lola I get.  But the Adam love and the Cane hate I do not get.  I've completely tuned out.  The one thing I actually liked were Traci's fantasies while writing her book but people seem to hate that too. 


Overall there wasn't anything going on and I don't care about anything Adam.  I really don't get the praise for the actor or the character now.  Don't care about what happened in Vegas, his Spider character, what Phyllis found out while there, etc.  Don't care.  Definitely don't care about whatever crazy story brings Hillary back.  Y&R has become what I've read about DAYS - no one is ever really dead.  Adam is back,  Chloe is back, bring Hillary back from the dead....if they were going to bring someone back, make it John Abbott and get rid of Dina's Alzheimers...lost the chance to say that it was Graham drugging her to get her money.  The show is a boring mess, but maybe things have changed in 2 weeks because I've barely seen any of it. 


And really disappointed, still, about Gina Tognoni and the Stafford Phyllis switcheroo for no real reason.   

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I am glad to see Jill back. 


I'm not sure why Mariah was hired to run Power Communications, when she doesn't seem to be doing hardly anything to benefit that company. All she is doing is mostly following Tessa around and focusing on her career. And now she's trying to create a cooking brand for Lola who isn't even associate with Power Communications or Hamilton-Winters. Mariah would have been better off just staying at GC Buzz and also working as Tessa's manager. She could have arranged for Lola to have a cooking segment on the show. That makes more sense than her just trying to create brands for her friends. She was hired to be advocate for people/artists and Hamilton-Winters not follow her girlfriend and friends around.  She doesn't get hardly any criticism from Devon for not really doing her job, yet Ana gets criticized from him for trying to actually do hers. (even if she could learn some things). That looks wrong.


The cooking show stuff was dull. I feel like the show is running out stuff to write for Kyle and Lola. They have been ran into the ground as a couple with their ridiculous,  never ending amounts of angst. And now they are getting really goofy/boring storylines because the show doesn't know what to do with them. I think that them painting walls, assembling furniture, digging through trash and now this cooking show is a result of the show not knowing what to do with them. (And maybe Josh not really liking them as a couple and just throwing stuff at them because he's feels like he's forced to write for them.)


Also, I think that Kyle/Mariah could continue to look good together/seem like they fit each other. When he was standing behind her today when she was filming Lola's cooking show, they looked good and right together. But the show won't try them, because they are attached at the hip with their unlikeable SO's. It's like Mariah/Kyle can go hardly anywhere with Tessa/Lola or at least mentioning them. IMO, they are both being wasted in these pairings. 


And Lola complaining about Celeste constantly putting her down? Well that is what she has done time and time again in her relationship to Kyle.  Pot meet Kettle. Celeste is an older version of Lola, but more stylish, lol. 

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Remember how 'that poster' went on and on about how Stafford was brought back for a crap Phick reunion, how this was going to be the summer of Phick, and how those of us who didn't see that weren't 'woke'? 


At this point, Stafford is doing nothing on the show that Tognoni couldn't have done. Luckily, it doesn't seem like Griffith was ever a fan of the crap Phyllis/Nick pairing. And Stafford does seem to be struggling to find her groove with the character again - I think she knows that people are more in-tune to her acting tics (especially on GH) and is trying to reign it it a bit, but she really can't control it. 

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Mal's writing definitely had issues, but IMO, he wrote the younger set much better than Josh is doing. (With an exception being Summer, who I though behavior with Phyllis/Billy didn’t make a lot of sense and IMO came across as grimy.)


Underneath Mal:


Kyle was interesting and fun and slick. Fen was around and interesting and was a potential love interest for Ana/Summer., Ana was written more maturely and had a potential love interest in (Fen). Mariah seemed a little less obsessed with constantly wanting to be around Tessa. Even Lola, at the very very very (lol) beginning had some potential. The Lola that was more confident and wanted to beat Mia’s behind for messing with her brothers had potential. That is before she turned into a judgmental, heavily propped shrew.  But her character went down the drain, when she became controlling and judgmental towards Kyle. And when several characters started to prop her heavily and having stopped since. 


Underneath Josh:


Kyle has been weakened severely as a character. He is a stepford boyfriend, who only concern is Lola and doesn’t seem very ambitious about his career. Jack had to remove him off the Jabot Collective marketing project because he would rather spend his time hanging around Lola’s job than actually try and elevate his family’s company. His whole identity is wrapped up in Lola.  And now he’s been reduced to digging through trash, making home improvements and constantly singing Lola’s praises.


Fen is gone and Noah isn’t around. Thus leaving a big void in the mid 20 something to early 30 something male set. This show needs more men in that group. Kyle needs rivals/friends/frenemies and someone like Ana needs a love interest. There aren’t enough men for the young women on the show to interact with. And Kyle needs somebody else to interact with.  Also, Ana has regressed and has been written and treated more like a teenager. Up until recently she was being reduced to constantly being by criticized Devon and being a third wheel to Mariah/Tessa. After months of lots of complaining from Ana fans, it looks she might finally get at a chance to at least be in a potential triangle with Summer/Theo. Finally after several months (and especially after Fen left) Ana fans have asked for her to get a love interest. Or at least interact with a man that wasn’t her brother, father or cousin. Mariah is mostly only focused on Tessa and her wants/needs (Much like Kyle/Lola.)


Josh has made Lola worse. She went from being  judgmental controlling virgin, a judgmental controlling adulteress. And the propping for her continues to be out of control. Summer is about the only one that I think is “better” underneath Josh, than she was Mal.

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Lola and Kyle boring.....Chelsea and Nick scenes boring.....Jill pops up..why? Jess Walton should be leading a story of her own. Kevin and Adam had so much sexual chemistry that I thought Kevin was going to jump him with a kiss today. Are we suppose to care that Adam might have offed a 1 day player character?

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Yeah if they really wanted to have people have more of an interest in this "someone may have killed Calvin storyline". they should have kept him around a bit longer. And revealed more about his character and background. But he was only around like 3 days. 


Also, I do think that Jill may actually get more of a storyline since:


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I think that could be a good storyline for Jill. 

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What you guys are posting doesn't sound very inviting, it sounds downright dull and even somewhat depressing.  I've heard a lot about characters who are struggling to find their way, character couplings that don't gel, shouldn't be together and endless screen-time for a character or two but I've yet to hear about a solid storyline...for anybody! 

I'll continue to take a pass on this show right now. There's nothing enticing about it.


I haven't been watching either but from what I've read on social media posts from the actor, some of the Cane dislike just may be (perhaps) a byproduct of that character's fanbase and their goading of the actor to undermine his own storylines.  Like for instance, this Traci story.  The actor seemed enthusiastic about it until his fanbase started to rebel against, tweet their dislike for it (and tag poor Beth Maitland in tweets in the process, which is rude, imo).  All of a sudden the actor is tweeting out "polls" and push tweets asking fans for feedback on whether they want the Ashby family back on the screen.  It's obviously a not so subtle way of undermining his current storyline and it's not the first time he has done this type of thing.  Just a guess (again, because I've pretty much given up watch Y&R) but it's caused some fans to take up for BM and proclaim that Cane/DG should consider himself fortunate to be on the canvas and working with a Daytime Emmy Award winning actress. 

JMO but I thought Cane was a far more interesting character when he was a rogue and a cad (e.g. when he stole money from the twins college fund) and the actor seemed to enjoy it until his fanbase started to complain, all of a sudden he was not pleased with how his character was being portrayed. 

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