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Y&R June 2019 Discussion Thread

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LOL I know you accused me of being Morrow because I defend the guy, but I really have to wonder why you hate him so much. He’s not the greatest actor in the world, but he’s certainly not the worst, either. No matter what he does, you trash him in the ugliest way. Just odd as hell.

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I honestly don’t  care if JG takes us back to 2013 or 1990 or to last month. 


I wish we got no spoilers and no casting news, tbh. All it does is lead to bitching about everything, and to plots being ruined in advance. I’m already exhausted with all the complaining on Twitter.

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I think that the complaints are valid. IMO, he's bringing back a bunch of people that hardly anybody is asking for and that are not needed. How many white women in their late 30's/40's does this show need? This show needs to bring back men in their mid 20's to early 30's. (like Fen/Noah). There is a void in that group. Kyle doesn't have hardly any friends or rivals and Ana doesn't have any one to date. They keep bringing back all of these basic boring imitation vanilla flavored characters. I do believe it's not going to help the show. And that it may very well hurt this show.

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The show could anchor the late 20s/early 30s group with Abby, Devon, and Noah... but there is two primary problems. 1. Melissa Ordway is terrible and always will be. Marcy Rylan is the best Abby and had presence. 2. Writers dont think that Devon can anchor the Winters-Hamiltons on his own. He now doesnt have family to anchor him to the canvas. 3. Noah hasnt had a solid actor in a while. RA is hot but idk his deal

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It's funny how soap fans say that whenever their favorite actor or couple have returned, are being featured every episode, or are being criticized by others online.  Otherwise, they're all too happy to join in on the spoiling and bitching.

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I think they should try and bring Fen/Noah back even if they have to recast one or both of those roles. (And I say this as someone who really likes Zach Tinker and also like Robert Adamson). I think that Fen and/or Noah, plus a recast de-aged (like early 30s) Chance Chancellor would be a good step to take. They can elevate Ana and give her more to do, and flesh Theo out (which I believe they will start to do). I also think they should consider making Ana/Summer friends. Or even have Summer and Elena become friends. (Summer doesn't have any female friends.) If they do these things,  I think that would really help improve the situation with the mid 20s to early 30's set.


I don't think they need to bring back any more women for Nick/Adam to compete for. IMO, with all of these returns (plus women on canvas like Sharon/Phyllis), they have enough to fight over/compete for right now.

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I Liked RA as Noah, but he just looked too old to be Sharon/Nick's son so I would be fine with a good recast.

Every character should have at least one friend/confidante.

As for Nick and Adam, the constant back and forth b/w Sharon and now Phyllis is tiresome as was Billy/Victoria/Phyllis.

Maybe a Heather return - she could be involved with any or all of those guys and give Paul more presence.

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It’s funny how you’d say that, but in my case, your analysis doesn’t fit.


i don’t care much about either actor returning in the coming weeks from the 2013 era. I didn’t hate them, but don’t see the reason to bring either back. But all day long I’ve read bit_ching about 2013, and to me that’s tiresome. 


Has Mark Grossman been on a lot? Yeah, and tbh, I have no complaints even if “he is eating the show.” Why? Because he’s a great Adam and I love looking at him. That’s my truth. 


I said I was exhausted with all the complaining on Twitter. I didn’t attack or insult anyone here. All I did was give my opinion, and I’d like to think that’s ok. Do I bitch on occasion? Yeah. 


I guess i just don’t understand why my posts bother you so much. If I overstep or get too aggressive, I don’t mind or blame you for coming after me. In this case, though, I don’t think I said anything that deserved a smack down. 

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People are going to complain regardless if it is about spoilers of casting and or storyline they don't like. 


However, as fans we shouldn't be expected to always eat shi* politely just because we should be grateful the show is still on either. 


It does some like Josh is trying to take this show to when he was writing it last and didn't that wind him to get fired then too? 


And I do think Adam is on too much though. I mean he has been on screen consistently for about two months now whilst others aren't get much screen time. 


I wouldn't mind Fen and Noah to come back and be actually given actual thoughtful story as characters and the next generation of this show.


It doesn't help that Nick is giving storylines that should belong to Noah or Kyle not being ambitious and a loveable womanizer like his father caught between two women who are written to be so passive. Summer should be getting revenge by coming in between Lola and he. I mean I can't name a one time or scene that Lola nor Summer get into a heated argument about how things went down. 

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