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Y&R June 2019 Discussion Thread

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Just reading this thread and show summaries but doesn't it seem like it would have made more sense to show Devon trying to do it all at HWG and then feeling stress, overtaxed and anxious before doing an executive search for someone to take over the PR firm?  JMO but that would've been a perfect time for Devon to send out an inquiry to his good friend and one-time roommate Noah, (who actually does have executive training) to see if he would be interested in the position.  If TPTB wanted to bring in Mariah, it would've made sense for Noah to bring her onboard, in an administrative or middle management position-- not at the top.

Noah could also be interjected (eventually) in the mess that is Lola and Kyle to see if there is any chemistry between Noah and Lola.  Noah and Kyle have a history of competition so, in a way, it would make sense if Noah were the one to add tension to Kyle and Lola's relationship, rather than wallpaper paste. Also, Noah has deep familial ties to GC so to me, it would make sense.  I admit to not watching the show though, so it really is my guess, sight unseen. 


Not to sound negative but where Adam, or any dynamic character on this show is concerned, they always overuse the actor/character to the point of exhaustion.  It always happens but for now, it's good to see that people are enjoying the actor and by extension, the character.

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I will say Abby and Nate do have chemistry. But I can’t see the show committing to them as they never do for Abby. I was also really into Abby/Tyler but we saw where that went.


I’ m a few episodes behind and started fast forwarding a Mariah/Tessa scene and the soap gods blessed my fast forward finger with a Kyle/Lola scene. I could not be less interested in those two couples if I tried.

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As my late grandmother Taylor used to say, that would be too much like doing right.  

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They won’t replace JM because he’s good in the role, and because he is Nick. Some people want to replace half the cast, as if that will work. 


Grossman has has been great as Adam, and Morrow did just fine opposite him yesterday and today. I realize I’m an outlier on him here, a board that hates JM in general. 


I think it’s stupid to give Mariah such a role in Devon’s company, just as I think it’s stupid to believe she could so easily. Leave a contract job at GC Buzz.


Tessa singing at Society like it’s some coffeehouse? Gag me. I think it was lip sync, which makes it even worse. I want her gone. Maybe she and Lola can ride the food truck out of town.

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The problem is that Nick is a limited character, an easy going loyal family man etc - that doesn't create much drama and after 25 years its hard to find something for him to do.

This goes beyond Nick.

Most of the cast have been there for years and there have not been any serious attempts to regenerate the show.

Mal tried with the Rosales but it was heavy handed and poorly written and now 2 members have already been dropped.

Apart from Hilary and SORASING, has there been any successful new character introduced in the past 15 or so years?

Each regime drops the previous writers new characters and starts again.

That's not a healthy position for a soap to be in.

The next generations Heather, Ricky, Scott, Fen are all gone.

I think Noah,Summer, Abby and Kyle were aged too soon and recast too often.

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I'm in the minority on both - I like Josh Morrow and like it or not, he's Nick.  Everyone seems to love the new Adam - I don't like him.  But then again I don't like the character in general.  I did get to like him when Josh Hartley played him but I generally just don't like the character.  Mean and ruthless for really no reason.  What would be the reasoning that you should sweep into town and take a son who doesn't even know you or remember you?  That's just inhumane.   A kid is going to just suddenly live with someone who they don't know just because you're the father?  Nick is the only father he's known.  And the "give me Chelsea and Connor!"  It's silly.  And I just don't see any chemistry with him and the other actors....actually one - Gina Tognoni he has chemistry with and they're giving her the boot.  I've been watching the French Open and barely tuning in...I just happened to see part of yesterday where Adam is apparently blackmailing Nick to get his son back.  Again, makes no sense to me.  There's nothing I like about the show right now and have barely watched since Adam got his memory back and became ruthless.  I don't want Chelsea, Chloe, et. al back...2 other characters I just don't like.  I like Tracy, Lauren, Dina, Mariah, Sharon, and Rey because he's great to look at...and that's about the only characters I even like now.  Ashley...if she's on.  Kyle...but he's boring with Lola...but I hate Summer so Lola to me is better than her although she's a snoozer. 


Everyone is generally meh to me now.  I catch about 15 minutes a week or so and that's plenty. 


I read the article about why they were bringing back Michele Stafford and I agree with what people commented...they shouldn't have even tried to explain because it's sounds bad.  Basically their plan is to try and turn back time by bringing back old characters and former actors.....I see Greg Rikaart (sp?) is returning, so is Chelsea, so will Chloe probably...but when they mentioned explaining their "strategy" to Stafford and then she agreed...eh.  I was like...your grand strategy is to return to the past?  Ok.   

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Speaking for myself: I don’t hate JM. I think when he puts in an effort, like in those argument scenes with Chelsea early last year, he can be compelling. He still looks decent. But he half-asses it 90% of the time, as does AH. And the writers don’t seem that inspired by him, even though they showcase him.

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I don't love Morrow, but the role is his. 

Morrow is best as a Dad, and his best pairing (whether he wants to admit it or not) is with SC. 


Heinle is never going to be Victoria, but let's face it, they're never replacing her  unless she leaves.


I like NuNate, and I like him with Abby. Hopefully they'll pursue the couple.


I can't with Lola/Kyle and Mariah/Tessa scenes. They truly are Sominex.   I think Devonhiring Mariah to work with him and learn the business would have made more sense than handing her an entire division.    The love scenes between Devon and Elena seemed rushed to me. I would have liked to see them getting to know one another for a few weeks longer.


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I don't care for the way that Nick acts sometimes but I do like Josh in the role. I feel like he is probably the only Nick we will ever get.


Also, on today's show it was revealed that Ana will be going on tour with Jett for a few days. Ana wasn't shown at all this week and I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't shown next week either.  Loren is taping, so she will be back at some point, but I don't like how they are barely using her and the storyline she's in, whenever they do show her. I wish the show would do better by her character.


I don't mind Devon and Elena, (at least for now) but them sleeping together on today's show did feel rushed. Elena has been barely shown and is very underdeveloped. I think they should have fleshed her character out more before they had her sleep with Devon.

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All Morrow needs is to be out of the suit and tie. Businessman Nick never works. They should have kept Nick working with Nikki on low income housing, helping people and being the "good Dad". 


There have been many times when a break from Nick would have been great.  


I don't understand why they disregarded the last month Adam was alive when he told Nick to raise Christian.....

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Josh Morrow doesn’t seem burned out to me at all. I think he was great this week, and seems energized performing with Mark Grossman.


i don’t agree at all that JM half-asses his performances at all, let alone 90% of the time. Nick is sometimes written as a dick, but that doesn’t mean Morrow gives less than his best.


Grossman has had a strong first month, and his scenes with JM had both actors delivering the goods.

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