Members Faulkner Posted March 22, 2018 Members Share Posted March 22, 2018 He threw Diane out of an ambulance. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted March 22, 2018 Members Share Posted March 22, 2018 Thank you. That is JUST as bad as hitting a woman. He literally threw her from a moving vehicle in disgust. Seriously sometimes when I think about all the [!@#$%^&*] Victor's done just since I've been watching this show, I'm shocked he's not been murdered. When Jack screamed at him today that he couldn't wait for him to drop dead, I was thinking go Jack. This guy sucks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted March 22, 2018 Members Share Posted March 22, 2018 Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dax7000 Posted March 22, 2018 Members Share Posted March 22, 2018 Wow, I had never seen that. I wish they would kill off Victor. I know he's a legend on the show and all that, but he gets worse and worse as time goes on. Between the semi-constant issues with Braeden over salary and sinking ratings for soaps overall, I kinda wonder if the show could actually handle either getting rid of him or reducing his role. I don't know if it's true that Eric Braeden demands Victor never lose, but that also should die imo. It's not like they have much to lose by ignoring him and writing what they please. I usually never want to see a vet lose their importance to a show, but they have increasingly made Victor into a character that's almost impossible to ever enjoy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRfan23 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 Trust me I’ve replayed John and Nick punching him over and over when I’m really pissed off at the character 😁😁😁 he actually was alright all of last year, (gotta at least thank Sally for that) but it’s just the things that were mentioned that Victor did that I can’t forget like Colleen’s death and Diane in the ambulance, even Jack/Marco....however I admit as much as I miss Katherine and Jeanne very much, I think I’ll always be bothered how Victor could do no wrong towards her in her last few doesn’t help that she spent 2-3 out of her last 5 months ever on the show, bitching at Jack for his Newman takeover, after knowing Victor had taken over and tried to bring Jabot down many times...she was being a hypocrite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ajsp35801 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 And it didn't have a PSA. We were supposed to cheer over him throwing her out of that ambulance. I've never looked at him the same since. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRfan23 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 That's because MAB must have thought it was like a scene out of one of those old sitcoms she loved.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dax7000 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 They ruined Katherine in the last years of Jeanne's life. It's even weirder since her friendship with Victor was always somewhat..odd to me. I saw that they were close, but it just always seemed somewhat guarded compared to her friendship with Nikki and such. That could be a male/female dynamic vs female/female thing. I don't know. I was really appalled when she turned on Tucker for underhanded business tactics, going as far as to criticize him for using Victor's personal family drama against him. I recall a scene where Ashley basically told Katherine off for doing so. It was delightful. Katherine would always bring up her long friendship with John whenever it suited her agenda, but she never had the backs of his kids the way she did Victor. I think the things you mentioned as specifically why I have issues with him. He has the literal heart of an Abbott, but still goes after Jack all the time. I don't know. I preferred the mid to late 80's and 90's Victor. He was ruthless, but stopped short of seeming evil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRfan23 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 I don't really think Katherine and Victor were totally close that much in the 80's/90's I mean obviously he helped her with the Chancellor business, and was a major part of the Nikki/Kevin/Bancroft story....and naturally Nikki and Katherine became very close....but some of the earlier Katherine/Victor scenes I watched kind of show a different side of their's kind of hard to find the right words to describe it, but they both seemed more wary of what the other's flaws were and weren't afraid to throw it in their faces.....Katherine even said to Nikki that " a man like that would drive anyone to drink" when Nikki used Katherine's alcoholism as an excuse to get away so she could try to abort the baby (Victoria) so Victor wouldn't know.....Victor had told Nikki in an earlier scene that Nikki shouldn't waste her time looking out for a "lady drunk"......there are also scenes where Katherine and Victor snipe at each other, and he even accuses her of being a just shows the "warm and fuzziness" of them being BFF's was totally retconned through the years, (or at least the final years)....I know people can get closer, but that was concrete proof even Katherine and Victor barely tolerated each other in certain situations.... I can't imagine what their relationship would be like today.....I'm sure it would be the same as it has been, despite Victor's schemes getting worse and worse....I'll never forget when Katherine found out that Victor held Billy captive while Delia was sick and needed bone marrow.....because it wasn't even Jeanne playing her at the time, it was when Michael Learned temped for her.......the one time I would have liked to have seen Katherine angry with Victor, (in recent Y&R) she was played by another actress.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members StepBack Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 I agree. Amelia Heile is doing very well when the script calls for it. Truth be told, Heather Tom has gotten better writing for most of her duration. Heinle has not gotten anywhere close to that. And to say that Heather Tom’s Victoria would never be there, well guess what, with domestic violence even the strongest woman can be victims. It’s almost insulting and the reason why people don’t speak up because they are embarrassed. But you’re not going to convince people around here, so best to just agree to disagree. I also don’t see why JT has to die because he’s a dosmetic abuser. Many of these POS continue to live and hurt other women. Not saying it’s right, but the world is plenty grey. I think your dislike for Victoria/AH clouds your judgment in this story Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 No. It doesn't. Name ONE thing that JT has done besides criticizing what Victoria eats (which is out of character) that has been abusive or controlling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ranger1rg Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 Anybody got a link to those interviews? Any source for that work environment with David Tom? I keep reading about it on this board, but there’s never any evidence — just people repeating stuff they heard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dax7000 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 I agree. There's a clip in one of the 80's compilations where he basically said Katherine drank for attention. He was not fond of her friendship with Nikki at the time. Even in the late 90's, when Brock was missing, he called her "a nice lady". That's kind of distant sounding for a supposed close friend, so it was really annoying how she became the Victor Newman Fan Club president towards the end. So many things on Y&R didn't make sense in later years. I never really liked how they suddenly started having everyone behave as if Katherine was a saint and Jill had always been so vicious and cruel. Jill wasn't very nice, especially once the show decided to go the Alexis Carrington route with her, but one of the great things about the feud had been that neither woman was an angel. They were both flawed, damaged, and complex. Katherine's obsession had largely helped turn her into the manipulative woman she became. Katherine was a drunk who rarely took responsibility for her own misdeeds. This was beautifully portrayed through at least the mid 90's. Characters like Rex and John would call Katherine out for being obsessed and petty. I remember Jill saying to Jack during the battle for Chancellor mansion, something like, "I was trying to get my dreams back". It was the scene after she crashed Katherine's party and the whole town attacked her for being so nasty to Katherine. I will say I did enjoy some of the later stuff, such as when Katherine admitted she never loved Phillip as much as she hated Jill for taking him. That was good. Moments like that were enjoyable to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ranger1rg Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 I think you’re right about agreeing to disagree, StepBack. I knew I’d get killed here for defending Heinle, but I did it anyway. Posters know they’re beating a dead horse by talking about HT’s Victoria, but they’re still doing it 15 years later. Is this behavior OOC for JT? I’m not sure it is. He’s been gone a long time, and people change. In addition, a lot has happened to him — and those happenings weren’t filled in for us. JT was a question mark in many ways. in the months he’s been back, Luckinbill has been great at portraying both the happiness at being back AND the problems and concerns and anxiety he has. He never seemed less than restless. i have no problem with JT as this guy (even though I’d rather have TL on contract). I CERTAINLY don’t think CLB or Rikaart would’ve been better as the angry abuser. Finally, let me say that Y&R has been really good this week. We can all disagree on actors and storylines, but none of the other soaps measures up to what Y&R is doing. In my mind, it’s still far and away the best soap in daytime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ajsp35801 Posted March 23, 2018 Members Share Posted March 23, 2018 The way he constantly berates her, for starters. I'd say choking her against the wall qaulifies. Before that, he verbally abused her. What person constantly throws another's faults in their face daily? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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