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General Hospital August 2014 Discussion

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Milo is a mess; he's confused. His intimacy is with Felix. Milo doesn't yet know he's gay and poor Epip gonna find out he on the down low at some point. And wait till Pappa Giambetti finds out Milo has an overweight African American arm piece to cover up his sexual affair with a gay African American...woah..now there's a Soprano storyline! I want to see that. Who can play Pappa Giambetti? Didn't one of the Soprano stars appear on OLTL before the end? Get him

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Friday's show was awful but I think Marc Samuels gave a surprisingly good and honest performance. He deserves better material than what he is being given because of all the newbies thrown on this show he is one of the few (and I do mean few) who seems to have the capability to handle dramatic material.

I can't believe this is the material that they gave Alison Sweeney to direct and then capped it off by claiming the episode was "epic". That episode was absolutely terrible.

As for the S&C revisit, they don't have any romantic chemistry but I don't care if they go there. It's really quite fascinating to me though - I loved to hate Sarah Brown's Carly, I hated Tamara Braun's Carly and I am completely indifferent and apathetic to Laura Wright's. She's always just there for me. She's never the presence that I think Carly should be so often just end up forgetting about her completely. I never felt that LW was right for the role of Carly, she's not dynamic enough. The same thing that happened on GL happened on GH, she is just constantly overshadowed by better/stronger actresses to the point where her character feels inconsequential.

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Who's the guy swinging the hammer (definitely no pun intended)? He reminds me of Ryan Paevey, but he isn't covered in baby oil in that video, so it's hard to tell.

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That makes sense, reallyhate. After all, this is coming from the same HW who thinks it's cute to have four people all under the age of 12 running around blackmailing and beating up grown folks whenever they're not busy seducing each other with songs from some janky Time-Life collection. Still, Precious the Orangutan having wild fantasies about Luis the Walking Talking Romance Novel Cover on PASSIONS was comical, if more than a little absurd. Milo having daydreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon with the Pine Sol Lady's cousin is just disturbing, and a little bit nasty, too.

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I've always felt Mo and LW has really good chem to sell CarSon, but it's a pairing that NEVER should be revisited. 2008 was IT! Carly pulls this fool from the water after Karpov knifed and dumped him, then she alibied Scummy when Scummy killed Karpov. Scummy tells her not to get an idea of a reunion even though he was grateful was THE straw! He's been a piece of garbage to her since! and the only reason they are trying to sell CarSon's [nonexistent]bond is because Craptini want to hand Howarth over to Redzilla! The scenes Friday were really good because M/LW play very well off of one another, but what has Scummy done lately to play up a great connection? Dumber and Dumb ass should have thought about this bond when they had Scummy threaten to kill Carly to sell Scumlivia last year. Watch your plots!

If MagicJohnson will be played solely for laughs, automatic fail. Because the audience seems to embrace the pairing, go for it! Tell a story! Why is Milo attracted to her? Why is she attracted to him? He's completely stupid. When opposites attract!

The directing? Nothing really stood out, not sure why folks are making a huge deal.

And am I the only one who caught FrankenTodd suggesting that Carly masturbate since he could not be there with her to "eat pizza"?

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I watched Friday's ep for Ali Sweeney. Nothing against her work but I was still cringing at the material. I can't get past Franco roaming around the hospital freely, casually talking on the phone w/Carly like It's nothing. Disgusting

I still have a soft spot for Nik. TC gives not one damn about anything but is still pretty good. OMG, that beard. I love it. Also him & Britt are so gorgeous together.

The gay six pack joke was dumb as hell. made no sense! LOL @ Brad saying he had crushes on Michael & Nik.

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