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DAYS: May 2014 Discussion Thread

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Why isn't she playing BINGO with Caroline?

Oh and yes she's on the crack sh-t too which explains why she's aged 20 years in the past year

Daniel...why is he still living? Again, Nicole should just kill him and be over with it

ETA: Yay, Nicole is back! Today was the most Ive enjoyed her in a LONG time! Girl went off on Daniel and told him that their friendship is over. See what losing 200 lb orange gorilla can do for one's image?

You know they are unveiling that for the 50th anniversary
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I'm catching up on this week right now. Why in the world is Gabi having a photoshoot at Sonny's club? How random.

NuBen is already a big improvement. But what a waste to have Justin Gaston on the show for like 3 months and not have a single shirtless scene. Come on, DAYS.

JJ and Paige are sooooooooo boring. Love Rory and Bev.


Get him off my screen. LOL at him popping up half way through the episode just to have that scene where he's all, "Son, stop drinking!" "No dad, why don't you have a drink with me?" *John pours drink on ground* and that's it. Not that I want him to have an actual storyline or screen time but why did they bring him back if they weren't going to do anything with him?

Jennifer looks terrible. That pink suit, the hair, oy. And Sami's outfit... WTF???

YAAAAS to Nicole ending her friendship with Daniel. Woohoo!!!!


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Nicole to Daniel: "How many times have you lied. You lied to save JJ from his stupidity" laugh.png

Big ugh! to Grandma Horton busting her up. I was enjoying Nicole's lies and manipulations. Lame that they took a page out of GH's book and had this happen offscreen. I wanted to see Eric's reaction

Why even bring him back then until its closer to her appearance? He's been completely wasted the past couple of months since his return. Is he on contract or recurring?
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