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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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The scene with Britt was the same one she had with Sam, Maxie, Brook Lynn, Siobhan, and any other random ho, I'm forgetting . She doesn't like it when the men she throws away move onto other women. She gets extra territorial and it does her no favors

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I will get past the emaciated look and say that THIS is the Liz they should be writing! I enjoyed watching her witchy behavior. GH does not have any bad girls, and Liz has nothing to do. Re-direct this woman from the passive/aggressive nobody and find a place for a bad girl on this show. As it stands, she is inserted yet again to make you root for the other chick. Just last year, Liz lied about Danny's paternity and it lasted a week because she [OFFSCREEN] fell for Jason once again. But if there is no interest in the character, there is no place for Liz. Twitter was lit up with Britta love after that confrontation, and I'm sure moRon was sitting back whacking himself just reading the TL!

Only Bex can pull off that much red lipstick and not look like Millie Jackson!

She certainly can be salvaged. Send those kids to Gram forever and let Liz do some damage!

Praise Jesus!

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I got quite a chuckle when Faison and O were in the house like Ozzie and Harriet casually talking about killing Robin's parents. That was so damn funny. Faison is reading the paper as he calmly says "Scorpio first". I was in stitches. Too bad they are cartoons because I've heard so much about Faison.

Take away Kaka, and I'm looking forward to the show today.

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I think they're fantastic. I think Obrecht has actually been toned down a bit more lately, if possible. Ever since the emotional scenes in the prison where you truly felt how deeply she loved Faison and how little he cared.

I watch every episode but I'm often doing other stuff during it. The art show ish starts Wednesday and goes through Friday though and I'm not here for that, sigh. Shawn and TJ share scenes on Thursday though if anyone cares!

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It's too bad Heather, Faison and Dr. O are such cartoons because they really are hilarious and such bright spots.

It's about time Heather and Scotty had some interaction.

Ew to Michael Easton's pixie cut.

I won't lie though, I'm mostly watching the Love Boat reunion on The Talk. Julie Chen as a bald man is slightly disturbing.

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RC did change RH history though. Delia was always with Pat Frank then Pat all the way thru 79. Johnn was born in 75. There is no way Dee met Victor Jerome & had Ava before Johnno. Sorry epic fail & total RH history rewrite.

The fact that he didnt talk to claure Labine first shows he doesnt give a damn or has any integrity.

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It was nice to see Ilene but she didnt have to be Delia. GH could have written a new role for her. Ava doesnt need to be Dee's daughter. By being a Jerome, Ava is already tied to decades long GH histories. So what was the point? Make IK a new role, Oh wait ABC was just USING Ilene to get ratings. Well as great as it was to see IK again, its an eic fail & threw RH history & Claire labine under a bus. JMO

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