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Y&R September Discussion

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We are way past the point of psychological break. This is a 9-1-1 situation. The writing has gone past the point of a counseling and some pills as a solution. If they intend to keep Sharon as a viable character (and let's face it, there are quite a few other characters who can go before she does), they need to invent a medical reason for this behavior.

Unless Sharon is going to become the next Patti, in which case they will shift her off the show to an institution, they need to have a medical, surgical intervention to the remove the 'source' of this ridiculous story that's been ongoing through at least two writing regimes.

It doesn't even matter whether they've gone down this road with Jana (or any other character) before, Y&R needs an expedient solution to an unworkable story.

And it's not like Y&R hasn't recycled a storyline before.

Sharon had an accident years ago, around the time Nick was fooling around with Grace Turner, they could say it was a benign, very slow growing tumor that has now been recently accelerating growth at a rapid rate and has been pressing up against her brain, adversely affecting the part of her brain that regulates behavior and emotion. If they don't go in and operate, it will expand and begin to press against the other parts of the brain that control vital functions (like lung and brain activity). Yadda yadda yadda.

There's no longer a way to finesse the situation, the writing has descended too far.

Just surgically remove the bad storyline with a scalpel.

Excise it.

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I don't agree that it has to be a surgical solution. People can start acting pretty crazy when there brain chemistry is off. Y&R is using that fact as a matter of convenience to drive this story, which may be lame, but it's still true.

People who stop taking their meds start acting pretty far out. Sure, I'd sooner believe that Sharon would start digging in her back yard building a shelter to survive the imminent alien invasion than insist she needs Nick back, but still. A few weeks back in the mental institution to get her stabilized is all this story really needs.

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LOL. Kevin has been around just a little over 10 years now with a string of silly storylines and non-believable relationships. Alex did seem to have options at first, but it also seemed like those options were all dismissed. He dated Abby for a very short time, he flirted with both Chloe and Chelsea, and a new female detective was hired a few months ago to work with him at GCPD. She has since vanished!

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I completely get it but am unable to put it to words, as well!

I wouldn't necessarily use that word, but this is what I've realized about the classic Bell actors: They were (mostly) gorgeous BUT not in the cookie-cutter, typical way. Each main character looked completely individual, different and distinguishable. Ashley and Nikki were both beautiful blondes, but there was nothing about their look that was typical or cliche. I don't think anybody looks like Victor anywhere else on TV. Paul and Brad would never be confused. Ridge? Total unique look. Koslow? The same. And it served them wonderfully, especially considering the EXTREME close-ups the show favored. They were beautiful but, most importantly, just captivating and eye-catching. Can you imagine an extreme close up on a face you've seen on a million different people?

I have to agree. That kind of pacing would be disastrous today. I can't blame them for wanting to speed things up. But they didn't have to get frenetic about it. The dialogue could have been modernized, while retaining its signature style. They didn't have to gut everything that made Y&R, Y&R.

DAYS is a great example of how you can have a relatively slow, talkey-talkey show and still make it work. It's shocking that DAYS is more Y&R than Y&R.

Yes. YES.

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