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Y&R September Discussion

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I know she did a lot of social issues on GH, which I think transformed that show in a positive way, but she never did that on Ryan's Hope and I didn't recall that on GL or her OLTL stint. When I think of Claire Labine's style I don't think preachy or PSA. I think smart dialogue, realistic characters, heavy focus on romance and family and well plotted stories.

As for Jean Passanante, she is NOT the HW of GH. She is a part of the writing team. That doesn't mean she had anything to do with any of the stories or pacing of stories at GH or OLTL before it. Still, I'm not sure that style is the right style for Y&R anyway. But if you look at her stints as a HW they were very unsuccessful. I enjoyed her ATWT as popcorn TV, but it wasn't very good. Since the subject of Ron has come up, I can just imagine how the press would jump all over his Y&R, but I think that would be the absolute worst soap for him. It would be like MAB on acid. He'd be bending over backwards to make everybody related, then you'd have a bloated cast and the style in which is writes couldn't be less Y&R if tried.

With all this said, I actually have been enjoying the show the past month. It's been much more watchable. Still not great, or very Y&R (Kay's will was a joke!), but it's finally watchable. The blackmailer story is great, thanks mostly to those actors. I'd love to see them have Hilary become the new Jill. Maybe once she's exposed Jill will take her in (ala Kay to Jill), mentor her and then once Jill is hot and heavy into a romance, Hilary steals him away! :D I would totally write that if I were in charge.

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I don't want Hilary to be the new Jill. I want her to be her own distinct character. I don't understand the constant wanting a character to become the new Jill or the new Katherine. No one will ever be the new Jill and Katherine nor do I care to see some lame attempt at recreating that dynamic.

Ebony.com did a write up featuring Redaric Williams, Lamon Archey, and LSV(BB)


RW talks about how he came up with his stage name. And I saw picture's of LA's youngest son but I didn't know he has 3 kids.

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