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She did. It was only the next morning that she found out the truth. But yes, they did start seeing each other in secret afterwards, and there's a funny scene where Kevin overhears David proposing to Tina while thinking they're still related :lol: .

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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Actually, after weeks of flirting and heavy breathing, David and Tina were about to do the deed, and Tina said, "I don't care if you ARE my brother" and David finally confessed, "I'm not", and the two made love.

I remember squirming the entire time the two shared screen time before that - Tina was actually willing to and wanted to have sex with her brother! unsure.png

Contrary to other opinions, I think Tesreau did well with what she was asked to play. During her incarnation of the character, everybody in Llanview referred to Tina as stupid, an airhead clueless, etc. She played what was written - Dumb Tina. Prior to KT, Tina was always written as a liar and schemer, but she was not stupid

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I don't know enough about Mindy to agree or disagree with that, but it seemed to me that they were just writing their "idea" of Tina. AE has an airy quality, her breath, her voice, her presence, she's like a tethered helium balloon, and that overall quality can read "ditzy" even when her thoughts and actions are well-grounded. I think the writers wrote into this quality and subsequent actresses played it. I never saw Tina as dumb, just as someone who made one bad decision after another. I think I still have it on tape, but there was a good episode where KT Tina goes over to Dorian's apartment where KD Blair is staying and calls her out for scheming to marry Todd and get her hands on his millions as Blair is pretending not to know that he's the true Lord heir. Tina says, "And they say I play dumb." She's very astute and on top of the situation, and particularly was when it came to her money. She let men distract her and that's when she got messy and did more damage than she would have on her own. But there was certainly something tougher about KT Tina in terms of voice and demeanor.

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December 26, 1979(article)...New York Giants Middle Linebacker Harry Carson appeared as Frank Sparrow, Linebacker for the Llanview Cougars. His scenes were with Pat Ashley(Jacqueline Courtney) on her fictional show, and Gretel Cummings(Linda Dano).

Edited by slick jones
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