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There is no end to the fun that is Jill and Katherine fighting. Ever.

Well, unless they make them mother & daughter and have them hold hands and drink tea day in and day out....

But, other than that, it was, is, and always will be the very best thing about Y&R.

I will never forget Jill wondering if they will ever find a spot large enough to bury Katherine's liver. :lol:

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It was exaggeration (to a point), cassadine. Of course they fought, like any mother/daughter does. But that's very different from beating each other so badly that they would draw blood. This twist just joined them at the hip, neutered them, and essentially put an end to decades of passionate, co-dependent hatred in favor of "she annoys but she's my mom, so I'll make sure she gets her rest." Not remotely the same.

If anything, they should have hated each other even more after the reveal.

Edited by YRBB
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I just want to know why Kay Alden and Jack Smith believed it would be a good idea to mess with history and make the two mother and daughter. What purpose did it serve (beyond goosing ratings)? Even if the idea of Katherine having an illegitimate daughter sounded juicy, there were ways to include Jill in the story without making HER the long-lost child.

For example: Jill could have learned the truth and kept quiet until she figured out how to gain from the secret, along with the child's identity and/or whereabouts, being leaked. She could have hired someone to pretend to be the daughter -- or, better yet, because that idea might have been too similar to how she introduced Rex Sterling to Kay, she could have PRETENDED to be Kay's long-lost daughter because she knows or is led to believe Kay will leave the Chancellor mansion to her daughter in her will (a plot which would have fallen apart, of course, the minute Liz Foster heard about it and returned to set everyone straight).

I'm not a writer, so I don't know whether those ideas would have been any better than what we got. Surely, though, someone on that writing staff could have found a proper way to write the story without committing such a serious blunder.

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Hey guys, I was away for the weekend so I wanted to apologize for the lack of posts lately.

Days22 you are doing an excellent job with those uploads! I feel bad that I haven't really commented on them but I did watch finish all the April ones....again If you have May 1 and 2 1989 please upload them.....I just got those dates in the mail myself (along with December 5,6,7,10,11,1990 and May 3,4,5,6,10,11,1993) They were really good episodes so I hope you upload them them when you get the chance....

I did wanna say one thing, on the 4/12/89 episode. How cheesy was that "thank heavens for little girls" montage they did for Cricket the middle of her shoot......You know Terry Lester was punching a wall somewhere when he saw this....It's almost like Bell knew he was annoyed with Cricket being the "star" of the show and he just forced the issue more by writing in all these ridiculous montages for her......I actually thought the old guy in the clip was Bill Bell himself....

I also need to catch up on the Jill/John divorce clips too. I still can't believe Esther was blackmailing Kay for money.....on Part 2 of those clips Jill's fantasy about being rich was deliciously fun....I thought the echos were weird but the "carnival" music during that sequence was a great choice then Kay coming in to do Jill's nails at the end....soo funny.....Brenda also has a pretty good singing voice when she came in singing "I'm in the money"

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Yes don't worry I'm probably gonna upload a couple of episodes sometime this week.....gotta take advantage of the couple days I have off haha.....probably gonna upload the December 1990 ones first.

Some other things about the episodes you uploaded....

I really am enjoying the Katherine/Jill/Nina scenes.....Such great stuff in those last 2 episodes where they try to get Nina to sign the document and she realizes what they are up to and still signs.. That type of soapy drama will not be seen on Y&R again that's for sure.......The show has made it impossible to bring back any type of Chancellor family drama and that's why we get silly stories with Jill and Colin just to benefit Cane's aussie ass....

I wish I can be more interested in the George Rawlins murder stuff but IDK too much going on it seems like plus it's getting too much airtime.....

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I'm watching more of my Brooks family edits and this stuff is sooooooooo good! Right now there is a good chunk of Lorie figuring out that Leslie was pregnant with Lance's child. Jamie Lyn Bauer is a true star. I can't believe she never won an Emmy. She is so grand. Victoria Mallory is also much better than I expected. I'd mostly only seen episodes with Janice Lynde so I just decided she was the good Leslie. The only episodes I'd seen with Victoria previously were the reunion at Nikki and Victor's first wedding where she didn't really do much. It's a shame Bill Bell couldn't have thrown more money and kept Lorie and Leslie around. I love their relationship. Chris and Peggy could've kicked rocks, but Lorie and Leslie needed to stick around.

I know one of you fabulous posters offered to help me upload this stuff. If someone can PM me on how to do this I really want to get it online for you guys! This stuff is so good and I haven't seen ANY of it online.

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