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Wouldn't it have been in character for Victor to respect a woman that was self-made, that worked her way into success at any means possible?  I do think deep down, he did respect Jill.. and there were times they would hold their own with one another.

There were some episodes in late 1984/early 1985 where Nikki had tried to get into modeling.. with Victor dismissing her aspirations and eyeing Jack with distrust.  It's a shame she didn't ever work at Jabot scouting out models for campaigns, etc.. since she had expressed those aspirations going back to her marriage to Greg.

Ashley was an interesting case for Victor.. he respected her business sense/intelligence.. yet presented that emotional fragility that made him want to care for her.  This was in play anytime Eileen played Ashley.. and wasn't as much when Brenda/Shari played Ashley (though the reason Brenda's Ashley and Victor married was due to rebound and mutual/respect/love).

How did Victor view Cassandra and Leanna?  He always seemed amused by Leanna.. and he wasn't happy when he found out she wrote the tell all book about him.. and she acted as a thorn on/off through the early 2000s in spurts.

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But that would have run counter to who and what Nikki was designed to be.  Casey was considered the more ambitious one, since she was a doctor.  All Nikki wanted out of life, IMO, was to be adored and cared for.

And I know they've tried over the years to evolve Nikki from that, to show how pursuing such shallow wants or needs has led her to a very unfulfilling existence as Victor's eternal trophy wife.  But, if you ask me, it's an evolution that's never been entirely convincing.  I truly don't believe that Nikki has ever wanted more out of life than what she has already.  She just wants Victor to look at her the same way he looked at her back in 1981 or whatever, and he can't, because the newness of being in love with "darling Nikki" from the poor side of town wore off a long time ago.

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Yes, once Bill Bell established Victor's back story of the orphanage and his becoming a self-made man. When mysterious wealthy businessman Victor was introduced as the show's new villain, he was initially drawn to Lorie, the vixen daughter of the main upper class family.

I can't remember if Bill Bell ever explored that Victor's relationship failures might have been due to his not having his mother around for most of his childhood.

Nikki was introduced as the troublemaking younger sister of the new doctor in town. That's how she ended up involved in a modeling agency that was a front for prostitution, joining a cult, and climbing the pole. Then came the My Fair Lady story with Victor and the rest is history.

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I was doing some aircounts for 2007. I stopped watching during LML years and I only came back when MAB took over, so I did not watch this part,  but I noticed that Victor and Nick had lower airtime, especially in June 2007. Seems shocking to me, considering how much they usually dominate the airtime. Anyone know what the reason was?

Also, another question... did Daniel have a porn addiction storyline? How was this shown? I mean, obviously they could not show naked ladies and porn or Daniel, um, pleasuring himself. So how was this addiction depicted? And how did it come about?


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Josh Morrow walked/quit in the middle of intense contract negotiations, so the show had Nick be presumed dead when the Newman private jet crashed. Victor discovered the plane had been sabotaged and also discovered that Victor Jr./Adam was in some trouble in the Far East so went to investigate the crash and bail Adam out of trouble. 

Backstage, Morrow and TPTB finally came to terms and Morrow was back. Nick was found by some reclusive lady and nursed back to health in her cabin while having his memories of the last two years wiped out. Victor returned and the sabotage plot was dropped, with Adam just very briefly thanking Victor for help mentioning the Far East trouble when he finally appeared on screen the following winter when summoning Victor to Hope’s deathbed.

As for Daniel’s porn addiction lol it was something I FF’d a lot through on the DVR. Only thing I remember them showing was Daniel staring at his desktop with his jar dropped. 

Graz always had a funny look on his face lol when watching, similar to the below examples from that same time period:

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It was rumored in 2007 that Y&R was going to recast Nick w/ Galen Gering if JM's contract negotiations fell through, as Galen had been spotted at CBS Television City around that time. Also the Victor/Adam 2007 storyline was to accommodate EB filming a movie. I remember a scene where Jack mentioned something along the lines of "Victor's gone to parts unknown, making a movie or whatever".

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I can't believe Joshua Morrow has been employed for nearly 28 years. Bill Bell really tried to make him happen in his first three years but it didn't work. That's why we're stuck w/ JM until Y&R ends.

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Whaaat? Galen Gering as Nick Newman?? I don't see. I am glad it did not happen.

Although, it is insane that Nick and Sharon have been on for so long without any break. I think each character/actor should have some breaks. And I used to be a huge Shick fan. They kept me watching back in late 90s, early 00s when I started watching Y&R.

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