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Yea I was watching the 1994 and 1995 Primetime Special and it was like the writers did their damndest to make everyone turn on him. Hell even Paul turned on him and fired him episodes later. 

Thanks so much loved this fight. Now if only I can find the clip when MAtt was intimidationg Nick And Sharon and Christine met MAtt.

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Yes the fight was well staged - no way would they have the time and budget to do that today. Even some floor shots sjowing the ceiling.


As for Nathan,I recall he was offscreen for a while (were they recasting?) and then when he returned he was cheating with Keesha. I felt that was a cheap move on Bill Bell's part for the viewer not to see Nathan get involved with another woman and understanding how it evolved into an affair.

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Honestly I think I’ll always have this resentful chip on my shoulder in regards to Nick and Sharon eating the show. There’s been way too much negativity and propped agendas with them. I’m not saying it’s always Morrow and Cases fault (though I’m beyond fed up of Morrows laziness) but I just wish the show would finally put both characters to rest. 

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Nick/Sharon ate the show in the aftermath of OJ. Nobody I knew of the middle school/high school demographic back then was checking for the frat party, they were all watching Reilly's Sci-Fi Days.

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I dunno. I don't think they are eating the show now and I don't think we can complain about the shows not respecting and celebrating history on one hand and resent younger-generation characters having stayed for the long haul.

The writing for Sharon has been awful 90% of her tenure but I still care for her if only because she is a long-time character. Nick has always been the boringest of characters and I do agree Morrow - who CAN act as he proved during the Cassie storyline - is comfortable doing the bare minimum and never tried to give his character more layers.
Here is the thing though: being Victor's son gives Nick an angle to be a part of the show. Even as a dull unremarkable dude, he STILL could be of use as a point around which other more interesting characters interact. How about a real gold-digger? Unfortunately, and that's the ONE thing I do blame Morrow for, his insistence on working with Stafford's Phyllis completely hems in the one thing he could be of use for despite his unremarkableness: a leading man for romance. Does not require much acting to pull off.

On the other hand, Case has mostly been a trouper but boy do they just not know what to do with her. Which is ironic considering much they actually do with her.

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Olivia’s confrontation with Nathan didn’t happen until like Feb or March of 1996. If I recall right Dru was with her and epically told Nathan he was “PITIFUL!!!”


Nathan left town at end of ‘93/early ‘94 in disgust over the whole Lillie Belle situation, especially as her living with the Hastings took a serious toll on him. The actor Randy Brooks left Y&R for a role on AW which ultimately ended up being thankless unfortunately. At some point later in ‘94 is when Adam Lazarre-White was cast around the same time Vivica Fox was cast. Nathan and Olivia were at that point talking about having a second kid but Nathan was still very disillusioned. I don’t even remember how Nathan met Keesha aside from Olivia getting mysterious phone calls in the summer of 95.

Nathan as a villain made for good story at the time but definitely looking back it is very bewildering and heartbreaking they had him go that route. They at least redeemed Nathan’s final days when Olivia reunited with him in Heaven during Olivia’s aplastic anemia story in 2000. 

Edited by soapfan770
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It is funny because while I do remember Nathan making really s***y choices, I do not recall having ever seen him or thought of him as a villain.
Unsympathetic at times for sure and less upstanding that he had initially established him to be but making mistakes and mishandling situations in a human way. I may be misremembering but it felt more like a story of a good guy making really piss-poor choices rather than "villainizing".
I think killing him off rather than sticking with him and trying to redeem him was the mistake. I don't think he had crossed any lines that couldn't have healed with time.

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