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In this Beth Maitland podcast from 2013, https://youtu.be/eeQhFmyyZ9g she doesn't have such positive things to say about BD. Beth was unhappy that BD coincidentally (?) released her memoir right around the time of JC's death.


BD said some negative things (don't know what) in the book about JC. Beth thought it was a poor move for BD to basically wait until JC has passed before talking crap about JC.


Beth also commented that she didn't work much in scenes with BD, only occasionally, but Beth said she did observe some "shenanigans" on BD's part.


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Agreed on Jill's success at Jabot. I give Bell/Alden so much credit for allowing Jill to be a flat out success at Jabot - her pride at doing good work gave Jill added depth. 


The 1990 - 1994 Kay/Jill dynamic is interesting because it comes off Phillip's death and both characters seemed to down their weapons because they were united in their grief over his death and their mutual discomfort with Nina.

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It really did change Jill as well as the opinion of her at Jabot. I remember watching Joanna trying to make friends with her initially yet I know by 88 at least John & Ashley had grown a lot of respect for Jill. 

One of my fav moments for Katherine & Jill in ‘91 comes when Jill fears Katherine is drinking again over Rex dating Leanna while Kay fears Jill has set herself up to fail by tying to date John. In a way I wish we did see a bit more of Katherine/Rex/Jill as more of an update as Rex really loved the both of them and they loved Rex the same way back. Although I wasn’t a fan of John & Jill’s 90’s marriage, personally I will she did better than John Abbott & the first Keith Dennison. 

It’s strange because I almost think Porter was along a lot longer I have seen a few ‘86 articles of where Lester from fall of 86 gets always called “ex-Jack”. Then again aside from Ashley’s abortion Y&R’s history in the fall of 1986 is barely spoken of. Nothing of Dina’s exit or Marc’s return, barely anything about Jason & Molly’’s resolution, we know Neil Fenmore died in the fall but seems to barely phase Lauren, and nothing about Diane Jenkins  falling in love with Genoa City Chronicle publisher Gary Thompson was ever brought up again too much.

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I know this is kind of a late response, but I didn't mean Rex, it says Quinn Redeker played a character named Joseph Thomas from 1979-1980 (after Nick Reed) I was saying I thought I read somewhere that Jill stuck this Nick Reed look-alike on Nikki and Casey to scare them (more so Nikki I would imagine) because Greg had to suffer as a result of all the trouble Nikki got herself into with Rose. 

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Directly after being killed off as Nick Reed, Quinn Redeker went to Days as Alex Marshall and then funnily enough, when  Alex Marshall was hauled off to jail, within weeks he was back at Y&R as Rex.

Quinn was on Y&R , n earlier in the 70's as a lawyer either in the Chris Brooks or Peggy Brooks rape trials.

The Jill/Nick lookaike plot is fan fiction...

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I think Neil Fenmore died in October of 1987, or else the episode about that has the wrong date.


It's frustrating that there is so little of the second half of 1986. The German uploads go to around July or August. They apparently continued airing, they just aren't available on YouTube. I had asked the person uploading German GH videos if they had the rest of 86 and 87 and they said yes, but didn't want to post them because of copyright, and didn't respond to email so I could let them know about the vault. If anyone has them in German, French, or whatever, I'd love to see them! 

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I never bought Miss Dickson's book, but I've flipped through it and read the part about Jeanne Cooper, whom Miss Dickson refers to as "Jean".   (The book is FULL of misspellings, errors, and apparent fantasies of Miss Dickson, as you might expect.  There are probably kernels of truth here & there, but also embellishments and elaborations.)   


Brenda Dickson basically says that Jeanne Cooper was a raging alcoholic (which is pretty much public knowledge to most fans of the show, I guess, as Jeanne Cooper openly discussed her alcoholism).  Miss Dickson, in her quest to defame Bill Bell and Y&R, claims that Bill Bell "enabled" Jeanne Cooper to be an alcoholic.  She implies that Bell and Conboy specifically hired an alcoholic actress (Cooper) to fill the role of an alcoholic character (Kay Chancellor) and sort of enabled/encouraged Jeanne Cooper to remain an alcoholic as long as the storyline called for Kay Chancellor to have bouts of sobriety and drunkenness.  THEN, when it was time for Kay Chancellor to become "permanently sober", the Evil Bill Bell told Jeanne Cooper, "Sober up, you old crone, or I'll kick you out the door."    None of this was really a "slam" of Jeanne Cooper, but Brenda Dickson, in her crazy book, just "uses" Jeanne Cooper to make Bill Bell sound more horrible and mean than he probably really was.   She implies that Bell manipulated and abused Jeanne Cooper's alcoholism, and that Jeanne Cooper was too drunk, stupid and naïve to realize she was being manipulated.    Only the Wise Brenda Dickson could see all of this unfolding.  


That's what Beth Maitland was reacting to when she said that it was low and thoughtless of Brenda to discuss two dead people (Bell and Cooper) who weren't around to defend themselves.  If Bell were still alive today, he'd obviously say that he never condoned or encouraged Cooper's drinking, and if Jeanne Cooper were still alive today, she'd obviously say that Bill Bell wasn't the reason she drank.   

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This is all I could find. Terry was out during the spring of 1987 to do Hollow Point, a tv movie. Filming started in Feb 87 and most likely ended around April 


Terry is on Y&R all of 1986 as far as I could tell. I know he is in all the 1986 German eps and he is there for the conclusion of Who Shot Jill in Sep 86 as well. So I am pretty sure his absence was only Feb - roughly April 87


Neil died in fall 87. Never knew of the Diane Jenkins story. She returned in summer 86 and left pretty quickly once Andy made it clear his heart was with Faren. Dina just vanished around the time Jill was shot, same with Lindsey. Molly I think did have a happy ending, Nina took off and returned a few months later. Marc??? was he back in 86, I thought he returned in 87.

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For good measure here is an article about Blade in Hong Kong. The tv movie was shot in late January 1985, but Lester was apparently not absent from Y&R during this time. Also included is a couple other items of news the first article is from Dec 29, 1984 and the second from May 15, 1985


For the record Lester left Y&R around late June/early July 1985 and returned Aug 1985 (Jack was back around the first week of Sep) So he wasn't gone long. 


ETA: Jack takes off week of Jul 1 - 5, 1985 and returns week of Sep 9 - 13, 1985. So yeah he was gone for a much shorter time than I had thought. I was undr the impression he left for six months to do Blade in Hong Kong. 

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The fact that Blade went up against the Dynasty finale spoke to the fact that CBS didn't have much faith in the project.

Apart from the fact that the execution of the pilot may not have impressed TPTB, the networks had a poor track record in producing shows away from LA so there may have been built in resistance to going ahead with a series.

Of course, if the ratings had been better...



9pm Dynasty #2  25.9/39

10pm Hotel #5 20.8/34



9-11pm Blade in Hong Kong # 46 10.3/18


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Wasn't May 1985 the Moldavian Massacre on Dynasty? Blade had no chance. Dynasty was at the height of its popularity (in fact this season finale cliffhanger was its apex)


Yeah CBS was either over confident or just wanted the project to die, so there would be no talk of a series. I get the feeling it was the latter. If CBS had wanted to give the show a chance, they would have tried harder I think. 

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