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Nice summary! I’ll add that BB loved his summer “social issue” stories. Here’s the ones I can recall:


1979: White slavery w/Chris Brooks Foster and Rose Deville
1980: Cult w/Nikki and Paul
1981-5: none…?
1986: teenage pregnancy w/Nina and Molly
1987: teenage alcoholism w/Phillip III
1988: can’t think of a “summer story” but Jessica’s HIV disclosure climaxed in summer and Danny had his “Save the Earth” concert
1989: Cricket’s rape
1990: Dru’s illiteracy
1991: crack baby
1992: Michael’s sexual harassment of Cricket, I guess? That wasn’t limited to summer.
1993: senior citizens
1994: Cricket bringing Keemo from Vietnam was kind of a social story… earlier in the year – spousal abuse w/April


Starting w/1995, my memory gets fuzzy – what am I missing? 

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I would say:

1982: was about Traci Abbott's struggle with her weight and self image.

1983: was when Lauren came on and she tormented Tracy about her weight. Like inviting her to a pool party, shaking candy bars at her after aerobics, and ordering a banana split and sending it over. I also remember Danny & Traci were involved in a campus drug storyline and the ring leader forced them to take drugs.

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So the latest 1983 clip that was uploaded has a very striking scene in it...


It cuts in at the Abbott dining room just after Jill has said a nasty remark to Traci causing her to storm off (John is apparently sick upstairs). And Ashley all of a sudden just lashes out at Jill - not over the top, but very controlled and almost menacing. You could see the pent-up rage in Ashley’s face. It is such a shame that the clips have cut out a large chunk of the Abbott storyline, because it seems riveting.


Although, one more scene that was left in re the Abbotts had me wondering - Jill and Jack seem to be plotting against John about something, but it is not mentioned what exactly. Now Patty’s shooting Jack hasn’t happened yet, so I’m curious as to what is going on. Can anyone fill in any blanks here?

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The closest I can think of is the rape storyline involving Matt Clark, Sharon and Amy, though that started long before the summer (Sharon's rape was in December '94) and I think the social issue aspect was downplayed somewhat.


I did enjoy the run of social stories that Cricket was involved in post David Kimball; kept her and Danny busy for a few years without having them cheat on each other. Of course that didn't last forever.


Danny always seemed to be getting into trouble with drugs lol, often through not fault of his own.

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Holy cow - Madame Mergeron's debut is on the latest '83 clip! And Andrea Evans has taken over as Patty! (sob) That was always a question... did Lilibet Stern play Patty until right before the shooting... but now we know Andrea took over a month or so before.

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I went on a watching binge of the vault late last night, looking at some of the episodes I hadn’t managed to catch yet. And boy was it a goldmine.


I watched the January 1985 episode, and the stuff you see in there with the benefit of hindsight is mesmerising. Victor had just acquired Mergeron, and Jack hightailed it to the ranch to confront Victor about it.


Again the thing I love about Y&R is the psychological dialogue, and Victor was definitely reading Jack like a book, especially when he called Jack out on the real reason that Jack was upset - Jack had wanted to take over Mergeron for himself. You could sense that this is where some of the conflict between the two actually started.


This was also around the time that Nikki had started doing some modelling for Jabot, and she had been called in to see Ashley and Joe Blair about setting up another photo shoot. But it was the conversation between Nikki and Ashley at the tail end of that scene that really caught my attention...


As far as I know, this was pre-triangle, so Ashley and Victor had no involvement with each other at that point, but yet it was fascinating to watch Nikki attempt to pry some sort of information from Ashley (no idea what, exactly) while Ashley is confused as to what she is talking about, saying as much to herself after Nikki has left the room.


I also watched the 1984 V&N wedding for the first time (I know, I’m a bad fan). It was unintentionally funny to watch Eve’s schemes fail one by one. But the thing that captured my attention the most in that episode was Lorie - that exchange and dance with Marc Mergeron - they should have done SO MUCH MORE with that! I would have also loved to see if anything went further with the project that Lorie mentioned to Ashley. Why oh why did they ever let go of Jaime Lyn Bauer? *tears hair out*

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Why are the clips mostly of Kevin, Nikki, Victor, and Lorie?

Did the person not tape the other scenes, or do they cut them out before uploading them?

I am glad to see anything  from 1982/1983, but it just would be nice to see other characters more often.

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I'm sure everyone had their personal favorite storylines they followed back in the day, and whatever they weren't interested in probably got the ol' VCR pause button.  Clips are exactly what they are ... "Clips".  Lol


I see in '83 clip "031b" we have some high drama with Dina at the Abbotts and then Nikki at Victor's funeral.  I also see what was probably the last scenes of Stuart Brooks, as he and Liz head out for the cemetery on Memorial Day.  Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall seeing him after the Memorial Day '83 episode. 


EDIT:  Victor's funeral, not wedding.

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 It's just sad we don't get to see more of the Abbotts. It would've been nice to see more of Traci and Angela.


I was wondering, why do the older clips look so much better? It is hard to explain, but they look more like a "movie" and  more dark in some scenes. I think just the lighting looked better back then, and  now it looks more like a talk show for some reason. Maybe people prefer it how it looks now and I'm just strange for preferring the older look more? XD

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I know what you mean about "older scenes looking better".  Today, with high-def cameras, there is almost way too much detail, for me at least.  I guess it's a personal preference.  Some sets look beautiful in high-def.  Others should maybe be a little less so and more mysterious.

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I'm pretty sure they were cut off when recorded. If they were edited out with a program the cuts would be clean. They have the little fuzz in between that looks like it was recorded to VHS that way. It's shame, but beggars can't be choosers. I counted about 20 hours of material from 1982 which is amazing. 

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