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I liked the story of Carl returning from the dead during 1998..and the whole Tricia-Megan-Tony conflict.. any chance to see the episode of Megan finding out the truth about Tricia killing Tony and confronting her about this?

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I agree about Philip. I know Thom wanted to leave but while he did bring a sweetness and earnestness to the role, they could have recast (if it had kept us from having to deal with Ryan, all the better).


I sometimes struggle with seeing Jess in these first few years as it feels like she's still in Brenda's shoes, but this episode does show a vulnerability that I think Brenda had struggled with by the time of her exit. Jess was terrific.

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Thanks to a Kind person on Facebook here's the full episode of the Dru/Lillie Bell confrontation at Olivia's birthday. This episode has always been requested so I'm glad I was able to download and upload properly!

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I follow Jess on Facebook, haha I loved she recently took a poll on all the recent eps reran what everyone’s favorite was thus so far; I think from what I could tell on her page the 1998 attic fight, Glow by Jabot era eps  and 1990 Marge ep were leading the way. 

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Phew that was so good. I just watched the Barber family drama. Lillie Belle was just wicked! Love her. I want to know what happened after this.


Olivia was so sweet in her earlier appearances, when did she become such a harridan? Was it after Nathan's death?

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I'm thinking that a significant turning point was when she discovered Nathan's affair with Keesha. Olivia completely lost it, though at the time her rage was completely reasonable and justified considering the circumstances.


It's probably one of Tonya Lee Williams' most memorable performances, and could have been the beginning of a more complex, stronger and hardened Olivia. Unfortunately, later storylines instead placed Olivia into situations where she acted unreasonably and often out of spite. While her behaviour in later years mostly made sense in the context of Nathan's betrayal, I do think it is a shame that the writers (Alden?) chose to take her in a bitter direction.


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Oh interesting! I recognise the TV2 channel idents; this is actually a recording of the New Zealand airing in 1997 (New Zealand was 4 years behind). If you pause at the right time you can also see about one frame of a Shortland Street promo after the opening credits, and one frame of a Friends promo after the end credits.


As for the episode itself, the Dru/Lillie Bell confrontation was a long time coming. It took a long time but it was great to see Dru finally vindicated.


I've always wondered what the original intention was supposed to be with Danny and Bernadette. Seemed like it was building up to something like what later happened with Phyllis the following year.

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