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Thanks for posting this.


I really miss Nina.  There was a lot of great stuff on the show during this period, but I truly enjoyed all her storylines until pretty near the end.


I think Nina is my favorite character from this era.  From her early baby story to Phillip, fighting with Kay and Jill, the money, David.  Really until Ryan I loved her.

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I didn't see a ton of it but I didn't enjoy Nina/Ryan/Victoria either. I remember liking Ryan but that story was painful. It's one of the first I remember when I started watching (as a younger person most soaps didn't get my attention until 1997/1998) and I think it was the tail end. I remember feeling like they deliberately made Nina clingy and like she was using her kid to hold onto Ryan. But I still loved Tricia Cast

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I'm so annoyed Nina is nowhere to be found now. At least that hack MAB brought her back :/ 

Edited by KMan101
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If it were Jess Walton's Jill, then, yes, having her involved in the political arena would make sense.  Heck, even Brenda Dickson's Jill getting involved in politics would make sense (although, I think Brenda's Jill would rather use her financial clout to back candidates and get them to do her bidding, rather than run for office herself).  OTOH, if Deborah Adair's Jill had tried to run for office like Nikki did, she would've been laughed out of her first-ever debate.



You have to understand, too, that LML came from KNOTS LANDING, which, as far as I could tell, never had a passive, unambitious female character like Nikki (although Val Ewing came awfully close, lol).  For the most part, KL's front-burner ladies -- Abby Ewing, Karen Mackenzie, Laura Avery Sumner, Claudia Whitaker, even sexpot Paige Matheson and Linda Fairgate -- held down full-time jobs.  The only major exception was Paige's mother, Anne, who was a catty, scheming bitch, who wanted to marry money, so she WOULDN'T have to work.

Edited by Khan
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I know all this. I've seen Knots Landing multiple times LOL it's one of my absolute favorite shows ever. And I didn't like LML's tenure on Knots. She didn't have a clue what to do with Val. I liked some things, I suppose. She has very specific ideas for her shows but doesn't always quite fit the shows she's producing ...

Edited by KMan101
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Yeah, I know that you know that, lol.  I'm just explaining for the folks at home who might not.

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Yeah, I think LML found ranch-bound Nikki deeply retrograde and un-feminist. As fond as I am of MTS, and I’ll defend her as an actress without question, I too thought Nikki was getting a bit stale around that era, so she needed a jump start. Turning her a Hillary-clone senate candidate, complete with Hill hair, was a bit jarring, but she was game. I loved her little bitchy scenes with MS/Phyllis around that time.

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Just as she found it too incredible for Jabot, a cosmetics conglomerate that caters to women, to be run by a man.  Which is why she killed off John Abbott.


I dunno, maybe she was right about there being no cosmetics companies being run by men, but was killing off John the way to fix the situation?  Plus, she had John stick around for awhile as a ghost (and Jack's conscience), because she saw "Six Feet Under" do the same thing and loved it.  But, I'm like, "that's a horse of a different color, Lynn."  I mean, how long did she expect "Ghost John" to stick around before viewers got tired of the gimmick (and of him)?


As I see it, LML would have been better off pursuing her real passion, which was writing for sitcoms.

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Ugh. The pain of LML's un. God.


As for Nikki, the show did a GREAT job getting her involved in Jabot and opening up new avenues for her... why they gave it all up to the point where she had to go into politics I will never know...

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Yeah, Kay Alden and Jack Smith pretty carefully created a need for Jabot to require some extra cash and to turn towards Nikki and Brad for the funding.   It was all kind of integral to the storyline.   Plus it gave Nikki a good opportunity to interact with Jill, and gave them some great lines that drew on their history.


Jill:  You only have a position here because you BOUGHT yourself a position.

Nikki:   And YOU only have a position here because you SLEPT your way into it.


And then all of that got thrown away later in favor of NVP, Crystal Springs, and a stupid senate race.   


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Estee Lauder was cofounded by Estee's husband, Joe, and her son, Leonard, was the chairman for decades. Leonard's son, Estee's grandson, William, remains the chairman to this day. Estee Lauder is the largest cosmetics conglomerate in the world. If LML thought it was incredible that John Abbott, a man, could run Jabot, then she's a bigger hack bitch from the depths of hell than I ever could have imagined. 



Agreed, Alden and Smith did very good job at creating a need for Nikki and Brad to get involved at Jabot and breathed life into their characters, tying them to the Abbotts, which was especially important for Brad who was a lone wolf for so long. And that also lent natural conflict between Victor, Nikki, and Ashley, not to mention Jill.


I can still remember the episodes where Ashley and Jack figured out it was Victor who was calling the balloon loan payment, and got investment from Nikki and Brad at the very last minute as Jill imploded in disbelief at how inept they'd been in managing the company's debt. It was the last great business storyline Y&R had. 

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Nikki running for Senate had potential (like her time at Jabot which many initially were skeptical about yet turned out to be fantastic) but the show never had any intention of centering any of it about Nikki. Had the show really focused on Nikki revisiting (and being proud of) her blue collar roots as it proposed to in the beginning, then Y&R would've had the makings of a fantastic story. One that a veteran of MTS caliber so richly deserves.


But as always (like when Y&R references her time as a stripper) it's just to humiliate the character.


Ironically the Dina story as terrible as it is/was has involved Eileen giving some of the best performances of her career.

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Sigh, what this show could have been post Bell if Alden hadn't been pushed out. Though she did create one of my least favourite (to this day) storylines 'The Great Sperm Caper' Hate that story with a passion. Especially that it was Ashley who got pregnant. Even Eileen at the time said she was sure Ashley was not the culprit, that it would be out of character (which I totally agree with). I wonder how she reacted when she found out.


I would say all three women were thrown under the bus for that storyline. As trashy as Nikki was when she was first introduced and as thug as Diane had become by that point, I still can't deal with the fact they had drag down fights over Victor's sperm. Just cringe worthy to me.

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