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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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In the 80s, ATWT, AW and GL all seemed to veer away from their original founding families.  AW was the only one of the three to succeed in getting rid of their original founding family....while ATWT and GL had their families gutted but were repaired in the late 80s and 90s.


By the end of both GL and ATWT...both the Bauers and Hughes families were shells of their former selves....while the tacky Coppers and Snyder's reign supreme (still hate that the yucky Snyder kitchen survived to the end, but not the more superior Hughes family sets).

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Very true even though I thought Josh wanting to be a minister was absurd. 



I think this was a problem on all the major soaps. I think it just wasn't successful with ATWT and GL b/c their fans luckily had sense and refused to have the Bauers and Hughes be pushed to the background.


Y&R got rid of the Brooks and Fosters for the Abbotts and Newmans.

OLTL exchanged the Lords and Woleks for the Buchanans. 

While the Hortons were still presents and had story, the Bradys consumed all the airtime on DOOL.

SFT was pushing the McClearys to the forefront instead of the Jo, Stu, and their families. 

RH went through a period where the Kirklands ate up story instead of the Ryans. 


I've always wondered why soaps assume we'll gravitate towards many of these new families while thinking we'll accept the core families being cast aside. While they were many successes of new families coming on the scene and consuming a lot of story and air time, I do think at times it has been to the detriment of many shows down the line.


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The only thing more absurd than Josh becoming a minister would've been Reva becoming a nun. 


I think the thing about "new" families vs original is that the new families come in formed   (ie, Emma has six adult children) vs living through the original family grow through the years (Bob has his chilldren on the show,  and Frannie isn't even born until the 70s).


Could more of an effort been made?? Sure. But you also need other gene pools.  KWIM? 








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Now I love SH's Tom, but ugh! Revisiting that arc made me hate him a lot the past 24 hrs. When Teddy (aka Ryder) got stuck in the well saving Adam, and Tom was being a d-ck to Nikki p*ssed me off. I wanted Hal to shove Tom into the well at times too. 


I wanted Nikki to pop Margo during their confrontation at the mall too. 

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