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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Exactly. Kyle hasn't been relevant since her season 1 fight with Camille and her "You're a liar and sick and an alcoholic!" to Kim. She's certainly not the main draw for this show: she isn't the star and she never has been. Her tagline infers that she has a private plane and yacht, and we know that isn't true. She lives in that mediocre house in that part of Bel Air that's a heck of a lot closer to Sherman Oaks than it is to Beverly Hills, a stone's throw from Robin Strasser's house, and has some McMansion in La Quinta on a golf course in the middle of nowhere. Kyle and Kim are the kind of housewives that could be dropped and you'd never notice they weren't there.

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Tonight's episode was so good. I have a feeling this will be the show's best season yet.

I love how Kenya was vindicated tonight. Don't know why anyone would believe the fraudulent Nidas.

Cynthia is a f-cking riot. She is going to gather Porsha's life next week and I am here for it.

LOL at Claudia checking her purse to make sure her social security card was still there after sitting next to Apollo.

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I never really believed Apollo fully but to have him admit he lied his butt off was... Can't wait to see more of the fallout of that.

The power Joyce has over Kandi is remarkable AND interesting. Kandi putting in her two cents everywhere is kind of interesting as well - sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree.

I'm ready for next week. It looks really good.

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I'll post more later/tomorrow but I will say this now...

I was actually feeling for/warming to Kenya a bit until she acted such an ass on WWHL and I was glad Sherri called her out on it. Kenya was being very rude and condescending about her fans...isn't that what she was accusing nene of? Hmm, can't wait to see how y'all Kenya bootlickers spin this one...;)

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I lived for Kenya calling out Neighneigh's failure to make good on her deal for charity and her shortcomings as far as "statue"of limitations. "Clearly she should've gone to Detroit public schools." :lol:

She was dead on when she called out the moose saying the ladies don't support her. Nobody wants to support a parasite that thinks it's bigger and better than everyone. Bigger, yes... *side eye*

Sherri clearly had a bone to pick with Kenya. She came and Kenya conquered. I loved that Kenya shut down the troll that knowingly called her Kendra. Sherri's thirsty ass butting in for some camera time and Bullwinkle praise... Perhaps she should focus her attention on her crumbling life instead of worrying about where Kenya will be in 10 years. How's Barbara Walters?

Not sure about everyone else but I'd much rather lick designer boots than a hoof anyday.

Edited by MrPrezident
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Ayden had me dying when Apollo showed up and he was like "Oh boy; oh boy!". Anyone else notice how Mr. President doesn't seem to like Apollo?

You know Mama Joyce is going to watch this episode and be pissed that Todd tried to talk Kandi out of buying her a house. Kandi is a pushover. Her mom did not need another house. Why does she need a house with 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms? She doesnt need anything over 3.

Good for Kenya wanting to get back into her craft. "Really bitch?" LOL...she should make a music video about that

Nene doesnt know what an orgy is? Girl, stop playing stupid

Thank god Poorsha wasnt on. She can be a friend and be used in this more limited capacity.

LMAO Cynthia was so salty this episode. The shade she had about Nene when Kandi brought up them attending her show was funny

Claudia is gorgeous. And now the new Team Talls is complete. DEAD at her checking for her social security card saying she as good credit when she skated away from Apollo

Kandi is being so messy with the way she kept bringing up Poorsha and trying to bring up all that drama again. And then questioning Apollo about his marriage issues. Clearly she was being used as the producer's puppet to get the tea out on amera

Apollo should have apologized instead of Apollogized. Man he came across so arrogant and then laughing it off as if it was nothing was just low down. Im glad Kenya was finally vindicated with the truth. A big reason Phroggie hates her is bc of Apollo's lies. All that slut shaming and names were so over the top and I think she owes Kenya an apology, not that I think she will

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