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The Coven doing their usual coordinated 1-2 attack with Vyle smirking from the side. 

I'm so sick of Vyle's 'pretending to be shocked' faces. That is literally all she has contributed to the franchise in +10 years.


Lisa Rinna Lisa Rhobh GIF - Lisa Rinna Lisa Rhobh Real Housewives Of  Beverly Hills - Discover & Share GIFs

Loved Garcelle standing up for herself and being so incisive! This isn't like last year when Kyle's accusation that she didn't pay the charity blindsided her.

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Garcelle's 'pffft' at the end of Rinna's ridiculous statement says it all. Garcelle knows what Rinna is doing and she is not intimidated in the slightest. Rinna's nastiness is so performative. It's a very bad look. 

This is how Gizelle and Karen can co-exist in the future and gives both of them a lease on life for the franchise. That was a funny moment with harmless shade. 

The ones who should be worried at Mia, Candy-Ass, and Robyn.

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That reunion pissed me off. 


Rinna is sheer, utter trash, and I believed that she said that sh-t. And the fact that she sat there and felt that Garcelle should've informed her about being an insensitive twat just made my head explode. So it is the Black woman's job to tell a White woman how to not be racist? I can't.


And Erika piping in every second... Ugh. Like b-tch shut up. Your time is coming. 


Garcelle needs to get grimy next season. If I were her, I'd do everything in my power to bring down that little clique on the show. I'd be trying to woo LVP, Camille, Denise, and Kim Richards back to take Rinna, Kyle, Dorit, and Erika down.

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Garcelle nuked Rinna with the 'why is she bringing race into this show?' comment. I have never seen Rinna make peace with someone so fast. She knew Garcelle had her pinned and she needed to make that go away immediately and she knew she couldn't scream it away, so she ran her bony ass across that stage and hugged Garcelle like she was clinging to a life raft. 

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I thought the reunion was off to a good start.  I loved how front and center Garcelle was this installment!  Dorit tried, but failed.  I think her job is in jeopardy.

I thought the Rinna/Garcelle stuff had a lot of meat and they honestly could've delved a lot deeper.  Don't come for me, but I finally saw Rinna's p.o.v. in this feud.  I loved that Garcelle stayed holding Rinna accountable for Denise last year, but I understood how she thought she couldn't ever catch a break with her.  Because she couldn't.  Garcelle dropped a bomb with the race allegation, and while I take no issue with her bringing that up . . . that was something worth getting clarification about, before the reunion.  She weaponized it to seriously defame Rinna and if she had proof that she said it, she wouldn't and shouldn't have given an inch.  What Garcelle should have added to her straight-up saying she doesn't trust Rinna (no one but maybe Erika and Eileen should at this point) is that it's because she threw out her 20-year relationship with Denise to be in the center of some reality tv drama and that she sold her damn soul for this show.  (Can they break the fourth wall to that degree??)  Rinna knows Garcelle knows this and while Rinna gives zero f*cks, I don't think she's comfortable with other people knowing this.  She had to scramble, hence the making up.  Was it genuine?  Idk . . . but I think they both actually genuinely connected on not recognizing each other anymore and wishing they could go back to how things were pre-HW.

I liked the Sutton segment.  She's a tragically out of touch and ridiculously privileged Karen, but I really like her and she carried SO much of the weight this season, from start to finish.

I'm actually really interested in seeing what, if anything, Crystal will bring.  This is make it or break it for her, but her very real Hollywood connections may save her regardless.

I could care less about Kyle, unless she's actually, and finally, held accountable for being a two-faced loser.  I'm not even stoked about her and Kathy talking about making up because that family keeps everything locked up tight (Kyle would tell all, but can't because she'd permanently lose Kathy and Kim . . . and she'd be selling her soul a la Rinna) . . . this is where the best BH drama has always been, though.

Can't wait for Erika.  She handled herself well in the opening segment.  But I'm hoping she crashes and burns, which the previews indicate she will!

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