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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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With Falynn, I see so many wanting her to be a HW next season, but she didn't make much of an impression on me. Throw in her losing her rich husband and I don't see what she could offer to another season. It doesn't seem like she made good connections with the other ladies either. All I want for next season is Marlo to finally get a peach and at least ONE newbie that can generate the same excitement that Eboni, Garcelle, Sutton and Tiffany have for their respective cities. ATL is supposed to be the #1 face of Real Housewives. I'm tired of this dreadful production and low rent casting. I don't need names, but I DO need an All Star newbie. If everybody else can do it (even Dallas!) there is no excuse with how many interesting people live in ATL.


Right now I'm watching tonights Married to Medicine and it's making me even more mad about RHOA. Contessa got covid and due to their group filming, everybody had to quarantine for two weeks. RHOA shut down MULTIPLE times due to covid, including for another a month before the finale was filmed. This of course was never mentioned on the show and they had to act like it didn't happen. On Married To Medicine, they had each of the women film updates at home and they did multiple zoom calls to insert, that way the story continues and there are no awkward gaps. This stuff also didn't take up more than 5 minutes total, but it added so much to the episode. It's just another sign of their production being so much better than ATL. Covid was hard on every reality show, but RHOA is the only show where you can see it.

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Well...where do I even start with that?


I admit it was better than I thought it would be. However it felt like they cut out all of the receipts. Protecting Porsha and Drew. As a result, I like them even less now rather than showing EVERYTHING so I can form a better judgment. And that was not helped by the fact that the ladies in question were in on that fact and was trying to play a nice game of gaslighting (ie: Kenya Moore Haircare).


That said...I would like Drew, Latoya, and Falynn back for sure. Kenya and Kandi back as well. A return for ShebySheree and Cynthia as a friend along with Marlo and Shemea. My only question mark is Porsha. She can come back...if she's real. I feel like the potential is there. And there was a flavor of Season 5 at the start of the season. And I strongly suspect with a new production team we can get a season that has Season 6's flavor. And that was when the original group really jelled, putting this franchise on the map. 


On one hand, I liked this part. On the other hand, Part 2 for me was better. This was too similar to S12 Reunion Part 3...aka BORING. Not as boring as that Part 3. But boring all the same. Thank God for Kenya (and for the last 30 minutes Andy)


And this production needs to leave. They can go the way of Wig's show since they came from there if I'm not mistaken...cancelled.


KENYA. Honestly for me, MVP this time. If she was not throwing shade all throughout the episode and bringing facts I really and truly would have been bored. If anything I wished she too would have been real real and said that Porsha was just collateral damage and the real target was Tanya. And then there was the BLM edit. Another thing that should have been mentioned...the fact that Porsha really turned when she became friends with Nene again. It was known that Kenya did move on and become friends with Porsha since they were both having babies. But it was also known she felt a kinda way when the S12 episodes came out and Porsha was shade, shade, shading her....something Kenya was NOT doing in her talking heads. Then it just fell apart at the reunion. At least for Kenya. Porsha left months ago. The montage was cute. But I wonder if it is because someone is LEAVING. RHOA tend to do that (Shereee, Phaedra, etc) so which one is leaving Kenya or Porsha? I was only disappointed that Porsha's deflection worked when she was answering Andy's question about why they fell out. And yes, I LIVED for her life partner shade at Tanya.


CYNTHIA. Mute. She might as well be a friend. But at least unlike Shamea she was not looking for a moment. 


KANDI. I lived for her looks she gave Drew. She was not believing any of it. And it was not good that Andy cut her off when he himself asked her about why she was going hard for Latoya. It was clear he was doing his protecting of his favorites. Weird since he and Kandi are on good terms. It was interesting that S9 can still be felt through her and Porsha. And she said nothing but truth. Even Gia tonight on WWHL mentioned how Jackie just saying that 'allgory' she said on NJ did affect her just by her saying it on the show. So yes, words have weight.


DREW. *sighs* She spent this part of the reunion really just looking for a moment. When even your ally Porsha is letting you drown, you might want to use a new tactic that does not at all involve the Lord. JS. *crosses left* I stayed loving that Latoya and Kenya had her number. If Andy had not mentioned the Prophet, she would have nothing this time around. Well, that's not true. There was Latoya dragging her, but that was edited out...something I would not even know if someone had not reminded me that Latoya came for Ralph in the reunion trailer...so WHERE IS IT, PRODUCTION???). Whatever ho indeed.


PORSHA. Honestly...I'm disappointed. I had never been Porsha's biggest fan. Her getting pregnant and soul searching and still having a sense of humor about it made me like her. Now after all the things edited out and the like I wonder...if that was all an act. This past weekend, I had call security on some Karens at my job. And once security got there, they basically was trying to pull a 'the white lady with a dog in Central Park' thing on me. AT MY WORK PLACE. I let them speak. And as soon as I got done with my customer, I turned to security, explained what happened, and they were trying to overtalk me A BLACK MAN??? So I looked at him and said I must be telling the truth about what happened if they are trying to overtalk what I was saying when I said NOTHING when they told their side of the story. I am here to work. THey are trying to cause a scene and not order. If they cannot do that, he needs to escort them out. HE DID. And THAT was what Porsha kept doing every time Kenya talked or tried to answer Andy's questions. So I saw...Porsha has regressed. And that...given the platform she is on...is saddening. It was clear a while ago that Porsha was probably trying to cover for Tanya and that backfired. As for Marlo...lord, they were both childish, but she made it worse by being pot calling the kettle black. Yes, Marlo can be violent. But so can you. One of those times with Cynthia aka a cast member. Even worst to me...the fact she wanted to make a point about how Kenya came for her friends while she was Kenya's friend...well, that is none of your business when your friends fight and are not asking you to pick sides...and used 'KENYA MOORE HAIRCARE!' as the example. Girl, NO!!! You were hollering all over the place when Kenya did that to Marlo. In that moment, she was just fake. And...I got over her. Sad, but true. If she was now all about being an image, BE REAL. And you do that by being human. What will do her in is the self-editing. Unlike Ex Soap Opera Star and Camille on BH, the network is only on her side...FOR NOW. I will be interested in where she goes from here, but I am so disappointed in her. 


LATOYA. Edited out as far as I was concerned. Sad since I wanted more dragging of Drew from her. And apparently she did. And I loved (from what we saw) of her calling her out on the Prophet. And who was the REAL issue namely Drew.


MARLO. Messy. And I didn't hate it. Sorry.  From what I can tell...like Kenya...it was Porsha who did the fallout on that friendship.  Oh well.


Like I said before...this season was transitional. Next season...they are going to have to 'come better, babe.' Filming begins anew in June/July. By then, NY, BH, AND POTOMAC are going to be showing them up. And RHOA will have to show them all (especially POTOMAC) how it's REALLY done. I hope again...that they get new production who saw the S5ness of this season and turn it up so it comes roaring back like it's S6 RHOA. 


We'll see. 


You kept Cynthia?

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That said. I agree on Drew. If anything, I think the girls will come gunning for her in her second season. 


ETA: @Chris B EXACTLY!!! I just said that above. All the other shows...and I will go farther and say other shows like SOUTHERN CHARM, two BELOW DECKS series, and SUMMER HOUSE have dealt with COVID in a way that for the most part did not at all take away from the drama or flow. Even OC which was not a great season dealt with COVID limitations better and they filmed before, in, and postCOViD world. So why this sloppiness with RHOA? Totally Production.

Edited by Taoboi
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Cynthia might be a bore but we need that one sane housewife in each city. Plus she is (along with Kandi) is one of the few that helps humanizes Kenya, who despite being my fave, can veer off into being too much of a TV villainess. 


@Chris B, I think the newbie that brought it this season was the one that didn't hold a peach--Latoya. 

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Your perception about who out of Kenya and Porsha might leave is interesting in light of this tweet from QoB, who gets early screeners from Bravo and therefore has a press-type relationship with the network.



The comments following this Tweet are very 50/50 with regards to 'who should leave.' Production, as usual, is waiting and seeing, using Tweets like this to assess. They will have their work cut out for them because the results are by no means cut-and-dry.


I am of the view that BOTH women need to come correct and do their damn job and interact. None of this 'She Goes Or I Go' nonsense. That may have worked once when some OGs wielded a lot of power with the network. Today? These peeps should be invested in keeping the shows going and in the public eye and working as a team. 


(Case in point: Who was a team player and went on All-Stars Vacation last week? And by some reports played her role well and brought the drama with Ramona? That would be Kenya. Also, if Phaedra comes back... well, she has history with Kandi, Kenya AND Porsha. They are ALL interlinked).


If I was pushed? Porsha can go but Kenya must stay. Porsha by herself just does not interest me that much. It's not even a matter of not liking how S9 went down. As funny and light as Porsha has been, I just don't think she is all that compelling. As much as I have disliked Kenya, I am lowkey fascinated by her. 


That's not to say that Kenya should get a free pass to ride roughshod over everybody. It's the same thing with Porsha. I'm not crazy about Porsha this season because Bravo has an investment in her as a Face of Bravo, and they want to protect that investment, to the point where production is bending over backwards to give her a good edit and make others look not so good. I hate being manipulated like that (it's a real problem I had with Bob Guza's GH, as overseen by Brian Frons), and I instinctively rebel against getting me to toe the party line (not to put too fine a point on it -- this is Real Housewives, not Facebook bots trying to influence my vote!).


And ITA with everyone here about Production. We all can see it. This is a second-rate crew that cannot do their job seamlessly. They are messy and lazy, no depth, no content, and they are making boneheaded decisions with how they handle the crown jewels. Carlos King was interviewed for Andy's E! doc on reality TV, and if he's on good terms to that extent with NBC Universal, he needs to come back. I get the impression ATL was his baby and he ran a tight ship. He also wasn't as egregious with his favoratism. Some years Nene adored him. Other years she hated him. Same with Kandi.

Edited by Cat
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Agree with you all - that Atlanta reunion was NOT it.  How boring and annoying.


I haven't liked LaToya at all this season, but she finally started winning me over at the reunion.  She was more chill and honest.


Bring back Phaedra and Sheree... 

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I just want to say for the record that I cannot fathom for the life of me why everyone is always like "Bring back Phaedra, Bring back Phaedra, Bring back Phaedra".

Hum, that's a very firm no for me.
Phaedra was detestable and worse yet she has been exposed as a complete and utter phony. Setting aside the moral judgement of what she did, she has crossed the line of her on-screen persona being exposed as BS (I mean after doing that trashy couples counselling show with a guy she dated for like two weeks, good luck trying to reclaim that Southern Lady image) and I don't think that is good for the franchise AT ALL.

We know the women play a role and the show molds narratives that are not quite true. But after the current season where one of their key problems was how much material they edited out to fit their pre-established plan for Porscha, re-hiring a woman who has already shown herself to be nothing like the image they presented on the show would be just giving up on pretending this is not a fictional show.

There are plenty of women out there who are funny in confessionals and interesting and could be an addition to the show. Do a lot of work on casting and find those.
But Phaedra: absolutely not. I don't understand the fascination or nostalgia for that woman. 

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The fact that they showd so many flashbacks from seasons 5 and 9 prove that this reunion did not need to be 3 parts


Porsha disgusted me as Ms. Social Justice out here to protect black women yet she calls for security on Marlo bc she's "scared for her life" WTF? How many black women were killed by police due to false accusations. She made a mockery of the issue she is fighting for


Drew continues to lie and look stupid. I cant believe she doubled down on that prophet nonsense



Cynthia's arc has run its course. She literally has nothing left to offer and would be best served as a friend that pops in here and now, but not a peach holder. Its time to transition her into that

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That sounds like an interesting thread that  I will definitely read later today. If only for the gifs. lol.


But I wanted to focus on the bold. Because now that I think about it. I cannot even remember if the reunion really touched on the SPEAK ON ITs where Kandi mentioned Todd's party, BLM, and the like. And I was under the impression there was more to be showed last night instead of Bolo. And knowing the clip last night at the reunion with Kandi and Don Juan had Kenya there (and completely edited out a la Charisse ) yeah. I can't look at Porsha with a side-eye anew. Le sigh. Andy running that interference did not help either. At least there were times when he was a little messy in a way that helped.


Perhaps they are doing for Porsha what they are doing for her castmate on BRAVO CHATROOM. It sounds like she was roasted at the SUMMER HOUSE reunion. And she lost one of her podcast due to problematic behavior. So...an easy out to go on and do her own thing?


@NothinButAttitude I have always loved Cynthia's sanity, but I do wonder how much more she can give other than humanizing Kenya which really is going to be needed. 

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Yeah, she gave me nothing too. 


Side Note: Why was Shamea at the reunion? I have no problem with her, but her presence at the reunion wasn't needed at all. 


Overall, a ho-hum season with too much behind-the-scenes production chaos making for a lackluster year. 

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Well, well, well. Kyle has finally crowned herself the official queen. 


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Ooh yes Garcelle, show that leg hunny! 


Erika, I'ma need you to speed up that tagline. Geesh. 


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