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Luann came across so well in this episode. She was so wonderful with Dorinda. It reminded me of a scene years ago when Sonja took down her ex-husband's painting in her townhouse. Who was there to hold her hand? Luann. 



I just laughed and laughed with Sonja this episode. I love how industrious she is - she's going to strike a business deal at a bar in Rhode Island and God help anyone who gets in her way. 

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Kyle is such a punk. Everytime she's confronted she walks away or cries, but when Denise wanted to remove herself from the same stupid conversation about why she didnt want her kids around adults talking about sex, Kyle was telling her not to leave and to revolve it. These ladies really need three dinner parties to resolve something that should be a non-issue. It's beyond pathetic. Kyle is super insecure and these ladies are using this to bring Denise down. Kyle also keeps thinking she's doing something with those questionable outfits she keeps wearing this season, which is laughable especially since she has made several judgements on cast wardrobe in seasons' past. 

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Ugh. I have always binge to get caught up with NY and then the new episode comes on and something happens. This was no different. I missed some of the episode.


DORINDA. However...Dorinda was doing so well. And then...ugh. That was just bad on her. She was the one who wanted to have a good vibe party. SHE wanted it. So how could she wreck it by coming for Tinsley AGAIN. Forcing her to admit that she's been hanging with Scott again. WHY?  Here's a thought...she might have been testing the waters with Scott and IF they got back together THEN she would tell the girls. She was just gross on an episode where she was coming across really good. 


TINSLEY. Speaking of, Tinsley continues to have a personality. I feel like this has really been her season. And she's not doing wrong in my eyes. I just wish she would take Leah's advice and go ahead and go toe to toe with Dorinda. Once she does, Dorinda would get some respect for her.


RAMONA. Confession. Given what's been going on online with her...I am finding it hard to look at her at the moment. She was rude to Leah and I don't blame Leah for leaving before she did something crazy.


LEAH. And Leah is crazy. Doing a binge...she's too much. I was just thinking earlier today that I wondered if we would see her parents. And who showed up together? I do like that she is not hiding much to me. 


SONJA. Continues to be a hoot.




ELYSE. Yes, I'm finally gotten used to her. And look at her wearing a color that ISN'T black.


Decent episode except for Dorinda going after Tinsley.


I feel like we are getting to the meat of things. So goodie. And have some little fights. Dorinda/Tinsley. Ramona/Leah. Sonja, LuAnn, and Elyse in the middle. Good stuff.


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In regards to Denise, it’s so obvious Kyle and Rinna were behind the bad press for her. They made it seem like she pulled an LVP and didn’t show up for most of the season. So far she’s stayed more than long enough and engages, but eventually leaves when they refuse to stop talking about her kids. She’s doing her job IMO. And Kyle trying to make an issue of her leaving Garcelle’s event is insane considering they have already discussed that she does two episodes of B&B a day and she already said she had an hour drive home and an hour drive back to film at 6am. She could’ve used that as an excuse not to show up, but she went. We also see she’s on the cast trip. This entire “Denise isn’t showing up, is running away” stuff was a damn lie! I also am stunned to see just how clear Garcelle was about her issue with Kyle, yet Kyle acted so stunned when she said that on WWHL. 

As for RHONY, I do agree that the season is improving. Elyse is more integrated and the Dorinda/Tinsley feud isn’t front and center which makes it more watchable. That storyline is a big part of why this season hasn’t worked. I’m ready for a mid season trailer so I can get a feel of where they are going. I’m hoping after this that Leah is less drunk and more on Ramona’s ass. 

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Not just Kyle and Rinna. Erika has been instrumental in setting up Denise. She is positively seething in resentment. I dont know what happened after last year, when Erika was desperately up her ass ("just thinking about you and Aaron is my favourite porn!"). Her resentment is so weird too: is she enraged that Denise isn't like her character on Wild Things? That Denise seems to prioritize being a mom and her job? That she isn't encouraging everyone around her to snort coke off a hooker's backside?  


It bugs me so much that Erika sits there, not a word, but 5 f-ing months later in her confessionals rolls her shoulders trying to be the VT gangster (with the help of Mikey's props). She is definitely invested in bringing Denise down. Aaron seems to piss her off too, which I sort of understand given his kooky alternative-science and general bro vibe. Something about Aaron rubbed me the wrong way this week, esp when he talked to Denise under his breath at the end... I got the feeling that when Aaron doesn't get his way and women talk back to him, he isn't very nice. Having said that, I support his right to defend his wife in this conversation.



I thought it was cowardly. I really, really hope it was because she somewhat cares for Denise and didn't want to be part of the gang-up --because I miss Rinna the human being. Remember back in the day when she and Eileen had each other's backs, come what may? There is something so icy and calculated about her now. I don't know if anyone noticed, but when she was in the car with Garcelle, she put some peer pressure on her, like, "Denise didn't tell Kyle she had been talking about her behind her back, I don't know why she didn't say anything," thereby setting up Garcelle to awkwardly bring up her issue with Kyle at her event when Kyle was ready and prepared to rumble this time. It was a masterclass in passive manipulation. 


I also wonder if Rinna wants to stay on Denise's good side for a little while longer, so that Denise keeps venting to and confiding in her. Rinna then picks up some nuggets to use against her.

Edited by Cat
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The behavior at that dinner on NY this week was BIZARRE, but I couldn't stop laughing.  Typical Ramona trying to flirt with randoms, Sonja doing the most random, insane things... Dorinda totally wasted and not making sense... and then by the end of the episode you have Tinsley and Leah making out.  Hahaha, what did I just watch??

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Now *that's* the Drunk Dorinda I know and love. The one that's jovial and tries to have a conversation but it all comes out as shlurs and unreconishible garbash. Like when she gave LuAnn and Tom a toast on the boat and no one could comprehend it. LOL 


Sonja is literally in her own world when she's drunk and others around her are drunk, too. I'm convinced she's having back 'n forth conversations with herself the entire time. 

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Re: BH.  Lisa Rinna is very clever, calculating and manipulative at feeding people information and casually coaxing them to speak up about it, thereby keeping her hands clean but still stirring up a mess and getting the dirt out there for all to hash. Hmm.. isn't that what she used to accuse LVP of doing? 


At this point, Rinna could teach a MasterClass on How To Throw the Brick And Hide The Hand. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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@Gray Bunny I hope im not proven wrong when the episodes air, but from the various trailers I get the feeling that Garcelle and Denise will acknowledge the role Rinna often plays in these types of drama. I truly don’t understand how she’s gotten a pass so long. I don’t MIND shyt stirring, but it is odd how she always does it but nobody acknowledges it. I hope they hold her feet to the fire!

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Uh oh. Someone pointed out to Porsha a lot of VPR's Stassi racist antics.


Given that Porsha is currently doing her grandfather proud, I know she will handle this week given those talks she's going to be part of the next few days. 

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