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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Okay, what is the Cliffs Notes summary of the Beverly Hills housewives coming for each other on Twitter? Twitter is such a rabbit hole I try to stay away from as best I can. 


Last night's NY was another hilarious adventure. Funny how Sonja started out the day saying she wanted to keep it healthy and didn't want to drink, and ends up being sauced by noon, peeing in the corn maze, and being loud and adorably obnoxious in general. She is such a character. As Dorinda and Leah are trying to have a deep discussion, Sonja interjects with her sloppy side stories that Ramona semi engages in. 


Dorinda once again goes too hard on Tinsley. Yeah, perhaps Tinsley could've kept her under-the-breath comments (about being open and sharing) to herself, as you know that'll rile Dorinda's feathers, but she certainly had every right to call her out. I felt bad for Tins, because although Ramona first tried to comfort her, in the end, she and Sonja backed up Dorinda. She really is on her own island with this group and always has been. Kudos to Lu for taking the time to talk with her one-on-one. 


The dynamic is sad/interesting.... Dorinda, Sonja, and Ramona (to a lesser extent) have a hard time letting go of the past and wish they could travel back in time like nothing changed. Yes, Ramona has adjusted much better than the other two, but you know she wants that companionship and safety net of a meaningful man that she had for so many years. LuAnn is the only one who has truly come out from the other side, shedding that Countess persona and creating a brand new happy life for herself. 

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Dorinda goes harder with Tinsley than Bethenny did with Kelly Bensimon (bringing out “the heavy artillery against the fly”). The difference is Crazy Kelly deserved it for gratuitously picking fights. Tinsley may not be forthcoming or transparent, but Dorinda is doing waaaaay too much. But that’s a deeper issue that has nothing to do with Tins.

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RHONY is the most consistently excellent show on television. I am guaranteed to laugh, and smile, and roll my eyes, at least once each episode. 


This episode was no exception. The corn maze/winery trip was hilarious. Especially at the end while Lu recounted the virtues of the male body in person vs d*ck pics. 

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And that was my favorite part!!! LOL!!! I'm sorry that technology has gotten such that people act like they cannot do foreplay now. I'm not a prude, but you can do a tasteful picture that makes me want to tear your clothes off without showing off the goods. No face pictures I can undertand no one wanting to talk to them, but the idea of a D pic...


And yet people tend to watch to see that first like we are in a meat market or something. Me? Why would I want you to show me when I want to INVITE me over so I can show myself but seductively taking it off. I was soooooo Lu in that moment. For once it was nice to see someone who can relate.

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Good post, and totally in agreement. 


Kyle thought the hard work was over after 9 long years of trying to get rid of LVP. What she hasn't realized is, the hard work is just beginning. 


The post does a good job in showing how Kyle no longer stands out amidst the other women. It's funny thinking back to S1-2, Kyle being a young ish, pretty mom with an interesting sister dynamic and mean-girl vibes. Back then, BH had glamour, REAL money, but it also had normality, with Kyle meeting up with Kim.and her kids in a Palm Desert bungalow and doing her own makeup. I miss that balance tbh.


Now she is left imitating other HWs (and the same with Rinna too). Pushing the kiddos as Instagram 'stars' like Yolanda, glam squads like Erika, acting like LVP with 'business'....Kyle (and to a lesser extent Lisa R) no longer have the sparkle that made them stand out initially. Kyle has had work done, her wardrobe purged of kaftans, but she seems weirdly aged. That impetuous youthful aspect (which got her in trouble after ill-advised S1 and S2 reunion performances) has gone. And youth is everything in Hollywood. 


This 'fall of Kyle' has been a long time coming IMO. I have been waiting for it for years! My basic opinion of Kyle has, unusually, remained mostly unchanged from S1 Episode 1. The way, with Kim's own daughters, she mocked and belittled Kim to her face, as if they were in on some secret and Kim was excluded... I saw what Kyle was all about then and there. She is a pretty basic mean girl whose latent jealousy and neediness means she will always be threatened by someone more accomplished than her. She did a number on Kim, Camille, all the way to LVP. And now she is finding that others will no longer fall in line behind her when she targets someone new. Not least the target herself. She must be really panicked right now!


Also want to say that I am REALLY liking Sutton. While Kyle, Dorit, Rinna, Erika have this glossy teflon exterior of contour makeup and hardness, picking on anybody who shows any human vulnerability whatsoever, Sutton is the exact opposite. As rich as she is, she looks like herself and not some Erika Jayne clone. Her emotions are very close to the surface, and when she releases tears in fear or anger, it is a much-needed relief. If she is nervous and emotional, it's because she senses that the four witches will turn on her in a heartbeat. And she's not about that life, and neither are Garcelle and Denise. G and D are much tougher and cooler customers, though. Sutton is still a bit messy and unsure and not as controlled, but I like that about her. She's a human being, not a glambot.


And I sort of wish she had caused a scene at Rinna's daughters' dreary launch! I have never seen so much grey on my life. And Delilah looked completely unrecognisable with all her plastic surgery. The poor child is, what, 20?

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I'm actually shocked that Lois didn't do a double-take at Rinna! I imagine Rinna told her OTR that 'This is fake and scripted and I am playing a role.' I would like to think that, off camera, Lisa R is a warmer, more caring person? But on the show, yikes. She is so hard. It's like she is looking for any opportunity for her 'friends' to publicly fail. 

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I loved kim and kyle's season 1 sisterly vibe especially when they went grocery shopping...with Kim proclaiming her love of 'I can't believe it's not butter '....and LVP marveling at the product. 


However, in season 1..you saw Kyle flexing about how superior she was to Kim..etc.  and that limo scene..I didn't see a sister frustrated with her alcoholic sister...but someone full of hate and venom.  Oddly, people were more on Kim's side than Kyle's side.  Also, when Kim.comes for visits..you wonder will we see sober Kim, drunk Kim, or loopy Kim.

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I agree on the throwback season one stuff. That entire season it felt like Kyle was quietly trying to hint at Kim having issues and having to take care of her for her storyline. Kim is no saint, but I definitely think she wasn’t bothering anybody and was drawn into the drama throughout the season. I never liked Kyle based on that. 

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For sure Kyle was playing the put-upon victim of Kim's addiction issues from the jump. In S1 Ep1, she also belittled Kim in the same ways she belittled Camille, Brandi, and Carlton. Kim's daughter Brooke mentioned she was going to spend the summer with her dad, and Kim was feeling sad about it. Kyle was mocking her for being overprotective and saying "Brooke, Kimberly and I have been talking about you" and acting like it was a big jokey bitch sesh between her and Kim's daughters. Kim's face fell, you could tell Kyle's words were hurtful. The irony was Kyle wasn't even hinting at Kim's addictions, she was just working Kim's daughters against her and making Kim feel like a bad mom. Very insidious (and insecure) behaviour from Kyle. It also makes you wonder what it must have been like growing up in Big Kathy's house.


The irony is Kyle came into S1 thinking she would be the star, then turned on Camille worried that Camille would steal her 'crown.' All that time it was LVP getting all the audience accolades!

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