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I understand what Carlton is saying. Kyle came across as fake and guarded. She has that plastic way of greeting and responding to people. I loved Carlton's dislike of Kyle; it made me like her even more. I think  Carlton's real problem was that she was aligned too much with Brandi and too much of the edit was about sex which turned viewers off. This also goes to show what a hypocrite Kyle is. She blasted LVP for not wanting to film with everyone, but she refused to film with Carlton.


LVP v. Brandi: Brandi's sit down with Schaena made Brandi. I think that's what Brandi could never get over. She would have to be grateful to LVP. I never got why Brandi was upset with Schaena. Schaena didn't marry you and promise to be faithful to you. Your husband did.


Yolanda had one good season and then her true colours came out. 

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Just finished the reunion for season 4 of Beverly.


I legit don’t get what Brandi wants from Lisa? She clearly wanted to take her down, but then cried because Ken and Lisa cut her out? She says she feels her relationship with Lisa was all strategic but then says Lisa was there for her? She’s a walking contradiction and i have no sympathy for her or her tears.


I thought Joyce once again did a great job holding her own. It really is a shame they didn’t bring her back but it’s clear they didn’t want someone that had no problem giving it to Brandi and Yolanda.


They really didn’t focus on Carlton at all outside of her feud with Kyle which is surprising given how much focus she got during the season.


Yolanda seems perfectly healthy so knowing the munchausen season is coming, I’ll be curious to see when her health “takes a turn.” 

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Carlton's dislike of Kyle just cracked me up. Kyle had been so tiresome in the previous seasons that it was hard to feel bad for her. I loved that even the slightest thing would get Carlton up in arms. I literally could not stop laughing watching their feud! Also with Schaena, it's hard for me to be upset with LVP over that because she was clearly a main cast member on Vanderpump Rules and they needed to crossover to boost that show. I feel that was 100% production and Lisa had to go along with it.

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What I loved about Joyce (other than her better than Kyle's hair and husband) was the fact that years later, she is STILL friends with LVP and has been known to show up for her events. Shame she could not come back given all the things she does in RL herself. And I thought LVP was a busy businesswoman. lol.


You all are making me want to watch Season 4 again.




Oh, they got Karen drunk. You know she goes ALL THE WAY IN on heffas when they do that. lol.


Finale next week.


I'm ready for reunion previews.



Good for her given she has THREE lawsuits (and counting) against her. 

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THIS. She had amazing potential but started believing her own hype. The last two seasons especially, her attitude was so stank. ("Leave that." "Miss Crybaby.") She could barely tolerate the other women. Weirdly, the way she fawned over Denise kind of highlighted her own lack of authenticity. 


Yeah, I miss Kathryn and Eileen too. Kathryn was given zero chance, and I'm guessing one or more of the other HWs vetoed her. I for one loved her. She spoke before thinking, and bottled it when it came to confronting the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick. But I thought this underscored how human she was (as opposed to a hard, emotionally cold wall of surface image). She was kind, too, and that kindness is sorely needed on BH. 


Absolutely. Erika tried to turn BH into a bootleg Kardashian show, with hours of footage of having her hair and makeup done. Dorit and the others started doing the same, and S8 became a clusterfuck of everybody in their clown outfits. Made me wish they'd bring back Pam to clown them with her sunglasses.


Image result for rhobh dana 25 000 sunglasses

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Man, Karen was totally MVP last night!  And I love that she's coming from a sincere place.  She understands sexual assault. She understands rape and what Michael did is not ok with her.  Loved her telling Jiz to be quiet!  We need more of that!  


@Cheap21, Jiz is so fake with the concern. She wants people to believe she's capable of being a friend.  FAIL!  


And again, you can only be Ashley 's friend if you say aloud "Michael is innocent".  What a bitch!  

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What have Erika's contributions to the show actually been? Pantygate? Sniper from the snide? I don't care about glam squads and autotuning so I never liked her. It was perfectly obvious she came on to do Yolanda's dirty work, and their "friendship" was manufactured. Yolanda knew nothing about Erika and vice versa. Erika always has such a nasty attitude. There's no point to her being there. I remember her first season the tides turned and viewers wanted Kathryn and were less interested in Erika, but Andy was so far up Erika's ass that he kept her. She should have been a one season HW because she has done nothing. 


Teddi was universally slammed. The viewers loathed her so why is she still on the show? I really think it's time for Bravo to fire Andy Cohen. He's a terrible interviewer (The Southern Charm reunion was an absolute mess) and he makes mistake after mistake.


RHOP: Gizelle just amuses me. I enjoy her. I'm not bothered by her. Ashley I find "toxic" (the buzzword) because she's fake and manufactured. She did that whole father thing for sympathy. The man blocked her on facebook, and she thinks going down with cameras is going to make him open up? Please. She did to shift focus. We all know that. It makes her all the more disgusting when she's going after someone who has been raped. Ick.

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I will be glad if the streets are correct and Erika has been demoted. It could not have happened to a more deserving cast member.


The Erika Jayne persona was the only element of Erika Girardi that was popular. However, because Erika Jayne is a constructed performance persona, something she said herself multiple times on the show, Erika ran out of storyline very, very quickly and the last two seasons she has contributed virtually nothing to the show. 


And when real life became more interesting, as lawsuits starting piling up against the Girardis, and Erika simply closed up shop on that half of her life, it was evident that she'd flown too close to the sun and it was time for her wings to be clipped. 

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