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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That makes me nervous! I feel more and more the reports of the entire cast (sans Camille) returning are true. I cannot fathom how that will go. As Camille alluded to, everything is too scripted towards what they're willing to feature. Erika won't have a story again, Dorit's story won't reflect her real life and I'm sure Denise's won't either. The reports about Kyle wanting to put Kim in rehab are timed too perfectly for me not to believe she won't be brought back for Kyle and Rinna to pounce on next season. I want Kim to come back, but not like that. I'm still hoping filming will start and we will learn we are wrong, but it isn't looking good.

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Get nervous. I think Bravo thinks they have something with the current group of ladies. 


This season will go one of two ways--the women turning on each or it being a stale mess to the point that Bravo cleans house after the 10th season. 


I imagine it'll start off stale until production gets in Rinna's ear to speed up the Rinna v. Kyle rivalry, which I feel is on the horizon. As I keep stating, Rinna is gonna want the crown; she wants to be the alpha on this show and Kyle is the last one standing in her way. Mark my words...

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Rinna won't be direct about it, though. She learned from the S6 Yolanda-LVP debacle: send your minions to fight it out while you pretend you had nothing to do with it. Rinna did the same this past season, even though she was clearly one of the chief instigators in getting LVP off the show. So it will be lots of denial and petty ass nonsense between Teddi and Dorit, probably. Frustrating and boring. None of these twits ever want to bring their mutual loathing out into the open and fight it out in a non-cowardly way. I mean, I really cannot stand Kyle, but at least she showed her true colours last season when she went after LVP ("GOODBYE, KYLE!!") and later Erika. Rinna and Erika are so inauthentic and have literally self-produced the show into a coma.


BTW was there no Potomac on last night? I was really looking forward to the episode. 

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Yes! Potomac came on last night it was good! Karen v. Gizelle and Ashley v. Katie provided tons a drama last night. 


I do think that Ashley pummeling Katie was like watching a bulldog v. a chihuahua. Katie did make valid points though that everyone is talking about Ashley's situation. Not just her. In that moment, I do wish that Ashley would've turned her venom towards Gizelle, who is at the epicenter of everything. 


re: Rinna -- I think she'll be direct when she comes for Kyle. Why? B/c the fans won't give a sh-t. We loathe them all so much that it won't even matter. Dare I say it, but I'll be somewhat rooting for Rinna if this all comes to fruition. Why? B/c Kyle let her jealously run LVP and now it is open season for the crown. 

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Potomac is continuing their streak of great episodes. I felt like Katie, even with the dust mop for a wig and clearly going through it DESTROYED Ashley. For as drunk/out of sorts as she seemed, she was pretty coherent with her thoughts and I think explained herself well. I can understand why she was shocked because like she said, EVERYBODY was saying the same things, but Ashley decided to make HER the issue. Even after explaining she was responding to a conversation with Gizelle and Robyn, Ashley didn't even acknowledge that because she knows Gizelle and Robyn would destroy her if she tried to talk to them like she did Katie. 


It just felt very low the way Ashley kept going at her. I don't feel it was warranted based on what Katie had said. Especially the stuff about the restaurant. That felt like splitting hairs. I was happy to see Katie getting her jabs in, especially the "maybe I didn't mean to call you dumb, maybe I meant to call you stupid." I also loved that the women seemed to rally around her at the end when Ashley mentioned her mental health. Based on what we know this WAS an incredibly rough period for Katie. She's been in court fighting her rich ex to see her kids and that costs money. I'm not surprised she's in the state she is. 


The one thing that's bothering me is that this could've been avoided had Gizelle not said anything. I don't think it was major enough to tell Ashley, especially considering they ALL say things. Gizelle loves to run and tell the slightest thing to start drama. I was happy Karen gathered her and I hope Robyn doesn't back down and lets her have it next week.

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Ashley went for the lowest of low blows with Katie (attacking her mental health), but I’m glad Katie stood her ground.


I really should go back and watch earlier seasons. I’ve found this season really entertaining even without that background, and I can only imagine how much better it would have been.

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I thought Katie more than held her own against Ashley last night, that’s why Ashley had to start going low. I guess she thought Katie would just back down. As you guys have mentioned, Ashley didn’t even acknowledge when it was pointed out and then confirmed by Robyn that they all talked [!@#$%^&*].

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Ashley was so horrible and nasty but Katie sure got her ass together! Katie to Ashley: "You are stupid and you are dumb" LOL...I also liked when Katie later apologized for calling her dumb and said she should have just said stupid


Katie asked her to her face if Michael was gay so I dont get why Ashley is acting like Katie didnt say anything to her but rather went behind her back

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I can only echo what you guys said here about Ashley.  I dont have an ounce of sympathy for her. Shes a typical bully targeting the person she perceives to be the weakest in the group. Last year she did it to Monique and Karen. Good for Katie, as fucked up as she is, to put Ashley in her place with economic lucidity. I hate that Ashley runs her off the island next week and that Katie wont be at reunion to call her out. Also hate that the monstrous Gizelle won't get called out either. Ashley isn't scared of her, exactly,  but she needs an ally, as lousy as Giz is. Oh and the "sexy' outfit Ashley wore for Michael? YAWN. Stop trying to convince us of your fiery-hot heteronormative chemistry. You're both trying too hard.

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