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These bitches (Kyle, Lisa R with a side of Eileen and Lisa V) group crying and being a bunch of me-victim hypocrites after Lisa's assault. Ugh. I'm so Team Brandi, Kim and Yolanda right now.

Except for Kim acting like a serial killer in that car with Lisa, she's acted no different most of this season than she acted last season when nobody was doubting her sobriety. Kim has admitted she took a pill she shouldn't have and it had a bad result. Lisa wants blood from her for some reason and is going to everybody to attempt to get toothpicks to stab and drain Kim of blood with. What's the harm of what a "concerned" Lisa is doing? Look at the internet, everybody is taking Lisa's word as the gospel even though it's arguable that except for one relatively minor episode, Kim is acting no different than last season. That's hurtful and harmful to Kim and Kim's family. Even if Lisa's right about her sobriety, you're basically putting her dirt on television like it's your religion, like it's a discussion board and it's the soap you love discussing. That's not helpful. How does that even begin to be helpful?

I don't dislike Lisa, but calling that chit she's been doing to Kim right in any way? Pfft.


At the beginning of this season, I think I said Eileen was the better addition to the cast. I take that back. Eileen is like a cool dork stuck in a horror house, but once you start pulling the curtain threads back and off from Lisa Rinna - that looks like a royal mess. Maybe it's Kim hinting at a mess that makes me think that - but now I really do think that. [Hmm, Lisa getting some of the harm that results in one spreading what one believes to be "founded" rumors]. I wonder if Harry is going to be down with her doing another season.

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I almost feel bad for Kim as she's getting dragged left and right all over the place tonight. I'd worry about her seeing all the hateful comments but then I remember she has the mental capacity of a 9 year old and is probably too busy eating glitter and talking to turtles. God bless her.

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Some were doubting her sobriety at that time too, I think.

The main problem with Kim and Brandi in terms of viewers is they burnt away most of their goodwill, so anything they do or say is suspect beyond their hardcore fan base. Kim is good at playing games with people in the cast (Brandi...not so much), which means she never really gets her feet to the fire. Even now she really didn't. I do think it will reach a point where she and the others can't keep filming together.

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I didn't expect the execution to be the way it was. Lisa completely opened herself up and gave background for her concern and she apologized AGAIN and was trying to move on. I didn't expect THAT to cause the confrontation. Kim has always been a completely nasty monster who has gotten a pass time and time again from these women for YEARS. This was just her exploding at another level and finally people weren't afraid to call her out. I hope for the first time this is a reunion where people don't coddle her and actually go in and let have. If she claims to be sober then she can own up to her behavior and take it. And I'm sorry but she is NOT sober. This is season 2 all over again. She is a hot ass mess and she is nothing like she was last season. I also think her level of defense is up because she doesn't like being called out. Nobody has been gossiping about her or being mean, they've all gone directly to her face and asked her. Simply asking her is enough to cause her to go crazy because she knows she's full of it.

I hope the final episodes are an absolute dragging of Kim! Then I need them to scalp her at the reunion. I've been ready for this for years!!!

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The sh-t went down on the first night within the first 10 minutes!

I cant beleive Kim took Rinna's heartfelt revelation and turned it into something ugly. What we saw tonight at the table was one of the most vile disgusting display of any US housewife ever. She was worse than Brandi if that is even possible. The stuff she was saying was calculated and cruel and it was evil. Brandi has rubbed off on her and in a bad way. If I were Rinna, Id have dragged her across the table. I guess we can see why Kim was kept on instead of fired bc she earned her keep here



When Kim tried to come for ED, I love how ED was like dont try it. She messed with the wrong one here. Kim may think she's fine bc she's not drinking but she is clearly taking something. She is high on medication

I feel for Kyle. She is right in that Kim wants her to defend her as a sister, but her behavior is indefensible. She's in a hard place and Kim does treat her like crap and in publicly. With that said, there is something irksome about her and her ability to always play up the victim role for sympathy even if it is warranted

Rinna: "last time I rode something that big was Harry last week" LOL.


"I never pass up a piece of cake...............ever" She is so dramatic! LOL

I liked the episode as well even though not much happened. LMAO at you comparing Dawn's baby plotline to an American soap. She is like a RC character and I feel like Im watching GH!

LeAnn is coming across so much better in recent episodes. Not as hard and she's showing a softer side to her.

Show needs more Magali.

IA on Ampika. She has good talking heads too like when she said it was just another episode in the life of Dawn and she wasnt interested...lol

Edited by Cheap21
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Kim: there is nothing redeeming about this piece of trash. She is a waste of (damaged) skin and is no nasty that I can't even comprehend how Kyle has tolerated her all these years. She is a filthy, dangerous, stupid, addict. Let's call a spade a spade, she hasn't been sober on this show ever and anyone whose going to believe her is out to lunch. Kim did not admit that she shouldn't have taken Monty's medication: she excused it by saying it didn't agree with her and she wound up in the hospital. She never admitted that taking a pill not prescribed for her was wrong. There's no way she believes that herself. She is such a messy addict that she's in denial about everything. She didn't make a lick of sense when she was saying that she lashed out because it was about her kids. First of all, she's been the worst thing to happen to her kids, and secondly, she didn't connect anything logically together. And of course she can't because her brain is fried. Her behaviour to Eileen was especially bad. Kim goes for the cheap shots like any highschool bitch. And she's not sophisticated enough to play on the big leagues. She's a washed up child actress with sun damage, major addiction issues and a crappy rental house in the wrong side of the canyons with a dog she couldn't handle after it mauled a friend and a niece. Kim is a failure.

Eileen: it makes sense that she's a great actress: she's tuned into her emotions. Kim was just awful to her but Eileen got right under her skin by not showing the slightest hint that Kim intimidated her. Eileen is frosty, in control and nobody's fool. She is a straight up, stand up woman. She fought back at that table smoothly and calmly and didn't let anyone shake her.

Lisa R: she went nuclear and I only wish her hand had connected with Kim's smug face. She showed some restraint in a vile situation. She apologized to Kim and then she got attacked with typical LA bullsh*t about Harry. And then she calmly took Kim's nonsense, producer dictated apology and got on with things. She shows a remarkable ability to move on.

Kyle: I have never been a Kyle fan, and I'm still not, but I echo what Eileen said: I don't know how she puts up with it because Kim is awful to her. It was hilarious that Kyle ran and then glanced back at the camera to make sure her dramatics were properly captured. She's an attention whore, of that there is no doubt, but I get Kyle's Struggle and she's cast herself as the heroine perfectly.

Brandi: credit to her, she just sat there quietly and didn't stir things up much. Her outburst at the marijuana bakery was weird, she clearly has a lot of rage bottled up.

Lisa V: she glided through this episode and showed the kind of English resolve that got them through WWII. She was right that the women needed to pull it together. She was also solid in defending Kyle and effortlessly highlighting to the viewer that she's seen Kim's evil crap for years. Lisa's disdain for Kim makes total sense, it always has, and this episode cemented it.

Yolanda: her mom and brother seemed lovely and she seemed so happy to be home and she was right in how she told Kim she was wrong.

Next week looks good, if Brandi doesn't slap Lisa V in jest I don't know how I'll bottle my rage!

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Preach! Kim is an awful, awful woman and I don't blame Kyle for giving up. My partner and I were discussing this afterwards, and we came to the conclusion and this has continued to be so ugly between the Richards sisters these past 5 years because Kyle dared to reveal the big family secret in season one --- that Kim is an unstable lush who everyone has been coddling and picking up after for YEARS. I'm sure Kathy doesn't appreciate that Kyle allowed that tidbit to air on camera because that has now been sloppy Kimmy's storyline since.

Kim's nastiness to Eileen is just unnecessary. Calling her "that thing sitting over there" afterwards, and the blow-up at the table.... Oh, I cannot wait for Eileen's intelligent, icy retort at the reunion. After five long seasons, Kim Richards needs a verbal beat down. Even Kyle admitted on the phone on WWHL last night that she and Kim hadn't seen each other in FOUR MONTHS before filming the reunion. Kyle may play the victim, but I think this millstone around her neck known as Kim finally needs to be taken off and the old mule can go at it alone.

Meanwhile, Brandi's all butthurt because the ladies are putting on an innocent persona for the sake of the cameras (and their families) by acting coy at the sight of pot/weed/hash/etc. Whatevs...

Apparently, there's a big bombshell that comes out near the end of the reunion. Kyle alluded to something on her WWHL phone call.... I'm going to predict that Lisa Rinna admits that there's been some infidelity in her marriage with Harry, but I could be wrong.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Another fantastic, brilliant winner of a post!

Please DO elaborate on that if at all possible :)

I am DYING. I can't. I CAN'T. This is almost as entertaining as the show itself!

The only thing I have to add is that Brandi's impression of Lisa V smoking pot was hilarious. Golden.

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