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Guiding Light discussion thread

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I realize I am indulgent toward Marj but that's why, as horrified as I was at the time and still am by this atrocious scene, I do not put the blame entirely on her.

Everything - from the stage direction to the acting of everyone else - is just messy and over-the-top. I have to conclude it was the choice and instructions of the director, presumably to express chaos but it came off... very badly. I don't know who directed this but I'd put it at their feet, mostly.

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Finished watching the WONDERFFUL DaytimeStarsandStrikes Event that Alan Locher so lovingly put on. He did a GREAT job and I told him so in private messages. He appreciated it. SO many of our beloved GL stars appeared. Too many to mention. It is a must see on Youtube. Any GL fan has to watch. Huge huge respect to Alan Locher. He has done so much for daytime, especially during this pandemic. 


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