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Paul Raven

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MADD just loved her forumla and Manny were one of them, despite them not working after the recast. Would have loved to see Danny with a renewed hardscrabble Cassie..and think it would be hilarious to see Carmen threaten a scowling screeching Cassie.


Why do some soap viewers invest so much in a couple despite recasts and not working and its just tired and over with?

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I'm too. I was hoping he would get Denise since she made those videos covering her time on GL. But maybe Lisa will part of it and hasn't been confirmed yet? I remember for the AW reunion it wasn't mentioned Anna Holbrook was joining until Alan announced when the reunion started. 

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Terrible as Greenlee but I can see her as Michelle Bauer.




Holy cow Elvera Roussel and Denise Pence? AND Michael Tylo? I've died.


I was hoping for Denise Pence too. I remember her being active on YouTube. Hopefully Lisa will be. Unfortunately though I think a lot of the older actors aren't necessarily YouTube/internet savvy. Not saying that applies to her, but a lot goes into these chats, LOL. So I think we may need to remember that when we wonder about where someone is. I'm crossing my fingers she's a surprise like Anna Holbrook was. I was over the moon to see Holbrook. 




Elizabeth Hubbard, Anna Holbrook, etc. all look FABULOUS. 

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Denise Pence looks amazing in that thumbnail. I wish she had been brought back to GL but it was so far gone from what it was ... Elvera and Hope would have been great to have over the years. I know many cling to Maureen as the matriarch and she was wonderful in that spot but I wanted more for Maureen (especially seeing the chemistry she had with Michael Zaslow in 1992) than stuck in a marriage to boring Ed when I'm watching now. Hope would have sufficed. Matriarch of the Bauer AND Spaulding clans? Sign me up. Of course Alex is the matriarch but you know Hope would have been there. Sigh. What could have been if a writer cared more about the history of the show.


Watching the Santos family reunion now. Another one who looks amazing: Saundra Santiago. Paul looks good too and Jordi always does. Jordi looks better scruffy, IMO. I don't often say that.


I know the Santos clan is hated. I share that hatred. But I really like each and every actor that was in the family. I have nothing against them.


What pisses me off is the lack of ability to truly introduce a diverse family onto a show. Carmen Santos could have been a much better, less one-note character who could have been a bitch to be reckoned with for YEARS. PAS and Laura Wright had chemistry and they should have used that. Danny and Cassie made FAR more sense. And you have Father Ray, who could have been a symbol of the early years of the show. But ... nope. The writing sucked. Only Danny lasted because of PAS. Why is a hispanic family wasted as mobsters? That's my big gripe.


And then they introduced the Boudreau's, who could have really been interesting, had the writers wanted to actually write for Black people. They didn't. Mel was instantly paired with Rick. No drama over their mixed relationship from what I recall. If there was it was a blip on the radar.


Felicia could have had a past with Alan or Roger. What if Remy was their son? And he were gay? And Felicia didn't approve but Clayton did (yes I'm kinda channeling Haves and Have Nots, just less ... ugly), etc. Or vice versa. But ... nope. They were replacements for Vivian, Charles, Vicky and David (although Charles appeared for several years after that I believe, in pop up spots at Cedars). 


I do believe they had some writing for them with Richard Biggs and Shari Headley in the roles but they were ultimately wasted and wisely bailed. What a waste of them! 


And Vicky Spaulding was a non-entity. Lost potential.


Circling back to Hispanic families on soaps, you have Y&R introduce the Rosale clan. Shove them down our throats and expect us to care about them without actually writing for them as characters and giving them depth. Arturo wasn't hated when he was boning Nikki and circling around Abby. Rey fills a purpose I suppose but he's not being written for. Mia had the most potential so of course she, the woman, was fired. Lola could have been a bitch but she had to be written all over the place and now she likely has one foot out the door. Shame all around.


See a pattern? Anywho ... sorry about that but just been on my mind lately.


Really? Lord ... no.


While the show still looked very good under him, you could see a shift from even Jill's years where she did some refreshes and got rid of a few sets but it wasn't nearly as bad. It was actually weird watching a 1999 episode and remembering the diner still around, etc. I just got so numb and used to like no sets that I was sadly surprised they were still around when I was actually watching.


Sets matter on soaps (and shows). You'd think they'd know that. They matter. It's familiarity. I think that's also contributed heavily to what loses folks over the years. They turn on the show, see tons of people they don't know running around sets they don't remember. You don't give The Golden Girls a new set and expect it to work the same (it didn't).

Edited by KMan101
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