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Dear God in Heaven this article (second tweet down). Apparently, the state of Mississippi's idea of sex education is to give girls a piece of tape and tell them if they have premarital sex they will be used up just like the tape. I knew it was bad, but this is next level ignorance. It must be truly shocking for them when teenagers turn up pregnant.  Needless to say they don't offer real help when the inevitable happens.  Harris is right. How DARE they. If the plan is to keep people in deep poverty they should change absolutely nothing.


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A video is going around showing Miss Madison, naked, humping another guy's face. Madison claims this was years ago and was two friends joking (ladies, if your man is humping another man while naked, then unless you're in on it, I'd say it's not a good sign!)

This is one of those cases where I said it would happen and I wish I'd been wrong, both because nobody needs to see that and because it's just further normalizing homophobia. It's obvious that this is just going to escalate. He is the  dumbest kind of moron - the one who believes he is indestructible.  That means a  paper trail. I imagine even more is out there and it will keep coming unless he drops out of office. 

Edited by DRW50
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Yes. At first I felt a certain joy that this hypocrite is being exposed. It's clear he's being shamed for being gay and not for the hypocrisy at this point. It's really ugly to watch.

Meanwhile, none of us are surprised by this:


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Yglesias was one of the "sensible" voices  who used to go on about Republicans no longer focusing on social issues. Conveniently, no mention of that these days. 

I saw this as well:

There was an article about how tech companies and business are not prepared for what will happen once these laws pass and Roe falls, as they will be obligated to turn over records and dig into the histories of women who have miscarriages, and so on. I guess this is also why they have gone on and on about the evils of big tech - to brainwash the public and their media flacks into being fine with this. 

All I can think with the homophobia is how much worse this would be if it was not a big conservative "hero" - the way  they treated  Andrew Gillum, or even the digs at Pete Buttigieg, who has tried so very  very hard to be the model gay, really stands out. 

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Yesterday I Googled 'how to leave the U.S.' - how to give up citizenship - best countries.  I would never in my life have thought I would do such a thing.  But that's how I feel right now.  I feel like we are off of our rails, and honestly that it's the end.  It's the end of the United States as we knew it.

I do not think people in this country really know that history happens every single day.  It's not just something you read about or study in history.  It's happening RIGHT now.  And the history that we're laying has gone so far backward as a society - and people are just letting it happen - that I truly believe it's over.  It makes me laugh that the religious zealots - I remember - when Obama was elected they were circulating flyers about the 1000 reasons Obama was the anti-christ.  All the crazies.  And looked right past Trump like he was some wonderful loving, Godly creature.  I am Christian, happen to be Gay, and it astounds me the ignorance of people.  

For months I thought - if I was younger.  If I was younger I'd figure this out and leave.  Just in the past few days I thought - why does my age matter?  What would being younger do?  Dude, look into it - why worry about your age?  Get the Hell out.  People can say it's an over-reaction if they want. But for me - the feeling in this country, the choosing of guns over life - of calling whatever you want (masks, vaccines) - your personal freedoms that should not be touch - hey, get off my body I ain' takin' no vaccine......but then GOING AFTER WOMEN'S BODIES?!  And thinking that's OK??  It's barbaric to me.   I don't know what people are looking at - the Republican party is pure EVIL to me and it makes me laugh when I see the garbage of them spewing that Democrats want to destroy the country.  You HAVE GOT to be JOKING.  They get mad when you say they're all a bunch of Bigots, white supremacists, hateful bunch.  Well what does it look like?

So I found that Belize, Portugal, and Costa Rica are looking pretty good and I'm going to look further into that.  

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I couldn't be happier. It was so bizarre to see people online acting like Turner had a chance. You wouldn't have even known she was running until the last two weeks before. No ads, no mailers, no real outreach other than some texts. Then two weeks ago she dropped a bunch of really janky attack ads aimed at people too stupid to know how anything works. Nina Turner is truly one of the most inept campaigners I've ever witnessed.

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I knew she would lose but by 30 points?! That was glorious! Even better is how the loss just made her spin off into further craziness.


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