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That line a few weeks ago at the first debate where Biden defended Hunter despite his addictions as Trump attacked him hit very hard with parents and families, given the opioid crisis in this country. It was one of many moments that made that night a disaster for Trump. Rudy's latest attempt at a Hunter story also failed, but these details IMO may make it even worse for the Trump people.



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Says a lot that they think that this story somehow reflects badly on Joe Biden.


In political news from my part of the world, the Nats (New Zealand's right wing party) are going down in flames in the election. Labour might win by a big enough margin to win the majority outright and avoid a cooperation government with the Greens.

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The closer the election gets, the more the media fears losing their money train, and the more they are desperate to make the story all about themselves and about how special and brave they are. They hate us and they don't care if we drop dead. Expect a lot more of this:




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