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Most successful soap returns

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Which Sheila return?

Spring 1992, Sheila revealed to have escaped from the fire on Y&R and then moves over to B&B.

Fall 1995 Bradley brought Sheila back because B&B was tanking.

Then there were B&B returns in 2002, 2003, 2017, and Y&R return in 2005.

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Meg Harper's return to Love of Life in 1975.  A major character who had been gone 20 years and hardly mentioned, returned and immediately assumed major character status again.  Head-writer Claire Labine made Love of Life compelling must-see drama for her short tenure on the show.

And Iris Wheeler's return to Another World in 1988.  Iris had been gone for eight years, and Harding Lemay plotted Iris's return perfectly. Little did the audience know, she had been involved in a major long-running plot (behind the scenes). Sadly -- if I'm not mistaken -- Iris's return episode was the final episode written by Harding Lemay.  New writers took over the next day.  Can anyone confirm if I am correct about this?  

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GL: Holly's return at the Bauer front door Christmas 1988 wishing Ed a Merry Christmas... was a great start of bringing back two popular characters from the 70s.  Her return helped usher back in Roger's return a few months later.

AMC: Jesse/Angie's return in 2008 only worked because the headwriters that ushered their return happened to know those characters from their stint head-writing Loving.

Days: Marlena's return in 1991 caused a ratings bump to #2 for a few weeks and helped usher in the next era of the show that led to Sami/Carrie/Austin, amongst other stories.


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Y&R: I would say on Y&R bringing back Diane in 1996 and Brad in 1998, despite the slow starts, definitely got the ball rolling again for the many of show’s biggest storylines from 1997-2004ish.

Not a traditional return per se but ED’s return to the role of Ashley completely rejuvenated the character in 1999. When ED first left the role in ‘88, Ashley was Y&R’s #2 leading lady after Nikki. When BE left the role in ‘95, Ashley was like #5 behind Nikki, Victoria, Nina, and Dru. When SS left the role, Ashley was basically at the bottom lol, far behind eve mid to lower tier ladies like Megan, Tricia, Grace, heck even Callie at that point. ED successfully turned Ashley back into a top tier character again despite being in storyline hell at the beginning.

ATWT: Carly’s 1997 return essentially started a storyline that would last til the end and her return came at a time when the show was really bad; same goes for better for worse for Holden’s return earlier that same year.

Days: Don’t think I saw anyone mention it yet, but Nicole’s return in 2008 completed turned around and gave new life to a dead end character that I didn’t think we’d ever see again when JER had let Nicole wither out with a blink if you miss it line about Nicole leaving town in early 2006. 

GL: Probably not as popular lol but I actually liked Rick’s return and also the revelation about Rick and Annie’s past. Not to mention I was a big fan of Rick and Abby I’m sorry the show just wasn’t able to sustain it long-term or keep them as the tent pole couple they should have been. 

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If I'm not mistaken, this is when the 88 writer's strike happened just as Harding Lemay was getting started again. I would have loved to see what he would have done long-term. Although I believe, not sure if it's confirmed, that a lot of Donna Swajeski's material at the beginning was based on long-story already written by Lemay.

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Yes, that first return was incredible. Kristen's romance with Brady, her sexual assault of Eric, Victor and Marlena blowing up the wedding, Kristen and Marlena's confrontation - it was an umbrella storyline that enhanced the show incredibly. And yes, it won Eileen her first Emmy.

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GH - Scotty's return catching the bouquet at Luke and Laura's wedding was not only epic (and a terrific unspoiled surprise) but it also marked the real start of Scott as a villain and opportunist, putting him in cahoots with the likes of Heather Webber and Susan Moore and, eventually, Lucy Coe. The "honorable" Scott started to come back when he fell in love with Dominique. Since I can't speak to the last 2 decades or so (not watching), that earlier period of time saw him go from the extremes of too nice/bland to lying manipulator/*hole to a more shades-of-grey character, definitely leaving his mark in (and on) Port Charles.

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