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Y&R - Returns for 50th Anniversary revealed

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I know it’s the Sony element, but it amazes me they still won’t bring her back yet she works year round for them directing and acting in their streaming movies. Hell, they put her on one of their prime time shows, but they still wanna be petty about Y&R? They’ve be lucky to have her. 

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I like these returns.  As much as I would love to see Victoria Rowell return, I unfortunately don't see it happening or her having much of a story since Neil has died and her sister is not in town. I do wish they would bring Doug Davidson back as Paul, even if it is long enough to have him wrap up his storyline with Lauralee Bell's Christine, if they plan to reunited Danny and Cricket. 

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Unfortunately the last time I recall Redd’s Mamie being used was in 2003/2004 when Mamie was telling Jack to be a father to Kyle and let Diane back into the Abbott fold after Diane bailed out Jabot’s losses from some leftover money from her divorce settlement with Victor….but I don’t ever recall Mamie interacting with Devon or a young CK Lily at all. Of course Mamie served as the middle person between Olivia and Malcom by allowing Malcolm to see Nate in secret but ugh. I think writing Mamie out in 1995 was damaging to the character as even though Mamie was brought back in 1999 she literally had almost nothing to do.


Leanna Love and Nina are two iconic Y&R characters that should have never written off. 

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Veronica Redd is only 74. I had in my mind she would be much older by now.

It would be great to see Victoria/Dru back-maybe a fantasy sequence where Lily imagines her mom was still alive.

As for VR coming back full time,I think the ship has sailed. It would mean another BFTD story and with the current writing that would be awful. And I'm sure they're nervous in the current climate to have an outspoken actress whose views are known. They'd be tip toeing around to accommodate her. Better in their minds to avoid any possible issues.

It's a pity they wait for special events to bring people back. Should be part of day to day storytelling. A lot of actors seem quite happy to pop in.

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Where are the Brooks sisters? Barbara Crampton - blah. Never liked her. This is the 50th for god sake. I hope there are 'surprise' visits that they haven't released yet. This list is so dull. Where's Victoria Rowell? I realize that they've already produced the anniversary shows. What a waste of an opportunity to celebrate 50 years on tv. Thumbs DOWN!

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The biggest problem is that these are merely returns. There are no stories here. Nothing is ramping up or coming to a climax or kicking off a new story. They will all just show up to do absolutely nothing. Y&R is coasting on nostalgia and familiarity, there is nothing to discuss about the current day to day plots.

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So true, Danny shows up then Christine makes one of her rare appearances to sit on a sofa and have some flashbacks and that's it.

Heather appears to tell Daniel she's moved on and that's it.

At least one of these returns should have some sort of purpose or impact beyond getting a chance to see what the actor looks like these days.

I thought about using the 50th to reveal that Brock had died -maybe a bit morbid but a chance to celebrate Beau Kayzer who was there on and off for many years.

He was connected to a lot of the cast.

Friend and confidante to Lorie/Leslie/Nikki/Jill/Casey/Gina/Julia/Ashley etc so plenty of opportunities for returns and flashbacks. Father of Mac-wouldn't it be great to get Ashley B to return?

Leslie and Lorie return and John McCook and Tom Hallick appear as Brad and Lance and it's revealed that those couples reconciled.

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I agree with this. I feel like Heather's return in particular, could've given them quite a bit of story. They've established Daniel was neglectful of his family to the point he ran them off. That should be your story! Have them move back to town and we should be watching him fight to get them back. We should also see the impact it has on Lucy having her father pretty much abandon her. Just saying Heather found someone new off screen is a cop out. Why not bring her back with the new beau to create more tension for them?

Although the show isn't well written, I love how Days does short term returns for legacy characters. It gives you a chance to enjoy them again, even if it's in small chunks. I'd prefer a short term story to these walk on appearances that Y&R prefers.

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