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Y&R April 2022 Discussion Thread

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Then they had the nerve I believe in a scene at Crimson Lights Nina was encouraging Phillip flirt back with some guy. I was like "Really?" I was also surprised when Katherine told Phillip that his son was raised by Ryan which surprised me since they hadn't mentioned him in years. 

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If I were hopping aboard Y&R as their new HW or EP, I would MAKE bringing back Phillip Chancellor a top priority.  I didn't care for his back-from-the-dead story (which I jokingly guessed (minus the "gay part") weeks before it hit the air, btw) but he's out there, he still has ties to GC and (unlike a certain, former "naked heiress" who shall remain nameless) I think he still has story potential, too, even under those weird circumstances.

And even though I'd be VERY reluctant not to recast Phillip, if bringing back TB were part of the bargain that I'd have to strike with CBS or Sony, then fine, I'll work with what (little) I've got.  But my point is, if they went to the trouble of bringing Phillip back from the dead (and as a gay man), then they need to use him.

And Jill!  They need to use Jill, too!  I've always held in my back pocket a story where Jill loses everything and has to go back to working in a salon to survive.

Edited by Khan
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I think Jill has plenty of story potential in her but I think JW is happier the way her life is now so I don't think we will ever see her in a full-on heavy story again.

I agree with you about Philip; just like I feel about Diane. I hate the stat someone mentioned above because as I said back when Diane's return was rumored, I concur that all of this doesnt feel very YR at all.
But now that it is canon, then let's make use of it and there is potential.

That said, they have dozens of second and third generations characters they should be building up to take over once the veterans start walking away and while we talk a lot about Abby, it is striking how absolutely zero of the newer generation characters have worked: Chance, Scotty, Fen, Noah, Heather etc.
A good writing should hit reset on all these characters and rebuild them into something interesting. No offense to anyone but nostalgia for Bell Y&R is not going to sustain the show for much longer as these veterans age and retire if there is no newer generation to take over.
And the new generation need the veterans to be still around while they are being grounded. If they don't do it now, it will be soon too late

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The actors are trying but because I never liked the Rey character nor saw any chemistry between he and Sharon, his offscreen death is leaving me cold. Maybe they’ll say Ashland went ahead and murdered him for some reason to do something with the story. I did however enjoy the scene of Nick telling Sharon.

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It really does seem stupid not to show him occasionally after they jumped through so many illogical hoops to resurrect him from the dead.  In my opinion, Bierdz's acting has declined to the point where he's more of a liability than an asset, but I believe he should be given a few lines of dialogue a year to remind us, "Here's this once-popular legacy character who's Jill's son and Billy's brother and Chance's father, whom you believed to be dead for 20 years, but now he's alive and well and running a bar in Australia!"  It's absurd to resurrect him and then HIDE him from the viewers completely.  If he were needed in an actual storyline on an ongoing basis, they should probably recast the part with an actor who has more refined skills and less personal baggage.  But either way -- original actor or recast -- he shouldn't be completely invisible to the audience 100% of the time.    

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There was finally some actual dramatic music to go along with the scene as well of Nikki seeing Diane as well.

Nikki’s reaction to learning of Deacon’s involvement was priceless.

The Nick and Sharon scenes were solid but the whole thing really does sound false. Sharon talking about Rey as if he was her dog that passed or maybe a friend, but not her husband. It’s unfortunate Sharon mentioned Rey’s relatives but didn’t mention Mia at all. I wonder how she would have reacted to Rey’s passing. 

I guess this goes to show on how little impact Rey had on the overall show. Too bad Chelsea wasn’t in the car with him. 

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At the very least, Chelsea and Rey could have kissed just seconds before a distracted Rey crashed his car and died.  That way, Chelsea would have felt extremely guilty for her part in his death.

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They really could/should both have died potentially en route to embarking on an affair, and that could have spurred story for multiple people as Adam tries to prove his ex and the mother of his child was deliberately murdered by Hashland Block [misspelling intentional], Sharon gets involved on her end (but not necessarily fùcking Adam again), etc.

Nothing of value is lost if Chelsea dies.

IMO virtually all of Sharon's non-Newman love interests in the last 10 years or so are immaterial. They come and go with little trace or impact, because the show isn't committed to Sharon with or about anyone but Nick or to a lesser extent Adam. Meanwhile Nick continues to trundle around the sets looking like an ex-football player at a gridiron bash and sleeping with whoever while Sharon just sort of is relegated to the forever tease. It's a waste.

If it was up to me I'd just cement her with one of the two brothers, Nick or Adam, leave it there and move forward. I personally don't really like Nick or want them back together, but it's clear the show will never give up the tease. So why not just fulfill it and end this? With certain couples, it's a waste of time, resources and ability, and diminishing returns, to not just enmesh them for good and work from there. Nick and Sharon are by no means comparable to Mac and Rachel on AW, but that show knew when they had something that they'd only diminish further by doing stupid shít. How many more random people can either of them fùck? How many more times can you play the reunion beat? Just put them back together and go from that point, and start refocusing major story on their adult children instead of them. Frankly it'd be a bit refreshing just to see them happy together in secondary canvas roles, as opposed to the dumb bullshit we've been expected to be entertained by frontburner for years.

Edited by Vee
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Even if they didn't kill Chelsea, they could have set something up that she was in the car to at least tie into the Chelsea/Rey coupling they were hinting at.

That would have given some follow through with that story  thread. As it is they spent weeks building to that and nothing eventuated.

Looking back there was no reason for Sharon and Rey to be married in the first place. it would have been natural for both of them to be gun shy of marriage and that could have played into their relationship.

Imagine if Sharon had finally agreed to marry Rey just before he bit the dust.

Now Sharon has yet another marriage under her belt.

Maybe it's time for Nick and Sharon to marry, be happy and deal with other stuff.. Go with the 'search for Sharon's dad story'.

Re Mrs Martinez-is the budget that tight that she couldn't be seen every few months and have a couple of lines?

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