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Days of Our Lives: November 2021 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, they really should've had more people at this wedding. I get that Paulina doesn't have a ton of friends or family in Salem, but you can't tell me that basically the whole town wouldn't show up for Abe. No Nicole?! Heck, Chanel doesn't even get to bring a date? I guess I should be happy Theo and Big Mama got to come back for it.

Deidre Hall is having fun and I'm here for it. MarDevil looked so pleased with the mess she created today!

Susan is unwatchable. Not because of Haiduk (I actually think she's good as Susan). The character is just annoying as hell. John was the voice of the audience when he told her to STFU because she was giving him a headache.

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I'm glad that Shawn and Belle are being utilized more.

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Thursday's episode was so poorly written (not the script but the story, outline and pacing).  Jackee's acting ticks can be annoying but she handled the choppy, dumb material fairly well. Raven has a long way to go in the acting department.  Thankfully, we didn't have to suffer through Giovanni.  Sal Stowers has never been a consistently good performer.  But her material in this episode was poor.  She has to stop interjecting "Auntie Pee" into every other line.  

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Once again, people in Salem get turned on by something that shouldn't turn them on 

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And it was great to see Eileen again. Stacy was ok, but enough is enough. Cure Kristen of her craziness and make Eileen permanent in the role.

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Either keep Eileen Davidson as Kristen, or write off Kristen for a long run, and KILL the annoying as f Susan Banks off. I haven't seen the episode yet, a few behind, but I think Sal Stowers(Lani) is a pretty good actress most of the time.  I think when she was on AMC as Cassandra she did some very good acting with the storyline with her being kidnapped into a prostitution ring.  I think Raven Bowens is doing a great job as Chanel, better all around than original Precious Way, who played Chanel more slutty.

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I thought the ending today was really good.  Not expecting that phone call to Marlena.

I loved Eileen/Drake/Deidre again today.  I am not sure why the devil thinks Kristen would be able to seduce John.  John hasn't shown attraction to Kristen in 25 years.   Well, except for that time he was trying to seduce her to get her away from Brady, but it certainly not a recent thing. I get it's a gimmick for all of them to work together, but it's not even a good plan lol.   Oh well, I have no idea why I am complaining because I liked it, but if John is sleeping with the Devil regardless wouldn't it make more sense for MarDevil to seduce him over KristenDevil?   I think I am overthinking it.

 I wouldn't even cure Kristen of her craziness.  I would just do what they need to for Eileen.  She's clearly willing to come back and swapping Kristen actresses isn't a good thing.  It's jarring and confusing and the two Kristens have different personalities and agendas.

Agreed on killing off Susan or like give her scenes with EJ or something less obnoxious.

SS was better on AMC than she is on Days.  She hasn't ever impressed me once on Days, but I do remember thinking she was decent on AMC.

I think I like PW slightly better than RB as Chanel, but they both were/are fine.  I think PW was a more natural actress but she had a bizarre way of delivering her lines that bothered me.  Very sing-songey.  RB has good chemistry with a lot of the cast and hopefully she'll grown to be a better actress.

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What is the point of this John/Kristen stuff? I get that they wanted to find a way to use both ED and SH, but John and Kristen moved on from each other years ago so this is silly to me. I guess I'm supposed to be going gaga over these scenes because omg Eileen, but yeah... no. Either bring her back as Kristen for real or don't bother.

I love Johnny and Chanel. I liked the previous Chanel too, but this current actress made me forget all about her. She's not necessarily a master thespian, but she has good chemistry with everyone. She and Johnny are hot. Come on DAYS, I want a full-blown love scene.

I wasn't expecting the Sami cliffhanger, so that was cool.

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I am confused about the John/Kristen stuff as well.  SH's Kristen hasn't shown an inkling of interest in John and obviously John barely showed interest in Kristen when they were together.  He was lusting after Marlena for almost all of their relationship.  So I don't understand the devil using her to corrupt him.  It's not really Kristen so how mad is Marlena going to be after all this?  She's going to do awful stuff because the devil made her do it so why would John be held responsible for anything the devil made him do?  It doesn't make sense as a plan.  I guess I don't understand what the repercussions are if John is seduced by Kristen.  It's not really Kristen lol.

But I did like the scenes and thought they were entertaining.  I wish there was more of Eileen and Deidre because I think they have the best chemistry.  Oh well it was a gimmick and I was entertained.  None makes a bit of sense though and is overall pointless.

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Yeah, even ED's Kristen had moved on from John. Kristen has been obsessed with Brady for nearly a decade now, so this feels so random. I so loved ED's Kristen with Brady, can we get him tied up instead?

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 There really are no consequences if John gets "seduced" by devil-Kristen because he's tied up and helpless. What is he supposed to do? Kind of like how there was that weird line the other day about how she was successful in seducing Eric. Girl, you drugged and raped him. This is all really bizarre but I guess we're just supposed to enjoy getting to see Eileen because that is really what these scenes are about, lol. 

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I tried to watch this show, starting by the first episode with Mardevil returning. It was fun for maybe like 5 episodes... then I started wondering why Satan always gets interrupted trying to kill anyone... then it got boring really fast. It's my first time watching this... so maybe it's something I don't get. My impression is that this show is extremely cheap looking. Almost disgusting. I hate the lighting and the way it's shot. Also some of the actors are out of control bad. The young ones. The older are actually pretty good. I loved Marlena and I just would return to watch old episodes just for her. But it's scary badly written. Sorry if I'm offending anyone... I actually am still trying to watch it... but nothing is happening. I expected Satan to be more powerful than that. They make him look like a dumb blonde, always talking to herself and explaining to herself what happened 5 minutes ago.

In a way... it's so bad... I think that If I watch it for 10 more episodes... I will love it. And I am masochist enough to do it... 

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