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GH May 2021 Discussion

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GH having three of the five leading ladies noms is pretty sweet - especially considering Maura could have easily been up there too and LW has had many nods under her belt as well. So fascinating to think back of the Pratt/Guza vision for the show and realize that GH now has the strongest "women over 40" lineup of all the soaps. Talk about irony.
I am happy for JPS as well.
The less said about the Emmys that MB and SB being again nominated in the leading men category the better but good for Dominic. And Kober... no words.

Quite the acting tally for GH overall.


Yeah it is not that Y&R has never done it - it is just that it is a different type of villain from the kind of kingpin - Cyrus, Archer, Peter to name the latests - that GH does. They are more psycho/manipulators.

And they haven't done any in a long long time and I blame Victor for it - you can't have a proper villain with suspense if Victor is ALWAYS going to come out on top. See what happened with Chelsea.

Anyway this is the GH thread. I do think GH relies TOO MUCH on having one villain everyone battles against, particularly when they always end up tyring back to Sonny/Jason.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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And already making this Brando/Sasha twist better with her presence. Unlike Gladys. I hope she stays more involved going forward.


Meanwhile...this week has been a chore. It just felt like there was no flow to it. Just plot points thrown at the wall to see what will stick. Thankfully, that appears to be shifting. But it's the first bad week for me since the week after the double wedding. 


Jason/Sam/Britt was interesting to me. The fact she tracked him down and sabotaged Dante. See...conflict!!! Anyway, there was some great subtext going on that I cannot wait to see more of it once this on-the-run story is over. 


I get that Jax has to be able to be Carly's conscience in this mob storyline. How about...we let Carly be Mob Bitca??? No backpedaling into wishy-washy Carly. No thank you.





Edited by Taoboi
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I have always found SBu hot and I used to feel ashamed of that because I hate Jason most of the time.  He's a good looking man.  I prefer his less bulked up look of the late 90's/early 2000's, but he's still got it.  

I like Jason/Britt.  Steve seems to have some of his spark back.  I am glad we finally got away from JaSam for awhile.  It dragged on for years too long.

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