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Days: April 2021 Discussion Thread

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RSW is so hot.  I don't like Ben but I genuinely hate Ciara more.  She's being a screeching harpy that is leaving the country to avoid her problems.  And dragging Theo into it all.  I know Theo is willing, but everyone probably just needs to take a breath on this and not make huge life decisions.  I know, I know VK is leaving, but she was better off dead.

Ben with Claire is not a good idea at all.  They are as exciting as Allie and Tripp.  And even though I am not a huge Claire fan, she deserves more than rapists and Ciara's leftovers.

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As usual, this is Ron's same old ploy when he frontburners rapists or serial killers: Turn any voice of reason that voices audience complaints onscreen into an irrational screeching banshee or schemer and make them the bad guy. I told you all he'd do it again.

Edited by Vee
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I got the same problem lol I like the actor but I hate the character. It happens a lot on soaps


If you ask me, since VK says she doesn't want to come back full time, they should just recast Ciara and keep her and Theo in Salem. It would be a lot better to see than the abrupt ending we're getting right now. Ben and Ciara finally have a real conflict and it's ending before it even really gets started.

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I like VK and think she is a beautiful girl with lovely hair, but I'd be fine with a recast.  The story should play out on screen.  I don't think VK has made that significant of impact on Ciara to be irreplaceable.   The only thing you would really risk losing is her chem with RSW and I think most people would be fine with her moving on from Ben.


On another note, I feel the same about GV as Eric.  It's time to re-cast.  He didn't bring anything groundbreaking to the role and Nicole is running around doing nothing, butting into other peoples lives.  


I get not re-casting Hope, although it is a noticeable absence, but pretty much everyone else is fair game to me. 

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If they write in that Hope is coincidentally in South Africa, and decides to stay there with Ciara, I'll be fine with that.


And yeah, its definitely time for a new Eric as well. Him and Nicole were finally happy and then all this happened.


In the grand scheme of things, both GV and VK weren't in the roles for that long. They can be recast, unlike KA, who's not only iconic but has been there far too long to recasted now.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The Hope stuff sort of reminds me of when WN's Roman left and no one could find him while he was missing life changing events of his ex-wife and children lol.  It's odd and poorly explained, but I assume she will eventual re-unite with Ciara off screen.   And I don't really miss Hope that much


I love GV, truly, but any hunky actor around 40-45 who looks like Ali Sweeny and Deidre Hall could play Eric.  I don't think him and AZ were that great together.  I am fine with Eric/Nicole, but they need to either break them up or recast.


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RSW is a good-looking guy - I get why he is fangirled so much - and seems like a decent guy.

Which is exactly why Ben is being written so indulgently.

Blake Ferris was a much superior actor - I thought he was hot and I'd take him over RSW personally but he wasn't "classically" handsome - and Nick was given the most unsympathetic of writing when he got his too-bad-we-made-you-a-killer second run.

And if they are worried about the Ben/Ciara chemistry if they recast, then audition the replacements with RSW and see who sparks. It is not *that* hard to make that a criteria for a recast - it shouldn't be the only one but it wouldn't be unheard of and it is better than "who looks like the previous actress" or "she's beautiful".
I mean, they hired Krista Allen as a Billie recast for God's Sake. I am sure they can have a halfway better process for Ciara.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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I am still against recasting Hope. She is too iconic as KA for one and let's be honest: they didn't know what to do with her when KA was there, which is partly why she left.
So I don't think the upsides being nearly enough to compensate for the downside. True that there is a bit of a loophole here but it would be so easily addressed with an off-hand comment with Ciara meeting her mom abroad and then explaining she is on a "case" or something.
Unsatisfying but acceptable considering the circumstances.

HOWEVER Cady McClain has proven that recasting a long-time character associated with a given actress can be done successfully. But it is lightning in a bottle and I don't think it is worth it story-wise.

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That's fair.  I wouldn't say Days has a very awesome track record with recasts.  But I am fine with it.   I would hope they go more of a Drake Hogestyn route (as in you have great chemistry with DH) instead of a Stephanie Cameron route.  But it's time to cut your losses.  Ciara has been made way too important to just let her leave with Theo, everything unresolved.

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On the other hand, since part of why she left so summarily was because she felt disrespected, one way to ensure she NEVER returns would be to recast.
I am fine with letting her cool down. Remember how adamant PR was he'd never return? And yet he did end up yielding and coming back to give Bo a proper ending.

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I think re-casting Hope is just more trouble than it's worth.  Missy left a bad taste in everyone's mouth so it was easy to accept something new for Jennifer.  KA seems obnoxious, but never really did anything wrong.   I think they could easily find an actress that's as good as KA, but she is Hope.  And if I were Days, I would just bide my time until she decides to come back.

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I must be heartless because I feel no sympathy for Ben and I’m happy that amnesiac Ciara thinks she was a dumbass for being the champion supporter and marrying a freaking serial killer. Please live happily with Theo.

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